Print Minutes Minutes Packet Return




The Board of Supervisors respects your time, and every attempt is made to accurately estimate when an item may be heard by the Board. All times specified for items on the Board of Supervisors agenda are approximate. Items may be heard later than indicated depending on the business of the day. Your patience is appreciated.

March 10, 2020
9:30 A.M.  Convene, call to order and opening ceremonies.

Inspirational Thought- "Springtime is the land of awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn." ~Lewis Grizzard, writer
John Gioia, District I Supervisor; Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor; Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor; Karen Mitchoff, District IV Supervisor; Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Staff Present:
David Twa, County Administrator
Mary Ann Mason, Deputy County Counsel
CONSIDER CONSENT ITEMS  (Items listed as C.1 through C.127 on the following agenda) – Items are subject to removal from Consent Calendar by request of any Supervisor or on request for discussion by a member of the public.  Items removed from the Consent Calendar will be considered with the Discussion Items.
PRESENTATIONS (5 Minutes Each)
PRESENTATION recognizing the 100th Anniversary of Women's Right to Vote. (Supervisor Andersen)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
PRESENTATION recognizing March 2020 as American Red Cross Month in Contra Costa County. (Supervisor Andersen)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
PRESENTATION recognizing March 2020 as Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness Month in Contra Costa County. (Supervisor Andersen)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
PRESENTATION honoring County employees for their many years of service to Contra Costa County:
  • Anthony Gomez, for his 25 years of service to Contra Costa County. (Brian Balbas, Public Works Director)
  • Cece Sellgren, for her 22 years of service to Contra Costa County and on the occasion of her retirement. (Brian Balbas, Public Works Director)
  • Susan (Sue) Guest, for her 32 years of service to Contra Costa County Public Health Nursing and on the occasion of her retirement. (Supervisor Mitchoff)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
        D. 1   CONSIDER Consent Items previously removed.
  There were no items removed for discussion.
        D. 2   PUBLIC COMMENT (2 Minutes/Speaker)
  :Mitchell: Smith., resident of Oakley, spoke on difficulties in parental separation;

Andrew O'Bryan, SEIU 2015, encouraged the Board to wrap up negotiations with In-Home Supportive Services, with a fair wage and benefits;

Antwon Cloird, Greater Richmond Interfaith Program (GRIP), spoke on concerns of the effects of the corona virus (COVID-19) on the vulnerable homeless population.

D.3  CONSIDER receiving a report regarding coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and ADOPT resolutions to proclaim the existence of a local emergency and request the Governor to proclaim a state of emergency in Contra Costa County. (David Twa, County Administrator & Anna Roth, Health Services Director)
  Speakers:  Vicky Davidson, California Nurses Association; Corey Halloran, Teamsters 856; Josh Anijer, Contra Costa Labor Council.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/92
  Resolution 2020/92
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/91
  Resolution No. 2020/91
D.4  CONSIDER adopting Resolution No. 2020/81 authorizing the issuance of a request for proposals for the sale of 1750 Oak Park Blvd., Pleasant Hill, and fix May 12, 2020, as the date for receiving proposals; AUTHORIZE the County Librarian to permanently close the Pleasant Hill Library at 1750 Oak Park Blvd. at 6:00 pm on June 3, 2020, and to execute a sublease with the City of Pleasant Hill for temporary library space; CONSIDER the environmental impact report for the Oak Park Properties Specific Plan project, and take related actions under the California Environmental Quality Act and Surplus Lands Act. (Karen Laws, Public Works Department)
  Speakers:  Darcy Mathews, resident of Pleasant Hill; Daniel Safran, Keep Our Library Open (KOLO) commentary read into record; Karen Yapp, resident of Pleasant Hill; Teresa LaCombe, resident of Pleasant Hill; Richard Offerman, KOLO; Elaine Hannah, KOLO; Jim Dexter, KOLO; Nancy Evans, KOLO; Howard Weisman, M.D.; Deborah Donovan, KOLO.

Written commentary was received from (attached):  Howard Weisman, M.D.; Deborah Donovan, Esq.; Trevor Ward; Dan and Sharon Fisher; Karen Yapp; Inkee; Shira Steinbeck; Barry Mogerman; Dick Offerman; Linda Marie John; Yeh Tung; Hava Kimmel.

AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/81
  Resolution No. 2020/81
  Draft EIR 1of 4
  Draft EIR 2 of 4
  Draft EIR 3 of 4
  Draft EIR 4 of 4
  Final EIR
  CEQA, MMRP, Statement of Overriding Considerations
  Specific Plan PUD Concept Plans
  Correspondence Received
D.5  HEARING to consider adoption of Ordinance No. 2020-12, to regulate the short-term rental of residential dwelling units in the unincorporated area of the County for periods of 30 consecutive days or less, as recommended by the County Planning Commission. (John Kopchik and Francisco Avila, Department of Conservation and Development)
  Speakers: Christine Chalmers, resident of Contra Costa; Laura Singh, resident of Kensington.

OPENED the public hearing; ACCEPTED public input; DIRECTED staff to modify the proposed ordinance to contain a 180-day limit for hosted rentals; CONTINUED the hearing to March 31, 2020 at 9:30 a.m.; and FURTHER DIRECTED staff to return to the Board with recommendations for their consideration on the regulation of the rental hosting platform(s).

