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To slow the spread of COVID-19, the Health Officer’s Shelter Order of June 5, 2020, prevents public gatherings (Health Officer Order). In lieu of a public gathering, the Board of Supervisors meeting will be accessible via television and live-streaming to all members of the public as permitted by the Governor’s Executive Order N29-20.  Board meetings are televised live on Comcast Cable 27, ATT/U-Verse Channel 99, and WAVE Channel 32, and can be seen live online at

All telephone callers will be limited to two (2) minutes apiece. The Board Chair may reduce or eliminate the amount of time allotted per telephone caller at the beginning of each item or public comment period depending on the number of calls and the business of the day. Your patience is appreciated.
A lunch break or closed session may be called at the discretion of the Board Chair.

Staff reports related to open session items on the agenda are also accessible on line at

June 16, 2020
9:00 A.M.  Convene and announce adjournment to closed session in Room 101.

Closed Session

1.         Agency Negotiators:  David Twa and Richard Bolanos.
Employee Organizations: Public Employees Union, Local 1; AFSCME Locals 512 and 2700; California Nurses Assn.; SEIU Locals 1021 and 2015; District Attorney Investigators’ Assn.; Deputy Sheriffs Assn.; United Prof. Firefighters I.A.F.F., Local 1230; Physicians’ & Dentists’ Org. of Contra Costa; Western Council of Engineers; United Chief Officers Assn.; Contra Costa County Defenders Assn.; Contra Costa County Deputy District Attorneys’ Assn.; Prof. & Tech. Engineers IFPTE, Local 21; and Teamsters Local 856.
2.         Agency Negotiators:  David Twa.
Unrepresented Employees: All unrepresented employees.
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Gov. Code, § 54956.9(d)(2): [One potential case.]
            Property:                                  1750 Oak Park Boulevard, Pleasant Hill
            Agency Negotiator:                  Karen Laws and Jim Kennedy, Real Estate Representatives
            Negotiating Parties:                  Contra Costa County and the following:  Century Communities of
California, LLC; City Ventures, LLC; Davidon Homes, a California limited
partnership; DeNova Homes, Inc.; D.R. Horton BAY, Inc., Landsea Green
Group Co., Ltd.; Landwest LLC, a limited liability company (Legacy Homes); Lenox Homes, LLC; Shea Homes Limited Partnership, a California limited partnership;  Summerhill Housing Group, a division of Marcus & Millichap Company; Trumark Properties LLC                                                      
            Under negotiation:                    Price and terms
Title: County Administrator

9:30 A.M.  Call to order and opening ceremonies.

Inspirational Thought- "I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision." ~Maya Angelou
CONSIDER CONSENT ITEMS  (Items listed as C.1 through C.83 on the following agenda) – Items are subject to removal from Consent Calendar by request of any Supervisor or on request for discussion by a member of the public.  Items removed from the Consent Calendar will be considered with the Discussion Items.
        D. 1   CONSIDER Consent Items previously removed.
        D. 2   PUBLIC COMMENT (2 Minutes/Speaker)
D. 3   HEARING on the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Tentative Annual Report on service charges in County Service Area L-100 (Countywide Street Lighting) and adoption of Resolution No. 2020/100 confirming the Tentative Annual Report and assessing the charges specified in the report, Countywide. (100% County Service Area L-100 Funds) (Brian Balbas, Public Works Department)
Resolution No. 2020/100
Tentative Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020-21 CCC Service Area L-100
D. 4   HEARING on the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Tentative Annual Report on service charges in County Service Area M-28 (Willow Mobile Home Park Water District) and adoption of Resolution No. 2020/101 confirming the Tentative Annual Report and assessing the charges specified in the report, Bethel Island area. (100% County Service Area M-28 Funds) (Brian Balbas, Public Works Department)
Resolution No. 2020/101
Tentative Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020-21 CCC Service Area M-28
D. 5   HEARING on the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Tentative Annual Report on assessment charges in County Service Area M-30 (Alamo Springs) and adoption of Resolution No. 2020/102 confirming the Tentative Annual Report and assessing the charges specified in the report, Danville area (100% County Service Area M-30 Funds) (Brian Balbas, Public Works Department)
Resolution No. 2020/102
Tentative Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020-21 CCC Service Area M-30
D. 6   HEARING on the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Tentative Annual Report on assessment charges in County Service Area M-31 (Contra Costa Centre Transit Village) and adoption of Resolution No. 2020/103 confirming the Tentative Annual Report and assessing the charges specified in the report, Pleasant Hill BART area. (100% County Service Area M-31 Funds) (Brian Balbas, Public Works Department)
Resolution No. 2020/103
Tentative Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020-21 CCC Service Area M-31
D. 7   HEARING on the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 Tentative Annual Report on assessment charges in County Service Area T-1 (Public Transit) and adoption of Resolution No. 2020/104 confirming the Tentative Annual Report and assessing the charges specified in the report, Danville area. (100% County Service Area T-1 Funds) (Brian Balbas, Public Works Department)
Resolution No. 2020/104
Tentative Annual Report Fiscal Year 2020-21 CCC Service Area T-1
D. 8   HEARING to levy assessments in Countywide Landscaping District AD 1979-3 (LL-2) Fiscal Year 2020-21, as recommended by the Public Works Director, Countywide. (100% Countywide Landscaping District 1979-3 Funds) (Brian Balbas, Public Works Department)
Resolution No. 2020/125
C.C.C. Consolidated Report for the Countywide Landscaping District (LL-2)
C.C.C. Assessment Diagrams for the LL-2 Landscape Zones
C.C.C. Countywide Landscaping District Final Assessment Roll Fiscal Year 2020-2021
D. 9   HEARING to consider all objections or protests to the Tentative Report; ADOPT the assessment set forth in the Tentative Report on proposed assessment for fiscal year 2020/21 in County Service Area EM-1; ADOPT the assessment set forth in the Tentative Report; and ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/163 to confirm the Tentative Report and the assessment set forth therein. (Anna Roth, Health Services Director)
Resolution 2020/163
D.10   CONSIDER adopting Resolution No. 2020/134 authorizing the modification of operating hours for a number of Contra Costa County libraries from those approved under Resolution No. 2019/202 on June 18, 2019. (100% City Revenues) (Melinda Cervantes, County Librarian) (Consider with D.11)
Resolution 2020/134
Attachment A
D.11   CONSIDER adopting Resolution No. 2020/146 to add, modify and delete positions in the Library, and initiate the layoff process due to reduced funding which necessitated a change in operating hours. (Melinda Cervantes, County Librarian) (Consider with D.10)
Resolution 2020/146
Attachment A - Changes in Operating Hours
Attachment B - List of Positions
D. 12   CONSIDER adopting Resolution No. 2020/161 to delete sixteen (16) positions in the Department of Child Support Services and initiate the layoff process due to reduced funding, effective July 1, 2020. (Melinda Self, Child Support Services Director)
Resolution 2020/161
Attachment A - Position List
Attachment B - Resolution 2008-299
D.13   CONSIDER receiving an update on polling for a potential sales tax measure to be listed on the November 2020 ballot and authorizing a contibution from the County towards the cost of polling. (Supervisor Gioia)
Provisional Attachment received on June 15, 2020
Needs Assessment - Final
D.14   CONSIDER update on COVID 19; and PROVIDE direction to staff.
  1. Health Department - Anna Roth, Director and Dr. Farnitano, Health Officer
        D. 15   CONSIDER reports of Board members.

Closed Session

Public Employee Appointment: County Administrator
Engineering Services

C. 1   ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/150 approving the Parcel Map and Subdivision Agreement for minor subdivision MS18-00006, for a project being developed by Todd and Gina Vitzthum, as recommended by the Public Works Director, Diablo area. (No fiscal impact)
Resolution No. 2020/150
Parcel Map
Subdivision Agreement & Improvement Security Bond
Tax Letter & Bond
C. 2   ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/151 approving the twelfth extension of the Subdivision Agreement for subdivision SD89-07267, for a project being developed by Morgan Capital Investment Properties, as recommended by the Public Works Director, Walnut Creek area. (No fiscal impact)
Resolution No. 2020/151
Subdivision Agreement Extension
Special Districts & County Airports

C. 3   AUTHORIZE the Director of Airports, or designee, to submit Airport Improvement Program grant applications to both the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the California Department of Transportation-Division of Aeronautics (Caltrans) for approximately $3,125,000 and $140,000 respectively, to design, purchase, and install replacement airport security equipment at Buchanan Field, Pacheco area and AUTHORIZE the Chair, Board of Supervisors to sign a Statement of Acceptance with the FAA. (District IV). (100% FAA, Caltrans)
C. 4   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Director of Airports, or designee, to execute a month-to-month hangar rental agreement with Sean Cooper for a shade hangar at Buchanan Field Airport effective June 5, 2020 in the monthly amount of $140.00, Pacheco area (100% Airport Enterprise Fund).
B-15 S Cooper Hangar Agreement
C. 5   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Director of Airports, or designee, to execute a month-to-month hangar rental agreement with Francis Kelly and James Agua for a T-hangar at Buchanan Field Airport effective June 1, 2020 in the monthly amount of $370.00, Pacheco area (100% Airport Enterprise Fund).
D-3 F Kelly & J Agua Hangar Agreement
Geologic Hazard Abatement Districts