  Ordinance No. 2020-12 Short-Term Rentals
  Discretionary Permit Findings
  STR Regulations in Other Jurisdictions
  BOS March 10, 2020 Presentation
        D. 6   CONSIDER reports of Board members.
  There were no items reported.
Closed Session
1. Agency Negotiators: David Twa and Richard Bolanos.
Employee Organizations: Public Employees Union, Local 1; AFSCME Locals 512 and 2700;
California Nurses Assn.; SEIU Locals 1021 and 2015; District Attorney Investigators’ Assn.;
Deputy Sheriffs Assn.; United Prof. Firefighters I.A.F.F., Local 1230; Physicians’ & Dentists’
Org. of Contra Costa; Western Council of Engineers; United Chief Officers Assn.; Contra Costa
County Defenders Assn.; Contra Costa County Deputy District Attorneys’ Assn.; Prof. & Tech.
Engineers IFPTE, Local 21; and Teamsters Local 856.
2. Agency Negotiators: David Twa.
Unrepresented Employees: All unrepresented employees.
1. Tni Jackson v. Contra Costa County, et al., Contra Costa County Superior Court Case No. C19-01759
1. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov. Code § 54956.9(d)(2): [two potential cases]
Letter from Karl Olson, Attorney for Gustave Kramer
  Today the Board and counsel will discuss two significant exposures to litigation in Closed Session.  One Concerns conditions at, and provision of medical and health services at the County jail.  The second one is a threat of litigation, which was included in the agenda packet.

There were no reports out of Closed Session.

CS.1  Letter from Karl Olson, Attorney for Gustave Kramer.
  CS letter- Karl Olson
  Adjourned today's meeting at 3:45 p.m.
Road and Transportation
C. 1  AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to advertise for the 2020 on-call sweeping services contract(s) for various road maintenance work, for routine maintenance of existing road pavement, Countywide. (100% Local Road Funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 2  AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to advertise for the 2020 on-call pavement grinding services contract(s) for various road maintenance work, for routine maintenance and repair of existing road pavement, Countywide. (100% Local Road Funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 3  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the conveyance of an easement to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District over a portion of 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez, for sewer purposes, as recommended by the Public Works Director. (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Grant of Easement
  Signed: Grant of Easement
C. 4  AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to submit comments on the California Public Utilities Commission’s proposal to sunset the Rule 20A Utility Undergrounding program, Countywide. (100% General Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Engineering Services

C. 5  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/58 Approving the Subdivision Agreement for minor subdivision MS13-00006, for a project being developed by Eugene Frederick, as recommended by the Public Works Director, Alamo area. (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution No. 2020/58
  Subdivision Agreement & Improvement Security Bond
  Signed: Resolution No. 2020/58
C. 6  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/71 approving the Parcel Map for minor subdivision MS11-00001, for a project being developed by James and Barbara DeFremery, as recommended by the Public Works Director, Knightsen area. (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution No. 2020/71
  Parcel Map
  Tax Letter & Deposit Note
  Signed: Resolution No. 2020/71
Special Districts & County Airports

C. 7  Acting as the governing body of the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the conveyance of a trail Grant easement from the County to the East Bay Regional Parks District for a portion of Stage Road fire trail in Diablo Foothills Regional Park, in connection with Stage Road Trail Slide Repair at Pine Creek Dam for maintenance purposes, as recommended by the Chief Engineer, Walnut Creek area. (100% Flood Control 3B Funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Grant of Easement
  Signed: Grant of Easement
C. 8  Acting as the governing body of the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Districts's acquisition from DLT Ventures, LLC, of real property  located at 760 Minnesota Avenue, Brentwood, for payment of $70,200, in connection with the Three Creeks Parkway Restoration Project, Brentwood area, as recommended by the Chief Engineer. (100% Drainage Area 130 Funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Grant Deed
  Right of Way Contract
C. 9  Acting as the governing body of the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chief Engineer, or designee, to execute a two-year Cooperative Agreement to provide funding in the amount of $20,000 for the Shared Temporary Deployment of Precipitation Forecasting System with Sonoma County Water Agency, East Bay Municipal Utility District, Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District, Alameda County Water District, and East Bay Dischargers Authority, Countywide. (100% Flood Control District Funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Cooperative Agreement
C. 10  AUTHORIZE the Director of Airports, or designee, to negotiate a long-term ground lease and development terms between the County, as Landlord, and Mark Scott Construction, Inc., as the developer, for approximately 11 acres of land on the west side of Buchanan Field Airport. (100% Airport Enterprise Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 11  Acting as the governing body of the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, AWARD and AUTHORIZE the Chief Engineer, or designee, to execute a construction contract in the amount of $2,596,907 with Granite Rock Company for the Three Creeks Parkway Restoration Project, Brentwood area. (100% Drainage Area 130 Funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 12  AUTHORIZE the Director of Airports to execute an agreement with the University of Alaska Fairbanks to allow Buchanan Field and Byron airports to be included in the Pan-Pacific UAS Test Range Complex for drone testing. (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  ACIASI UAS Master Agreement
  PPUTRC MOA Template
  Temp Use Permit
Claims, Collections & Litigation

C. 13  DENY claims filed by Joyce Al-Islam (2), Adam Crawley, Clarence Frazier, Bianca S. Garcia, Shukriah Khan and Aslam Khan, Troy King, Micaela Morales Mendez, and Julius Michael Parker. DENY amended claim filed by Krishna Lama. DENY late claim filed by Deronta T. Lewis.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 14  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE a settlement with Families First, Inc., in the False Claims Act lawsuit County of Alameda, et. al., ex rel. Helen Haeri Kim and Lisa Little Villela v. Families First, Inc.(Alameda Superior Court Case No. RG14733912), requiring payment of approximately $630,379 to the County, as recommended by the Health Services Director. (100% Incoming Funds).
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Honors & Proclamations