C. 6   Acting as the governing board of the Canyon Lakes Geological Hazard Abatement District (GHAD), ADOPT Canyon Lakes GHAD Resolution No. 2020/01 adopting the GHAD budget for fiscal year 2020/21; and ADOPT Canyon Lakes GHAD Resolution 2020/02 approving the change of the GHAD Treasurer from Watermark Asset Management Inc, to CLT Management LLC, in addition to a contract of services between CLT and Canyon Lakes GHAD.
Canyon Lakes GHAD Budget
Canyon Lakes GHAD contract for professional services
Canyon Lakes GHAD Resolution No. 2020/01
Canyon Lakes GHAD Resolution 2020/02
C. 7   Acting as the governing board of the California Tradewinds Geological Hazard Abatement District (GHAD), ADOPT California Tradewinds GHAD Resolution No. 2020/01 adopting the GHAD budget for fiscal year 2020/21; and ADOPT California Tradewinds GHAD Resolution No. 2020/02 approving the change of GHAD Treasurer from Watermark Asset Management, Inc. to CLT Management, LLC (CLT) in addition to a contract of services between CLT and California Tradewinds GHAD.
CA Tradewinds GHAD 2020-21 Budget
CA Tradewinds GHAD Contract for professional Services
CA Tradewinds GHAD Resolution No. 2020/01
CA Tradewinds GHAD Resolution No. 2020/02
C. 8   Acting as the governing board of the Blackhawk Geological Hazard Abatement District (GHAD), ADOPT Blackhawk GHAD Resolution No. 2020/01 adopting the GHAD budget for fiscal year 2020/21; ADOPT resolution No. 2020/02 approving the change of GHAD Treasurer from Watermark Asset Manager, Inc to CLT Management, LLC, in addition to a contract between CLT and Blackhawk GHAD.
Blackhawk GHAD Budget
Blackhawk GHAD Resolution 2020/01
Blackhawk GHAD Resolution 2020/02
Blackhawk GHAD Contract for Services
C. 9   Acting as the governing board of the Hillcrest Heights Geological Hazard Abatement District (GHAD), ADOPT Hillcrest Heights GHAD Resolution No. 2020/01 adopting the GHAD budget for fiscal year 2020/21; ADOPT Hillcrest Heights GHAD Resolution No. 2020/02 approving the change of GHAD Treasurer from Watermark Asset Manager, Inc to CLT Management, LLC, in addition to a contract between CLT and Hillcrest Heights GHAD.
Hillcrest Heights GHAD 2020-21 Budget
Hillcrest Heights GHAD contract for professional services
Hillcrest Heights GHAD Resolution No. 2020/01
Hillcrest Heights GHAD Resolution No. 2020/02
C. 10   Acting as the governing board of the Wiedemann Ranch Geological Hazard Abatement District (GHAD), ADOPT Wiedemann Ranch GHAD Resolution No. 2020/01 adopting the GHAD budget for fiscal year 2020/21; ADOPT Wiedemann Ranch GHAD Resolution No. 2020/02 approving the change of GHAD Treasurer from Watermark Asset Manager, Inc to CLT Management, LLC, in addition to a contract between CLT and Wiedemann Ranch GHAD.
Wiedemann Ranch GHAD Budget 2020-21
Wiedemann Ranch GHAD contract for services
Wiedemann Ranch GHAD Resolution No 2020/01
Wiedemann Ranch GHAD Resolution No. 2020/02
C. 11   Acting as the governing board of the Wendt Ranch Geological Hazard Abatement District (GHAD), ADOPT Wendt Ranch GHAD Resolution No. 2020/01 adopting the GHAD budget for fiscal year 2020/21; ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/02 approving the change of GHAD Treasurer from Watermark Asset Manager, Inc to CLT Management, LLC, in addition to a contract between CLT and Wendt Ranch GHAD.
Wendt Ranch GHAD budget
Wendt Ranch GHAD contract for services
Wendt Ranch GHAD Resolution No. 2020/02
Wendt Ranch GHAD Resolution No. 2020/01
Claims, Collections & Litigation

C. 12   RECEIVE report concerning the final settlement of Christopher Caldwell vs. County of Contra Costa: and AUTHORIZE payment from the Workers' Compensation Internal Service Fund in an amount not to exceed $60,000, as recommended by the Director of Risk Management.  (100% Workers' Compensation Internal Service Fund)
C. 13   DENY claims filed by Deneka Bluitt, Tony Hendrix, Desmon Nakia Kiel, Phebe O. Robinson, and State Farm for Kathleen Lindsay; DENY amended claim from State Farm for Kathleen Lindsay; DENY amended claim from State Farm for Kathleen Lindsay.
Honors & Proclamations

C. 14   ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/156 designating the week of May 17-23, 2020 as National Emergency Medical Services Week, with the theme of “Ready Today. Preparing for Tomorrow.”, as recommended by the Health Services Director.
Resolution 2020/156
C. 15   ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/157 designating May 20, 2020 as Emergency Medical Services for Children Day, as recommended by the Health Services Director.
Resolution 2020/157
C. 16   ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/158 proclaiming June 2020 as Elder Abuse Awareness month, as recommended by the Employment and Human Services Director.
Resolution 2020/158
Appointments & Resignations