C. 15  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/34 recognizing March 2020 as American Red Cross Month in Contra Costa County, as recommended by Supervisor Andersen.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/34
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/34
C. 16  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/52 recognizing March 2020 as Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness Month in Contra Costa County, as recommended by Supervisor Andersen.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/52
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/52
C. 17  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/53 recognizing the 100th Anniversary of Women's Right to Vote, as recommended by Supervisor Andersen.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/53
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/53
C. 18  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/75 recognizing Anthony Gomez for his 25 years of service to Contra Costa County, as recommended by the Public Works Director.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution No. 2020/75
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/75
C. 19  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/69 honoring Susan (Sue) Guest on the occasion of her retirement from Contra Costa County Public Health Nursing after 32 years of service, as recommended by Supervisor Mitchoff.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/69
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/69
C. 20  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/72 authorizing Contra Costa County to join with other public agencies as a participant of the California Asset Management Trust and to invest in shares of the Trust and in individual portfolios managed by the investment adviser to the Trust, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector. (100% Interest from Investments)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/72
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/72
  CAMP Resolution
C. 21  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/79 recognizing Rick and Janet Cronk as Lafayette Citizens of the Year, as recommended by Supervisor Andersen.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/79
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/79
C. 22  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/83 recognizing Cece Sellgren on the occasion of her retirement after 22 years of service with Contra Costa County, as recommended by the Public Works Director.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution No. 2020/83
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/83
C. 23  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/86 recognizing Sherri Reed for her 30 years of service to Contra Costa County, as recommended by the Public Works Director.  
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution No. 2020/86
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/86

C. 24  ADOPT Ordinance No. 2020-04, revising procedures for designating an animal as potentially dangerous or dangerous, as recommended by the Animal Services Director.  (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Ordinance 2020-04 - Dangerous Animals
  Signed Ordinance No. 2020-04
Appointments & Resignations

C. 25  REAPPOINT Shanna Holden to the City of Pleasant Hill seat on the Iron Horse Corridor Management Program Advisory Committee with a two-year term expiring on January 31, 2022, as recommended by Supervisor Mitchoff.  (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 26  REAPPOINT Eric Meinbress to the At-Large #2 seat on the Aviation Advisory Committee to a term expiring February 28, 2023, as recommended by the Airports Committee.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 27  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/64 appointing the Director of Risk Management - Exempt and designating Assistant Risk Managers, as the official representative and alternates, respectively, to act on behalf of Contra Costa County with regard to official matters of the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) Excess Insurance Authority (EIA) effective February 4, 2020, as recommended by the County Administrator.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/64
  Signed: Resolution No. 2020/64
C. 28  ACCEPT the resignation of Stanley Caldwell, DECLARE a vacancy in the Category 2 Seat representing legislative bodies of the special districts in the county on the Treasury Oversight Committee effective immediately, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Vacancy Notice
  TOC Resignation_Stanley Caldwell 01.20
C. 29  APPOINT Philip Leiber to the Category 2 seat and Stephen Smith to the Category 2 alternate seat as members representing legislative bodies of the special districts in the County on the Treasury Oversight Committee with terms ending April 30, 2022, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Special Districts Appointment Ltr_PLieber SSmith_01.2020
C. 30  REAPPOINT Bill Clark to the Superintendent of Schools seat on the Treasury Oversight Committee with a four-year term ending April 30, 2024, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  County Schools Appointment Letter_Bill Clark 2.2020
C. 31  ACCEPT the resignations of Jason Cox, Business Seat #7; Melissa Johnson, Business Seat #13; and Fred Wood, Education and Training Seat #2, DECLARE the vacancies on the Workforce Development Board and DIRECT the Clerk of the Board to post the vacancies, as recommended by the Employment and Human Services Director.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Vacancy Notice
C. 32  APPOINT Esa Ehmen-Krause to the position of County Probation Officer-Exempt effective March 16, 2020, as recommended by the County Administrator.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 33  APPROVE the medical staff appointments and reappointments, privileges, advancements, and voluntary resignations as recommend by the Medical Staff Executive Committee, at their January 27, 2020 meeting, and by the Health Services Director.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Appointments, Re-appointments January 2020
C. 34  REAPPOINT Wilson Cheng to Consumer Seat Under 60 - Seat 1 on the In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Advisory Committee for a new four-year term ending in March 2024, as recommended by the Family & Human Services Committee.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Reappointment Memo and Application
C. 35  APPROVE the medical staff appointments and reappointments, privileges, medical staff advancements, and voluntary resignations as recommend by the Medical Staff Executive Committee, at their February 24, 2020 meeting, and by the Health Services Director.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Appointments, Re-appointments February 2020
Personnel Actions

C. 36  ADOPT Resolution No. 2019/502 amending the Contra Costa County Personnel Management Regulations to update the rules for ranking applicant exam results and for employment list referrals to departments, as recommended by the County Human Resources Director. (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2019/502
  Signed Resolution No. 2019/502
  PMRs Redline
  PMRs Revised
C. 37  ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 25583 to add one Departmental Fiscal Officer position effective April 1, 2020 and cancel one Departmental Fiscal Officer position effective October 2, 2020, in the Department of Conservation and Development. (100% Land Development Fees)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  P300 25583_Add/Cxl one Departmental Fiscal Officer in DCD
  Signed P300 25583
C. 38  ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 25582 to add one Secretary – Advanced Level position in the Department of Conservation and Development. (100% Land Development Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  P300 25582 Add one Secretary Adv Level in DCD
  Signed P300 25582
C. 39  ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 25580 to cancel one Service Integration Team Coordinator (represented) position and add one Social Work Supervisor I (represented) position in the Employment and Human Services Department, Aging and Adult Services Bureau. (48% Federal, 39% State, 13% County)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  P300 25580
  Signed P300 25580
C. 40  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/55, rescinding the side letter between Contra Costa County and AFSCME, Local 2700 which amended Section 5.3: Certification Rule of the Memorandum of Understanding, as recommended by the County Administrator.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/55
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/55
  Side Letter - AFSCME 2700
C. 41  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/70 approving the Side Letters between Contra Costa County and the Service Employees International Union, Local 1021 (SEIU), Rank and File Unit and Service Line Supervisors Unit, to maintain the current provisions with regard to Sections 604, 706 and 710 of the Personnel Management Regulations, as recommended by the County Human Resources Director.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/70
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/70
  Side Letter - SEIU 1021 Rank and File
  Side Letter - SEIU 1021 Service Line Supervisors
C. 42  ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 25588 to add one Commander - Exempt (unrepresented) position and cancel one Sheriff’s Chief of Management Services – Exempt (unrepresented) position and appoint its incumbent to the Commander – Exempt (unrepresented) position in the Office of the Sheriff.  (75% General Fund, 25% Grant Revenue)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  P300 25588
  Signed P300 25588
C. 43  ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 22590 to reassign one Health Plan Member Services Counselor (represented) in the Health Services Department (100% Member Premium funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  P300 No. 22590
  Signed P300 22590
C. 44  ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 25586 to ABOLISH Supervising Attorney-Child Support Services (unrepresented) classification, CANCEL one Supervising Attorney and one Chief Assistant Director-Child Support Services position (unrepresented), ESTABLISH Supervising Attorney of Child Support Services-Exempt (unrepresented) classification and ADD one position; APPOINT one employee to the newly created position; and, MODIFY Management Resolution 2019/507 to replace the Supervising Attorney-Child Support Services classification with the Supervising Attorney Child Support Services-Exempt classification. (100% Federal)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Signed P300 25586
C. 45   ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 22305 to reallocate the salaries of Public Health Microbiologist and Senior Public Health Microbiologist (all represented) classifications on the salary schedule in the Health Services Department. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  P300 No. 22305
  Signed P300 22305
Grants & Contracts
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE execution of agreements between the County and the following agencies for receipt of fund and/or services:

C. 46  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Kaiser Permanente, Community Benefit Program, to pay County an amount not to exceed $300,000 for the Health, Housing and Homeless Services Division to improve health equity across the Homeless Crisis Response System Project for the period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. (No County match)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 47  ACCEPT Resolution No. 2020/67 to approve and authorize the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with the California Department of Aging to pay County in an amount not to exceed $143,750 for the Dignity at Home, Fall Prevention Program for the period February 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. (100% State, No County match)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/67
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/67
C. 48  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/73 approving and authorizing the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to apply for and accept the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways Financial Aid Program funds in an initial amount of $738,249 for marine patrol and boating regulation enforcement for the period July 1, 2020 through the end of available funding. (100% State)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/73
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/73
C. 49  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with the California Department of Community Services and Development to increase the payment limit  by $1,945,169 to a new payment limit of $4,044,443 for the Limited Income Home Energy Assistance Program with no change to the period October 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 50  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Kensington Police Protection and Community Services District, to extend the term of the contract to June 30, 2020 and increase the payment limit by $75,000 from $300,000 to $375,000 for the County to provide law enforcement services. (100% Agency Fees)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 51  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/84 authorizing the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to apply for and accept a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Policing Services in an initial amount of $250,000 to fund the hiring of two Deputy Sheriff positions for the Mental Health Evaluation Team for a three-year period with an additional one-year retention period. (15% Federal, 85% General Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/84
C. 52  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to apply for and accept funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families in an amount not to exceed $1,138,429 for Early Head Start Childcare Partnership funding for the term July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. (80% Federal, 20% In-kind match)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Budget Narrative
  Grant Application Letter
C. 53  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Agricultural Commissioner, or designee, to execute an agreement with State of California - Department of Parks and Recreation in an amount not to exceed $9,000 for the County Department of Agriculture to provide invasive weeds treatment services to the Mount Diablo State Park beginning February 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020. (100% State)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE execution of agreement between the County and the following parties as noted for the purchase of equipment and/or services:

C. 54  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute, on behalf of the Public Works Director, a purchase order amendment with Cintas Corporation, to increase the payment limit by $50,000 to a new payment limit of $500,000, and to extend the term from January 31, 2020 to July 31, 2020 to provide garment rental and laundry services, Countywide. (100% General Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 55  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Sodexo America, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $960,000 to provide management and oversight of the Food and Nutrition Services Unit at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period November 1, 2019 through October 31, 2021. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 56  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Hobbs Investments, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $350,000 to provide transportation and courier services including pick up, transport, and delivery of laboratory specimens, transmittals, and pharmacy medications for the period February 1, 2020 through January 31, 2021.  (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 57  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on behalf of the Sheriff-Coroner, a purchase order amendment with Hammons Supply Company, to increase the payment limit by $100,000 to a new payment limit of $280,000 for the purchase of custodial supplies and equipment for County's detention facilities for the period June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2020.  (100% General Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 58  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) of the East Bay to increase the payment limit by $10,000 to a new payment limit of $977,632 for Head Start Program Enhancement services for the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. (100% Federal)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 59  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute an agreement with University of California, San Francisco, in an amount not to exceed $123,327, for local evaluation services for the Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Demonstration Initiative Lethality Assessment Program, for the period October 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020.  (81% County; 19% Federal)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 60  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE a payment limit increase in the amount of $200,000 from $300,000 to a new payment limit of $500,000 under the Software License Agreement, Support Services Agreement, and Amendment with Level II, Inc., for California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System connectivity software and services for the period April 8, 2016 to April 7, 2020 with an annual renewal thereafter until terminated, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner. (100% General Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 61  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to execute a contract with California Office of Emergency Services California Specialized Training Institute, in the amount not to exceed $250,000 for emergency management and public information officer training for the term of March 9, 2020 through June 30, 2022. (100% State)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 62  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Agricultural Commissioner, or designee, to execute an agreement with East Bay Regional Park District in an amount not to exceed $40,000 for the Agriculture Department to provide invasive weed treatment services to local district parks beginning January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. (100% Revenue)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 63  AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to advertise for the 2020 on-call facilities general construction services contract(s) for repairs and small construction to support maintenance of various county facilities, Countywide. (100% General Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 64  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Jamal Julian Zaka, M.D., in an amount not to exceed $235,000 to provide pulmonology services to Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Center patients for the period April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 65  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Auditor-Controller, or designee, to pay an amount of $26,440 to Total Renal Care, Inc., for additional blood treatment services provided at Martinez Detention Facility for the period December 1, 2019 through January 26, 2020. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 66  AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to advertise for the 2020 on-call roofing and exterior waterproofing service contract(s) for maintenance, repairs, roofing and exterior waterproofing to support maintenance of various county facilities, Countywide. (100% General Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 67  AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to advertise for the 2020 On-Call Electrical Service Contract(s) for electrical repairs, main switch gear testing, and infrared testing of electrical components to support maintenance of various county facilities, Countywide. (100% General Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 68  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Samir B. Shah, M.D., Inc., in an amount not to exceed $2,172,000 to provide ophthalmology surgical services and to perform the roles and duties of Chief Medical Officer of Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2023. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 69  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Contra Costa Hearing Aid Center, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $250,000 to provide audiology and hearing aid services to Contra Costa Health Plan members for the period May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2022. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II) 
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 70  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Robin Wendy Asher, M.D., in an amount not to exceed $239,616 to provide outpatient psychiatric care services to children and adolescents in central Contra Costa County for the period April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 71  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Boehm & Associates, LLC, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $150,000 to a new payment limit of $300,000, to provide additional consulting and technical assistance on workers compensation laws and third-party liability recovery with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. (100% Third Party Revenues)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 72  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Larry Walker Associates, Inc., effective March 10, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $120,000, to a new payment limit of $820,000, to provide additional professional stormwater quality services for the Contra Costa County Watershed Program, with no change to the term of April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2020, Countywide.(100% Stormwater Utility Assessment Funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 73  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with YWCA of Contra Costa/ Sacramento, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $14,691 to a new payment limit of $565,589 to provide mental health services for seriously emotionally disturbed children and adolescents with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $22,036 to a new payment limit of $297,485 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 74  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with La Clinica De La Raza, Inc., effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $11,758 to a new payment limit of $452,688 to provide community-based mental health services for seriously emotionally disturbed minority children in East Contra Costa County with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $17,637 to a new payment limit of $238,102 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 75  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with the Center for Psychotherapy, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $16,870 to a new payment limit of $649,480, to provide mental health services to seriously emotionally disturbed adolescents and children in East Contra Costa County with no change in the original term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $25,304 to a new payment limit of $341,609 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 76  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Community Options for Families and Youth, Incorporated, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $38,272 to a new payment limit of $1,473,498 to provide therapeutic behavioral services and outpatient services to seriously emotionally disturbed children and youth, and their families, with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $57,409 to a new payment limit of $775,022 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 77  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Contra Costa Interfaith Transitional Housing, Inc., effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $7,680 to a new payment limit of $295,662 to provide community-based mental health services for seriously emotionally disturbed children and youth with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $11,519 to a new payment limit of $155,510 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 78  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with West Contra Costa Unified School District, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $16,851 to a new payment limit of $648,761 to provide wraparound services to seriously emotionally disturbed students, with no change in the term of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $27,576 to a new payment limit of $341,031 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 49% Mental Health Realignment; 1% West Contra Costa Unified School District)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 79  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Alternative Family Services, Inc., effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $33,936 to a new payment limit of $1,306,532 to provide multidimensional treatment foster care services for seriously emotionally disturbed children and young adults, and their families, with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the six-month automatic extension payment limit by $50,904 to a new payment limit of $687,202 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 80  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute an amendment with Early Childhood Mental Health Program, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $82,400 to a new payment limit of $3,172,402 to provide specialized mental health services including in-home behavioral services and intensive care coordination to children and their families in West Contra Costa County with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $123,600 to a new payment limit of $1,668,601 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 81  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Desarrollo Familiar, Inc. (dba Familias Unidas), effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $10,646 to a new payment limit of $409,866 to provide community based mental health services for children and their families in West Contra Costa County, with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $15,969, to a new payment limit of $215,579, through December 31, 2020.  (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% State Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 82  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Youth Homes Incorporated, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $108,903 to a new payment limit of $4,192,771 to provide residential treatment and therapeutic behavioral services for seriously emotionally disturbed children with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $163,355 to a new payment limit of $2,205,289 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 83  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Fred Finch Youth Center, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $35,575 to a new payment limit of $1,369,643 to provide school-based day treatment and mental health services for students in the Mt. Diablo Unified School District, with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $52,563 to a new payment limit of $719,597, through December 31, 2020. (49% Federal Medi-Cal; 49% Mental Health Realignment; 2% Mt. Diablo Unified School District)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 84  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with La Cheim School, Inc., effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $68,392 to a new payment limit of $2,633,076 to provide school-based services and a residential treatment program for seriously emotionally disturbed youth ages 8-21, with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $102,587 to a new payment limit of $1,384,929 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 85  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with West Contra Costa Youth Services Bureau, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $91,363 to a new payment limit of $3,517,481 to provide mental health services to seriously emotionally disturbed children and their families in West Contra Costa County, with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $137,045 to a new payment limit of $1,850,104 through December 31, 2020.  (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 86  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Contra Costa ARC, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $59,612, to a new payment limit of $2,295,028, to provide wrap-around community-based mental health services to seriously emotionally disturbed and environmentally deprived children and their families in East Contra Costa County with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $89,417 to a new payment limit of $1,207,125 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 87  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Amador Institute, Inc., effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $7,780 to a new payment  limit of  $299,528 to provide mental health, case management and crisis intervention services to seriously emotionally disturbed adults, adolescents and latency-age children with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic payment limit by $11,670 to a new payment limit of $157,544 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 88  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Child Therapy Institute of Marin, effective March 1, 2020 to increase the payment limit by $21,812 to a new payment limit of $839,742, to provide mental health services for seriously emotionally disturbed children and adolescents in East and West county with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $32,717 to a new payment limit of $441,682 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 89  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Bay Area Community Resources, Inc., effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $62,725 to a new payment limit of $2,414,927 to provide school-based mental health services with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $94,088, to a new payment limit of $1,270,189 through December 31, 2020.  (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 90  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Aspiranet, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $7,285 to a new payment limit of $280,469 to provide therapeutic behavioral services, with no change in the term of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $10,927 to a new payment limit of $147,519 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 91  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Community Health for Asian Americans, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $45,980 to a new payment limit of $1,770,213 to provide mental health services including wraparound and outpatient treatment to children in West County with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $67,259 to a new payment limit of $929,375 through December 31, 2020. (49% Federal Medi-Cal; 49% Mental Health Realignment; 2% Non-Medi-Cal Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 92  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with the County of Santa Cruz, in an amount not to exceed $900,000 to participate in the Medi-Cal Administrative Activities and Targeted Case Management programs so Contra Costa County may receive federal reimbursement for promoting access to Medi-Cal services for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022.  (100% Medi-Cal Administrative Activities and Targeted Case Management)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 93  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Mt. Diablo Unified School District, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $101,880 to a new payment limit of $3,922,401 to provide school-based mental health services to seriously emotionally disturbed students with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $276,467 to a new payment limit of $2,052,330 through December 31, 2020. (46% Federal Medi-Cal; 46% Mental Health Realignment; 8% Mt. Diablo Unified School District)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 94  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Lisa Wang, M.D., in an amount not to exceed $209,664 to provide outpatient psychiatric services for County patients in West County for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. (100% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 95  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Signature Parking, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $455,256 to provide parking management services for Contra Costa Regional Medical Center for the period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 96  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Catholic Charities CYO of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, effective March 1, 2020,  to increase the payment limit by $8,991 to a new payment limit of $346,171 to provide therapeutic behavioral services for seriously emotionally disturbed children at its St. Vincent’s School for Boys with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $13,487 to a new payment limit of $182,077 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 97  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Lincoln, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $130,035 to a new payment limit of $5,756,345 to provide school-based mental health services and a multi-dimensional family treatment program for seriously emotionally disturbed youth and their families with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $191,198 to a new payment limit of $3,004,353 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 35% Mental Health Realignment; 11% Antioch/Pittsburg Unified School Grant; 4% The Tides Foundation Grant)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 98  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Mountain Valley Child and Family Services, Inc., effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $66,248 to a new payment limit of $2,550,515 to provide mental health, case management and therapeutic behavioral services to seriously emotionally disturbed youth and dependents, with no change in the original term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $74,063 to a new payment limit of $1,316,196 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 25% Mental Health Realignment; 25% Employment and Human Services)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 99  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Seneca Family of Agencies, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $238,171 to a new payment limit of $9,169,597 to provide mobile crisis response teams for seriously emotionally disturbed children and their families services, with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $322,914 to a new payment limit of $4,788,627 through December 31, 2020.  (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 41% Mental Health Realignment; 4% School Districts; 5% Employment and Human Services Department)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.100  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with We Care for Children Services, effective March 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $54,524 to a new payment limit of $2,099,178 to provide mental health services for high risk, delayed or seriously emotionally disturbed children in Central Contra Costa County with no change in the term July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020, and to increase the automatic extension payment limit by $81,786 to a new payment limit of $1,104,113 through December 31, 2020.  (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.101  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with A Better Way, Inc., effective March 1, 2020, to modify the rates for mental health services to children and adolescents referred by Child Family Services with no change in the payment limit $376,278 or term July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2020 and no change in the six-month automatic extension amount of $188,139 through December 31, 2020. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Employment and Human Services Department)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.102  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Uplift Family Services, a non-profit corporation, in an amount not to exceed $560,000 to provide family preservation and support services to families referred from existing child welfare cases and/or the County Probation Department, for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.  (30% County, 70% State)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.103  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with KP, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 to provide professional design, technical assistance, printing, publication and distribution of Contra Costa Health Plan (CCHP) Membership materials, for the period March 1, 2020 through February 28, 2022. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.104  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Sodexo America, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $899,000 to provide management and oversight to the Environmental Services Unit at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.105  AWARD a design build contract to Hensel Phelps Construction Co. in an amount not to exceed $16,300,000, for the construction of mental health treatment facilities and associated Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upgrades at Module M in the Martinez Detention Facility, and related actions.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.106  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to execute a contract with TriTech Software Systems in the amount of $118,825 for services to upgrade the crime reporting systems to comply with state and federally mandated state-specific incident-based reporting data for the period March 10, 2020, through March 9, 2022. (100% Federal)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Other Actions
C.107  ACCEPT the 2019 Annual Housing Element Progress Report, as recommended by the Conservation and Development Director. (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Cover Sheet
  Table A
  Table A2
  Table B
  Table C
  Table D
  Table E
  Table F
  Table G
C.108  ACCEPT the annual progress report by the Department of Conservation and Development on implementation of the Contra Costa County General Plan 2005-2020, and DIRECT staff to forward the General Plan annual progress report to the Governor's Office of Planning and Research and the California Department of Housing and Community Development, as recommended by the Conservation and Development Director. (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  2019 General Plan Annual Progress Report
  Table B: RHNA Progress (2019 Housing Element Progress Report to HCD)
  Table D: RHNA Progress (2019 Housing Element Progress Report to HCD)
C.109  ACCEPT report and updates on the Northern Waterfront Economic Development Initiative, and APPROVE proposed budget and work plan for FY 2020-21, as recommended by the Northern Waterfront Ad Hoc Committee. (100% General Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  A: 2019-20 Midyear Budget
  B: 2020-21 Proposed Budget
C.110  UPDATE the official list of persons to serve, in priority order, as standby officers for the respective members of the Board of Supervisors, as recommended by the County Administrator.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  CA Emergency Services Act_Art 15_Preservation of Local Govt
C.111  AUTHORIZE the District Attorney's Office to provide an additional three (3) Target gift cards in an amount of $50 each for a total of $150 for the human trafficking awareness curriculum at Helms Middle School in the West Contra Costa Unified School District.  (100% DA Asset Forfeiture Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.112  APPROVE referrals to the Transportation, Water and Infrastructure Committee for action in 2020, as recommended by the Committee. (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  TWIC Referrals 2020 - Final DRAFT
C.113  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute an agreement with Point Comfort Underwriters, Inc., to administer delivery and payment of healthcare services to unaccompanied refugee children at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center in accordance with federal requirements for a period of one year commencing on November 1, 2019, and automatically renewing each year thereafter unless terminated by either party.  (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.114  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Board Chair to execute a grant deed of development rights with James and Barbara de Fremery, conveying to the County development rights on a portion of minor subdivision #MS11-0001 at Hidden Ranch Road, Knightsen area, and related actions under the California Environmental Quality Act, as recommended by the Conservation and Development Director. (100% Applicant Fees)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Grant Deed of Development Rights
  Conditions of Approval for MS11-0001
  Signed: Grant Deed of Development Rights
C.115  ACCEPT the Treasurer's Quarterly Investment Report as of December 31, 2019, as recommended by the County Treasurer-Tax Collector.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Q4_2019 Quarterly Investment Report
C.116  REFER to the Family and Human Services Committee for discussion the pursuit of a new Countywide Arts and Culture Plan in Fiscal Year 2020-2021, as recommended by the Arts and Culture Commission of Contra Costa County. (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.117  APPROVE amended list of designated positions for the Conflict of Interest Code for the Eastern Contra Costa Transit Authority, as recommended by County Counsel.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Exhibit A: ECCTA Designated Positions
  Exhibit B: ECCTA Designated Positions STRIKEOUT
C.118  ADOPT Resolution 2020/76 to establish an expense stipend for the Juvenile Justice Commission, as recommended by the County Administrator. (100% General Fund)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/76
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/76
C.119  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/87 authorizing the issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $31,121,520 to provide financing for the costs of acquisition and construction of Coggins Square Apartments in the unincorporated area of the County near Walnut Creek, as recommended by the Conservation and Development Director. (100% Special Revenue Funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/87
  Coggins Assignment of Deed of Trust
  Coggins Indenture
  Coggins Loan Agreement
  Coggins Regulatory Agreement
  Coggins Termination Agreement
C.120  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Conservation and Development Director, or designee, to execute legal documents to refinance outstanding loans secured by Coggins Square Apartments, at 1316 Las Juntas Way in the unincorporated Walnut Creek area, and provide an additional Community Development Block Grant loan of $2.37 million for the development. (100% Federal)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.121  APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Administrator, or designee, to execute the Maintenance of Effort Certification Form for Fiscal Year 2019/20 as required by Chapter 886, Statutes of 1994 to receive Proposition 172 (public safety sales tax increment) funds, and to submit the Certificate to the County Auditor-Controller, as recommended by the County Administrator. (100% State Proposition 172 Funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  FY 2019/20 MOE Certification Form
  2019-20 MOE Calculation Worksheet (Form A)
  2019-20 MOE Base Year Calculation (Form C)
C.122  RECEIVE Sheriff-Coroner’s FY 2018/2019 Annual P-6 Zone Deployment Report, from the County Service Area P-6 Zone Central Administrative Base (CAB) Fund to provide extended police protection services in certain unincorporated county areas and partially fund the Sheriff’s Helicopter Program, as required by P-6 Zone CAB Formation Board Order of April 19, 1998. (No Fiscal Impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.123  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/80 updating and reaffirming the County Debt Management Policy, as recommended by the County Administrator. (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/80
  Resolution 2020/80
  Resolution No. 2020/80 - County Debt Management Policy, March 2020
C.124  ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/89 accepting as complete, the contracted work performed by D.L. Falk Construction, Inc. for Fire Station No. 16, as recommended by the Fire Chief of the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District. (No Fiscal Impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution No. 2020/89
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/89
C.125  RECEIVE and ACCEPT the Workplace Safety Event Data Report for 2019 for Contra Costa Regional Medical Center (CCRMC) and Health Centers, as recommended by Supervisor Glover and the Health Services Director.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  2019 Workplace Safety Event Data Report
C.126  Acting as the Governing Board of the Crockett-Carquinez Fire Protection District, ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/65 to establish the classifications and monthly compensation rate of the Payroll Clerk and Training Captain positions, as recommended by the Crockett-Carquinez Fire Protection District Fire Chief.  (100% Crockett-Carquinez Fire Protection District)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
  Resolution 2020/65
  Signed Resolution No. 2020/65
C.127  AUTHORIZE the County Administrator or designee to participate in, and pay up to $163,585 to the consortium of eight northern California counties to study the feasibility of developing a regional mental health correctional facility.  (100% AB 109 Public Safety Realignment funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
The Board meets in all its capacities pursuant to Ordinance Code Section 24-2.402, including as the Housing Authority and the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency. Persons who wish to address the Board should complete the form provided for that purpose and furnish a copy of any written statement to the Clerk.

Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the Clerk of the Board to a majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors less than 72 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 651 Pine Street, First Floor, Room 106, Martinez, CA 94553, during normal business hours.

All matters listed under CONSENT ITEMS are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a member of the Board or a member of the public prior to the time the Board votes on the motion to adopt. 

Persons who wish to speak on matters set for PUBLIC HEARINGS will be heard when the Chair calls for comments from those persons who are in support thereof or in opposition thereto. After persons have spoken, the hearing is closed and the matter is subject to discussion and action by the Board.  Comments on matters listed on the agenda or otherwise within the purview of the Board of Supervisors can be submitted to the office of the Clerk of the Board via mail: Board of Supervisors, 651 Pine Street Room 106, Martinez, CA 94553; by fax: 925-335-1913.

The County will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Board meetings who contact the Clerk of the Board at least 24 hours before the meeting, at (925) 335-1900; TDD (925) 335-1915. An assistive listening device is available from the Clerk, Room 106.

Copies of recordings of all or portions of a Board meeting may be purchased from the Clerk of the Board.  Please telephone the Office of the Clerk of the Board, (925) 335-1900, to make the necessary arrangements.
Forms are available to anyone desiring to submit an inspirational thought nomination for inclusion on the Board Agenda. Forms may be obtained at the Office of the County Administrator or Office of the Clerk of the Board, 651 Pine Street, Martinez, California.