C. 17   ACCEPT the resignation of Ledamien Flowers from the Racial Justice Oversight Body, DECLARE the seat vacant, and DIRECT the Clerk of the Board to post the vacancy, as recommended by the County Administrator. (No Fiscal Impact)
Racial Justice Oversight Body Member Roster
C. 18   APPOINT Mike Williams as one of the two Ex Officio Representatives to the Emergency Medical Care Committee (EMCC) as recommended by Health Services Director, with a term expiration date of September 30, 2020.
C. 19   ACCEPT resignation of Michael Syrett, DECLARE a vacancy in City of Oakley Local Committee Seat on the Advisory Council on Aging, and Direct the Clerk of the Board to post the vacancy, as recommended by the Employment and Human Service Department Director.
C. 20   APPOINT Martin Aufhauser to the Moraga Local Committee Seat on the Advisory Council on Aging as recommended by the Employment and Human Services Department Director.
Appropriation Adjustments

C. 21   Contra Costa County Fire Protection District (7300): Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District, APPROVE Appropriation and Revenue Adjustment No. 005076 authorizing new revenue in the amount of $2,823,000 from CCCFPD Capital Construction Fund Balance, and appropriating it to multiple construction projects within the District.
TC24/27 AP005076
C. 22   Clerk Recorder-Elections Department (0043/2353 Elections Services): APPROVE Appropriation and Revenue Adjustment No. 5075 authorizing the transfer of appropriations in the amount of $39,153 from the Clerk-Recorder Department, Elections Division (0043/2353) to Public Works - Fleet Service (0064/4284) for purchase of a replacement cargo van.
APOO 5075: CCR Van Replacement
Personnel Actions

C. 23   ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/152 to appoint six Department of Conservation and Development Planner III incumbents to the class of Principal Planner A at nonconforming salary steps, as recommended by the County Administrator.  (100% Land Development Fund)
Resolution 2020/152
C. 24   ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 25597 to add one Social Worker (represented) position and cancel one Social Services Employment Placement Counselor (represented) position in the Whole Person Care program, as recommended by the Employment and Human Services Director. (100% State)
AIR 41545_ P300 25597 ECP to SW_BOS6.16.2020
C. 25   ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 25609 to reassign the Probation Director (unrepresented) position from the Institutions to Probation Programs in the Probation Department. (No fiscal impact)
P300 25609
Grants & Contracts
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE execution of agreements between the County and the following agencies for receipt of fund and/or services:

C. 26   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to accept a grant award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to pay the County an amount not to exceed $217,954 for the Ryan White, Part C, HIV Early Intervention Services to reduce the transmission of HIV, improve access to health care, and to enhance quality of life for those with HIV in West Contra Costa County for the period May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021. (100% Federal)
C. 27   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with the City of Antioch, to provide congregate meal services for County’s Senior Nutrition Program for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, including a three-month automatic extension through September 30, 2021. (100% City of Antioch)
C. 28   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Agricultural Commissioner, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with the California Department of Food and Agriculture to increase the payment limit by $40,000 for a new payment limit of $221,581 for additional reimbursement to the County due to increased workloads, with no change in the term through June 30, 2020. (100% State)
C. 29   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a novation contract with J-Sei, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $38,316 to provide home-delivered meals for County’s Senior Nutrition Program for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, including a three-month automatic extension through September 30, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $8,000. (100% Federal)
C. 30   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chief Information Officer, to execute a contract with the City of Vallejo to permit the Department of Information Technology to provide radio communications programming and maintenance services for the period April 20, 2020 until terminated.  (100% City of Vallejo)
C. 31   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to pay County an amount not to exceed $256,846 for housing sites for homeless youth with disabilities, mental illness, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS and dual diagnosis for the Permanent Connections Supportive Housing Program for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.  (75% Federal, 25% County match)
C. 32   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, to pay the County an amount not to exceed $175,596 to assess homeless needs in our community and allow for a more targeted allocation of resources for the County’s Homeless Management Information System project for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. (75% Federal, 25% County match)
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE execution of agreement between the County and the following parties as noted for the purchase of equipment and/or services:

C. 33   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Edward Lau, M.D., in an amount not to exceed $319,488 to provide outpatient psychiatric services for children in East County for the period September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% Mental Health Realignment)
C. 34   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Administrator, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Hinderliter, de Llamas and Associates, effective July 1, 2020, to increase the payment limit by $300,000 to a new payment limit of $725,000 and extend the term from June 30, 2020 through June 30, 2023, to continue providing sales tax audit and Information Services, as recommended by the County Administrator. (100% General Fund)
C. 35   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Young Men's Christian Association of the East Bay to increase the payment limit by $88,992 to a new payment limit of $1,066,624, effective April 1, 2020, to add 12 Early Head Start Partnership slots and additional health and safety reporting with no change to the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. (100% Federal)
C. 36   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with KMD Architects, to increase the payment limit by $750,000 to a new payment limit of $1,500,000 to provide as-needed architectural services for various facilities projects, and to extend the term from July 10, 2021 to July 10, 2022, Countywide. (100% Various Funds)
C. 37   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Tri-City Power Inc., to extend the term from June 30, 2020 to June 30, 2021, to provide on-call electrical services for various County facilities, with no change to the payment limit of $600,000, Countywide. (100% General Fund)
C. 38   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Conservation and Development Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Environmental Science Associates to extend the term from June 30, 2020 through December 31, 2021 with no change to the existing payment limit, to provide continued service to complete the Recirculated Environmental Impact Report for the Phillips 66 Propane Recovery Project (County File #LP12-2073). (100% Application Permit Fees)
C. 39   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on behalf of the County, a contract amendment with J.J.R. Enterprises, Inc. (d/b/a Caltronics Business Systems), effective February 2, 2020, to update specifications, functionality and pricing for copier rentals and managed print services with no change to the original payment limit or term, as recommended by the Public Works Director, Countywide. (100% Department User Fees)
Amendment to Master Agreement
C. 40   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on behalf of the County, a contract amendment with Ray A. Morgan Company, LLC, effective September 1, 2019, to update specifications, functionality and pricing for copier rentals and managed print services, with no change to the original payment limit or term, as recommended by the Public Works Director, Countywide. (100% Department User Fees)
Amendment to Master Agreement
C. 41   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to execute a contract with John Meyers in an amount not to exceed $400,000 for helicopter pilot services for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. (65% State, 34% CSA P-6 zone funds, 1% Agency user fees)
C. 42   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Probation Officer, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Behavioral Interventions, Incorporated, to increase the payment limit by $200,000 to a new payment limit of $475,000 to provide additional electronic monitoring services and equipment, with no change in the contract term of February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2022.  (100% General Fund)
C. 43   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Daniel T. Oberlin, M.D, in an amount not to exceed $365,000 to provide urology services for Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
C. 44   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Arianne Ferguson, M.D. in an amount not to exceed $209,664 to provide outpatient psychiatric care to patients in Central Contra Costa County for the period September 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021. (100% Mental Health Realignment)
C. 45   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with CocoKids, Inc. to extend the term end date from June 30, 2020 to December 31, 2020, to provide Emergency Child Care Bridge Program services for foster children, with no change to the payment limit of $1,399,220. (83% State, 17% Federal)
C. 46   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with BHC Fremont Hospital, Inc., to include a six-month automatic extension through December 31, 2020 in an amount not to exceed $650,000 to provide additional inpatient psychiatric hospital services for children, adolescents and adults for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. (100% Mental Health Realignment)
C. 47   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Administrator, or designee, to execute a contract containing modified indemnification language with Industrial Employers and Distributors Association, in an amount not to exceed $910,000 to serve as labor negotiators and to provide consulting services regarding labor relations for the period of July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2023, as recommended by the County Administrator. (100% General Fund)
C. 48   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Kevin Beadles, M.D., in an amount not to exceed $1,445,000 to provide ophthalmology services for Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period June 1, 2020 through May 31, 2023. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
C. 49   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Contra Costa Interfaith Transitional Housing, Inc., to increase the payment limit by $1,675,483 to a new payment limit of $2,926,247 and extend the termination date from June 30, 2020 to June 30, 2021 for additional case management and housing navigation services to the County’s Coordinated Entry System. (40% Probation Department Grants; 38% Housing and Urban Development Coordinated Entry funds; 13% Employment and Human Services Department; 9% General Fund)
C. 50   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chief Information Officer, or designee, to execute a contract with Gartner, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $276,600 to provide services to develop a Request for Proposal to replace the County’s legacy financial management system and evaluate RFP responses, for the period July 1, 202 to December 31, 2020.  (100% General Fund)
C. 51   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Lifelong Medical Care, in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 to provide primary care, urgent care and specialty medical services to Contra Costa Health Plan Members for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)
C. 52   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Crestwood Behavioral Health, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $8,389,976 to provide sub-acute skilled nursing care services for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. (92% Mental Health Realignment funds; 8% Mental Health Services Act)
C. 53   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Fred Finch Youth Center, to include a six-month automatic extension through December 31, 2020 in an amount not to exceed $751,759 to provide additional mental health services for youth under the Mental Health Services Act Community Services and Supports Program. (39% Federal Medi-Cal; 61% Mental Health Services Act)
C. 54   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute an abatement contract between Contra Costa County and Sterling Environmental Corporation, in an amount not to exceed $212,120, for the 1750 Oak Park Boulevard and 75 Santa Barbara Road Project, for the term June 16, 2020 through September 30, 2020, Pleasant Hill area. (100% General Fund)
Oak Park Abatement Contract
C. 55   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with AYA Healthcare, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $1,500,000 to provide temporary nursing staff for Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
C. 56   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with A Step Forward Child Abuse Treatment and Training Programs, A Marriage, Family and Child Counseling Corporation in an amount not to exceed $296,231 to provide Medi-Cal specialty mental health services for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% State Mental Health Realignment)
C. 57   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Ena Rios Corp, in an amount not to exceed $252,000 to provide Medi-Cal specialty mental health services for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. (50% Federal Medi-Cal; 50% State Mental Health Realignment)