Applications for personal subscriptions to the weekly Board Agenda may be obtained by calling the Office of the Clerk of the Board, (925) 335-1900. The weekly agenda may also be viewed on the County’s Internet Web Page:


The Airport Committee (Supervisors Karen Mitchoff and Diane Burgis) meets quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at the Director of Airports Office, 550 Sally Ride Drive, Concord.

The Family and Human Services Committee (Supervisors John Gioia and Candace Andersen) meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Finance Committee (Supervisors John Gioia and Karen Mitchoff) meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Hiring Outreach Oversight Committee (Supervisors Federal D. Glover and John Gioia) meets on the first Monday of every other month at 1:00 p.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Internal Operations Committee (Supervisors Candace Andersen and Diane Burgis) meets on the second Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m.  in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Legislation Committee (Supervisors Karen Mitchoff and Diane Burgis) meets on the second Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Public Protection Committee (Supervisors Candace Andersen and Federal D. Glover) meets on the first Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Sustainability Committee (Supervisors Federal D. Glover and John Gioia) meets on the fourth Monday of every other month at 1:00 p.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Transportation, Water & Infrastructure Committee (Supervisors Candace Andersen and Karen Mitchoff) meets on the second Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

Airports Committee May 13, 2020 10:30 a.m. See above
Family & Human Services Committee March 23, 2020 9:00 a.m. See above
Finance Committee April 6, 2020 9:00 a.m. See above
Hiring Outreach Oversight Committee June 1, 2020 10:30 a.m. See above
Internal Operations Committee April 13, 2020 Canceled
April 6, 2020 Special Meeting
1:00 p.m. See above
Legislation Committee April 13, 2020 1:00 p.m. See above
Public Protection Committee March 23, 2020 10:30 a.m. See above
Sustainability Committee March 23, 2020 1:00 p.m. See above
Transportation, Water & Infrastructure Committee April 7, 2020 Special Meeting 11:00 a.m. See above



AGENDA DEADLINE: Thursday, 12 noon, 12 days before the Tuesday Board meetings.

Glossary of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and other Terms (in alphabetical order):

Contra Costa County has a policy of making limited use of acronyms, abbreviations, and industry-specific language in its Board of Supervisors meetings and written materials. Following is a list of commonly used language that may appear in oral presentations and written materials associated with Board meetings:

AB Assembly Bill
ABAG Association of Bay Area Governments
ACA Assembly Constitutional Amendment
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
AFSCME American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees
AICP American Institute of Certified Planners
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
ALUC Airport Land Use Commission
AOD Alcohol and Other Drugs
ARRA  American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009
BAAQMD Bay Area Air Quality Management District
BART Bay Area Rapid Transit District
BayRICS Bay Area Regional Interoperable Communications System
BCDC Bay Conservation & Development Commission
BGO Better Government Ordinance
BOS Board of Supervisors
CALTRANS California Department of Transportation
CalWIN California Works Information Network
CalWORKS California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids
CAER Community Awareness Emergency Response
CAO County Administrative Officer or Office
CCCPFD (ConFire) Contra Costa County Fire Protection District
CCHP Contra Costa Health Plan
CCTA Contra Costa Transportation Authority
CCRMC Contra Costa Regional Medical Center
CCWD Contra Costa Water District
CDBG Community Development Block Grant
CFDA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
CEQA California Environmental Quality Act
CIO Chief Information Officer
COLA Cost of living adjustment
ConFire (CCCFPD) Contra Costa County Fire Protection District
CPA Certified Public Accountant
CPI Consumer Price Index
CSA County Service Area
CSAC California State Association of Counties
CTC California Transportation Commission
dba doing business as
DSRIP Delivery System Reform Incentive Program
EBMUD East Bay Municipal Utility District
ECCFPD East Contra Costa Fire Protection District
EIR Environmental Impact Report
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EMCC Emergency Medical Care Committee
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EPSDT Early State Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Program (Mental Health)
et al. et alii (and others)
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
F&HS Family and Human Services Committee
First 5 First Five Children and Families Commission (Proposition 10)
FTE Full Time Equivalent
FY Fiscal Year
GHAD Geologic Hazard Abatement District
GIS Geographic Information System
HCD (State Dept of) Housing & Community Development
HHS (State Dept of ) Health and Human Services
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome
HOV High Occupancy Vehicle
HR Human Resources
HUD United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
IHSS In-Home Supportive Services
Inc. Incorporated
IOC Internal Operations Committee
ISO Industrial Safety Ordinance
JPA Joint (exercise of) Powers Authority or Agreement
Lamorinda Lafayette-Moraga-Orinda Area
LAFCo Local Agency Formation Commission
LLC Limited Liability Company
LLP Limited Liability Partnership
Local 1 Public Employees Union Local 1
LVN Licensed Vocational Nurse
MAC Municipal Advisory Council
MBE Minority Business Enterprise
M.D. Medical Doctor
M.F.T. Marriage and Family Therapist
MIS Management Information System
MOE Maintenance of Effort
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MTC Metropolitan Transportation Commission
NACo National Association of Counties
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
OB-GYN Obstetrics and Gynecology
O.D. Doctor of Optometry
OES-EOC Office of Emergency Services-Emergency Operations Center
OPEB Other Post Employment Benefits
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PARS Public Agencies Retirement Services
PEPRA Public Employees Pension Reform Act
Psy.D. Doctor of Psychology
RDA Redevelopment Agency
RFI Request For Information
RFP Request For Proposal
RFQ Request For Qualifications
RN Registered Nurse
SB Senate Bill
SBE Small Business Enterprise
SEIU Service Employees International Union
SUASI  Super Urban Area Security Initiative
SWAT Southwest Area Transportation Committee
TRANSPAC Transportation Partnership & Cooperation (Central)
TRANSPLAN Transportation Planning Committee (East County)
TRE or TTE Trustee
TWIC Transportation, Water and Infrastructure Committee
UASI  Urban Area Security Initiative
VA Department of Veterans Affairs
vs. versus (against)
WAN Wide Area Network
WBE Women Business Enterprise
WCCTAC West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee

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