C. 58   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Haley & Aldrich Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $90,000, to provide professional stormwater quality services for a variety of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit requirements for the Contra Costa County Watershed Program, for the period of June 16, 2020 to June 15, 2023, Countywide. (100% Stormwater Utility Assessment Funds)
C. 59   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Axis Community Health, Inc. (dba Axis Community Health), in an amount not to exceed $300,000 to provide primary care services for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)
C. 60   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with National Medical Services Inc., to increase the payment limit from $240,000 to a new payment limit of $600,000 to provide forensic toxicology analysis and extend the term from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2021.(100% Agency Fees)
C. 61   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Familytree Medical Transport, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $400,000 to provide non-emergency medical transportation services for Contra Costa Health Plan Members for the period August 1, 2020 through July 31, 2021. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)
C. 62   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $800,000 to provide temporary nursing and other categories of medical staffing services at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
C. 63   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Director of Child Support Services, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Integrated Information Systems, Inc. to increase the payment limit from $75,000 to $150,000 for the license and maintenance to the TurboCourt software system, and extend the contract term from June 30, 2020 to June 30, 2021. (66% Federal, 34% State)
C. 64   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Razel & Ruztin, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $279,414 to provide augmented board and care services for mentally ill older adults for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. (100% Mental Health Realignment funds)
C. 65   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Administrator, or designee, to execute a contract with Peckham & McKenney in an amount not to exceed $30,500 for the recruitment of County Administrator for the period of June 16, 2020 through January 31, 2021.
C. 66   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on behalf of the Health Services Department, a purchase order with R-Computer, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $400,000 for the purchase of laptops and desktop computers, and related equipment, for public health clinic services programs, for the period June 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021. (50% State; 25% Federal Health Care for the Homeless Grant; and 25% Federally Qualified Medi-Cal clinic visit reimbursement)
C. 67   Acting as the governing board of the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District, APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Fire Chief, or designee, to execute a Consulting Services Agreement with Kitchell CEM in an amount not to exceed $895,000 for construction management services for the new Fire Station 86 project in Bay Point for the period of June 16, 2020 through June 16, 2023. (100% CCCFPD Capital Construction Fund)
C. 68   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Language Line Services, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $1,100,000 for interpretation and translation services for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. (6% County, 36% State, 58% Federal)
C. 69   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with RecordXpress of California, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $900,000 to provide off-site storage, retrieval, destruction and management of documents and records for Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and other Health Services Departments for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2023.  (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)
Other Actions
C. 70   RATIFY the District Attorney's Office application for grant funding from U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance for an initial amount of up to $1,000,000 over a three-year period beginning October 1, 2020 to implement the Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence – Inventory, Tracking, and Reporting Program. (No County Match)
C. 71   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Administrator, or designee, to execute an amendment to the Emergency Occupancy Agreement between the County and OKC of Pittsburg LLC (at Motel 6, 2101 Loveridge Road, Pittsburg) to increase the number of rooms rented for emergency shelter and to add a purchase option. (100% General Fund)
C. 72   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Librarian, or designee, to execute a contract contract including mutual indemnification with Antioch Unified School District to provide breakfasts and lunches to youth library patrons for the period June 17, 2020 through July 30, 2020.  (Non-financial agreement)
AUSD Services Agreement
C. 73   RECEIVE 2019 Annual Report submitted by the Mental Health Commission, as recommended by the Health Services Director.
Mental Health Commission 2019 Annual Report
C. 74   ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/154 establishing appropriation limits for the County, County Service Areas, and County Special Districts for Fiscal Year 2020/21, as recommended by the Auditor-Controller.
Resolution 2020/154
Exhibit A FY 2020-21
C. 75   ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/153 authorizing the Department of Conservation and Development Director to apply for and accept Local Government Planning Support Grant Program Funds. (100% State Funds, no County match)
Resolution 2020/153
C. 76   ACCEPT the Treasurer’s Quarterly Investment Report as of March 31, 2020, as recommended by the County Treasurer-Tax Collector.
Q1_2020 TOC Report_Final
C. 77   ACCEPT the Treasurer’s Annual Investment Policy for the Fiscal Year 2020-2021, as recommended by the Treasurer-Tax Collector.
CCC Investment Policy FY20-21
C. 78   RECEIVE the Housing Successor Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2018-19, DIRECT staff to file the report with the Department of Housing and Community Development and post the report on the County website, and ADOPT Resolution No. 2020/162 extending the deadline to initiate development of housing at County-owned properties, as recommended by the Conservation and Development Director. (No fiscal impact)
Resolution 2020/162
Annual Report FY 18-19
C. 79   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Department of Conservation and Development to initiate a General Plan Amendment process to evaluate a proposal to change the General Plan land use designation for two parcels located at 850 Seven Hills Ranch Road in the Walnut Creek area from Single-Family Residential Medium Density to Congregate Care or a successor designation. (County File #20-0001) (100% Applicant Fees)
Attachment A - Materials Submitted by Richard Loewke, AICP
Attachment B - General Plan and Zoning Maps
Attachment C - Aerial Map
C. 80   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Office of the Sheriff, to execute a purchase order with LDV-Custom Specialty Vehicles in an amount not to exceed $275,000 for the purchase of one Ford F550 Logistics Support Vehicle. (100% State)
C. 81   APPROVE clarification of Board Action of May 12, 2020 (C.49) which authorized the Health Services Director to execute a Contract Amendment Agreement with Support4Recovery, Inc., to reflect the intent of the parties in which the payment limit should read an amount not to exceed $237,400, rather than $222,400, with no change in the term July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. (100% Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant)
C. 82   APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chair of the Board of Supervisors to sign the County Subvention Program Certificates of Compliance for the County Subvention and Medi-Cal Cost Avoidance Programs as administered by the California Department of Veterans Affairs, as recommended by the Veterans Service Officer.
Certificate of Compliance-Medi-Cal 2019-2020
Certificate of Compliance-Subvention-2019-2020
C. 83   APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE, the District Attorney, or designee, to apply for and accept grant funding from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance for an initial amount of up to $470,000 over a three-year period beginning October 1, 2020 to prosecute cold cases using DNA. (No County Match)
The Board meets in all its capacities pursuant to Ordinance Code Section 24-2.402, including as the Housing Authority and the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency. Persons who wish to address the Board should complete the form provided for that purpose and furnish a copy of any written statement to the Clerk.

Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the Clerk of the Board to a majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 651 Pine Street, First Floor, Room 106, Martinez, CA 94553, during normal business hours.

All matters listed under CONSENT ITEMS are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a member of the Board or a member of the public prior to the time the Board votes on the motion to adopt. 

Persons who wish to speak on matters set for PUBLIC HEARINGS will be heard when the Chair calls for comments from those persons who are in support thereof or in opposition thereto. After persons have spoken, the hearing is closed and the matter is subject to discussion and action by the Board.  Comments on matters listed on the agenda or otherwise within the purview of the Board of Supervisors can be submitted to the office of the Clerk of the Board via mail: Board of Supervisors, 651 Pine Street Room 106, Martinez, CA 94553; by fax: 925-335-1913.

The County will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Board meetings who contact the Clerk of the Board at least 24 hours before the meeting, at (925) 335-1900; TDD (925) 335-1915. An assistive listening device is available from the Clerk, Room 106.

Copies of recordings of all or portions of a Board meeting may be purchased from the Clerk of the Board.  Please telephone the Office of the Clerk of the Board, (925) 335-1900, to make the necessary arrangements.
Forms are available to anyone desiring to submit an inspirational thought nomination for inclusion on the Board Agenda. Forms may be obtained at the Office of the County Administrator or Office of the Clerk of the Board, 651 Pine Street, Martinez, California.

Subscribe to receive to the weekly Board Agenda by calling the Office of the Clerk of the Board, (925) 335-1900 or using the County's on line subscription feature at the County’s Internet Web Page, where agendas and supporting information may also be viewed:
Until further notice, to slow the spread of COVID-19 and in lieu of a public gathering, if the Board's STANDING COMMITTEES meet they will provide public access either telephonically or electronically, as noticed on the agenda for the respective STANDING COMMITTEE meeting.

The Airport Committee (Supervisors Karen Mitchoff and Diane Burgis) meets quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at the Director of Airports Office, 550 Sally Ride Drive, Concord.

The Family and Human Services Committee (Supervisors John Gioia and Candace Andersen) meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Finance Committee (Supervisors John Gioia and Karen Mitchoff) meets on the first Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Hiring Outreach Oversight Committee (Supervisors Federal D. Glover and John Gioia) meets quarterly on the first Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m.. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Internal Operations Committee (Supervisors Candace Andersen and Diane Burgis) meets on the second Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m.  in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Legislation Committee (Supervisors Karen Mitchoff and Diane Burgis) meets on the second Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Public Protection Committee (Supervisors Andersen and Federal D. Glover) meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Sustainability Committee (Supervisors Federal D. Glover and John Gioia) meets on the fourth Monday of every other month at 1:00 p.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.

The Transportation, Water & Infrastructure Committee (Supervisors Candace Andersen and Karen Mitchoff) meets on the second Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in Room 101, County Administration Building, 651 Pine Street, Martinez.
Airports Committee August 12, 2020 11:00 a.m. See above
Family & Human Services Committee June 22, 2020 9:00 a.m. See above
Finance Committee July 6, 2020 9:00 a.m. See above
Hiring Outreach Oversight Committee September 14, 2020 10:30 a.m. See above
Internal Operations Committee July 13, 2020 10:30 a.m. See above
Legislation Committee July 13, 2020 1:00 p.m. See above
Public Protection Committee June 22, 2020 10:30 a.m. See above
Sustainability Committee July 27, 2020 1:00 p.m. See above
Transportation, Water & Infrastructure Committee July 13, 2020 9:00 a.m. See above

AGENDA DEADLINE: Thursday, 12 noon, 12 days before the Tuesday Board meetings.

Glossary of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and other Terms (in alphabetical order):

Contra Costa County has a policy of making limited use of acronyms, abbreviations, and industry-specific language in its Board of Supervisors meetings and written materials. Following is a list of commonly used language that may appear in oral presentations and written materials associated with Board meetings:

AB Assembly Bill
ABAG Association of Bay Area Governments
ACA Assembly Constitutional Amendment
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
AFSCME American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees
AICP American Institute of Certified Planners
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Deficiency Syndrome
ALUC Airport Land Use Commission
AOD Alcohol and Other Drugs
ARRA  American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009
BAAQMD Bay Area Air Quality Management District
BART Bay Area Rapid Transit District
BayRICS Bay Area Regional Interoperable Communications System
BCDC Bay Conservation & Development Commission
BGO Better Government Ordinance
BOS Board of Supervisors
CALTRANS California Department of Transportation
CalWIN California Works Information Network
CalWORKS California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids
CAER Community Awareness Emergency Response
CAO County Administrative Officer or Office
CCE Community Choice Energy
CCCPFD (ConFire) Contra Costa County Fire Protection District
CCHP Contra Costa Health Plan
CCTA Contra Costa Transportation Authority
CCRMC Contra Costa Regional Medical Center
CCWD Contra Costa Water District
CDBG Community Development Block Grant
CFDA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
CEQA California Environmental Quality Act
CIO Chief Information Officer
COLA Cost of living adjustment
ConFire (CCCFPD) Contra Costa County Fire Protection District
CPA Certified Public Accountant
CPI Consumer Price Index
CSA County Service Area
CSAC California State Association of Counties
CTC California Transportation Commission
dba doing business as
DSRIP Delivery System Reform Incentive Program
EBMUD East Bay Municipal Utility District
ECCFPD East Contra Costa Fire Protection District
EIR Environmental Impact Report
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EMCC Emergency Medical Care Committee
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EPSDT Early State Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Program (Mental Health)
et al. et alii (and others)
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
F&HS Family and Human Services Committee
First 5 First Five Children and Families Commission (Proposition 10)
FTE Full Time Equivalent
FY Fiscal Year
GHAD Geologic Hazard Abatement District
GIS Geographic Information System
HCD (State Dept of) Housing & Community Development
HHS (State Dept of ) Health and Human Services
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HOME Federal block grant to State and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households
HOPWA Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program
HOV High Occupancy Vehicle
HR Human Resources
HUD United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
IHSS In-Home Supportive Services
Inc. Incorporated
IOC Internal Operations Committee
ISO Industrial Safety Ordinance
JPA Joint (exercise of) Powers Authority or Agreement
Lamorinda Lafayette-Moraga-Orinda Area
LAFCo Local Agency Formation Commission
LLC Limited Liability Company
LLP Limited Liability Partnership
Local 1 Public Employees Union Local 1
LVN Licensed Vocational Nurse
MAC Municipal Advisory Council
MBE Minority Business Enterprise
M.D. Medical Doctor
M.F.T. Marriage and Family Therapist
MIS Management Information System
MOE Maintenance of Effort
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MTC Metropolitan Transportation Commission
NACo National Association of Counties
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
OB-GYN Obstetrics and Gynecology
O.D. Doctor of Optometry
OES-EOC Office of Emergency Services-Emergency Operations Center
OPEB Other Post Employment Benefits
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PACE Property Assessed Clean Energy
PARS Public Agencies Retirement Services
PEPRA Public Employees Pension Reform Act
Psy.D. Doctor of Psychology
RDA Redevelopment Agency
RFI Request For Information
RFP Request For Proposal
RFQ Request For Qualifications
RN Registered Nurse
SB Senate Bill
SBE Small Business Enterprise
SEIU Service Employees International Union
SUASI  Super Urban Area Security Initiative
SWAT Southwest Area Transportation Committee
TRANSPAC Transportation Partnership & Cooperation (Central)
TRANSPLAN Transportation Planning Committee (East County)
TRE or TTE Trustee
TWIC Transportation, Water and Infrastructure Committee
UASI  Urban Area Security Initiative
VA Department of Veterans Affairs
vs. versus (against)
WAN Wide Area Network
WBE Women Business Enterprise
WCCHD West Contra Costa Healthcare District
WCCTAC West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee


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