July 20, 2016
1:30 P.M.
550 Sally Ride Drive, Concord

Supervisor Mary N. Piepho, Chair
Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, Vice Chair

Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the Committee
Present: Mary N. Piepho, Chair  
  Karen Mitchoff, Vice Chair  
Staff Present: Alicia Nuchols, District III Field Representative (East County)
Dominic Aliano, District IV Representative
Will Nelson, Principal Planner, Department of Conservation and Development
Keith Freitas, Director of Airports
Beth Lee, Assistant Director of Airports
Judy M. Evans, Airports Staff
1. Introductions
2. Review and Approve record of meeting for April 27, 2016 (Chair)   
AYE: Chair Mary N. Piepho, Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
3. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
4. Receive update from the Aviation Advisory Committee (Ronald Reagan, Aviation Advisory Committee Chair)   
  Ronald Reagan, Chair of the AAC, reviewed AAC discussion items from the past few months:
  • Byron Hangar Inspections – Mr. Reagan plans to attend one of the inspections
  • Collings Foundation - Wings of Freedom Tour at Buchanan Field June 8-12, 2016
  • JetSuiteX – Began service at Buchanan Field in April
  • MOGAS – Interested party wants to sell MOGAS at Buchanan Field Airport
  • 3-Acre Parcel – Potential light industrial business park
  • Byron General Plan Amendment – Amendment to make land uses consistent with Master Plan and General Plan
  • CCC Fire Protection District Station 9 – Interested in leasing space at Buchanan Field Airport
  • Wind Turbines – FAA is conducting an aeronautical study on 34 wind turbines near the Byron Airport
  • Far East Contra Costa County Development Plan – Greg Enholm, elected Trustee for the Contra Costa County Community College District, spoke at the last AAC meeting regarding a potential idea for a bond measure that could provide funding for the Community College District, Byron Airport, and the East Contra Costa Fire District, but there is no actual proposal
  • Noise Abatement – Increase in noise complaints at Buchanan Field
5. 3-Acre Non-Aviation Business Park Development at Buchanan Field (Review and Discuss)

This is a general discussion and review of the proposed business activity and status.
  Beth Lee provided some history on the 3-Acre parcel, which is noted as non-aviation on the Airport Master Plan. Due to density constraints on this parcel from accumulation of proposed development projects when the Master Plan was updated, developing the property to its highest and best potential was a problem. Airports staff worked with the Department of Conservation and Development (DCD) to overcome these obstacles and the General Plan Amendment has been approved. Airports staff is currently working with an interested party and going through the environmental review process. The interested party would like to put in a light industrial business park.
6. TDMC Hangar Proposal to Withdraw Cancelation Notice of Lease and Assign Lease (Review and Discuss)

This is a general discussion about the lease termination and potential lease assignment process.
  In December of 2015, Airports staff received a lease termination notice from the tenants of the TDMC hangar. Around March 2016, the tenant sent a request to rescind the termination if they could assign the lease. A solicitation was sent out for competitive interest. The Vietnam Helicopter Museum group submitted a letter of preliminary interest. Airport staff is reviewing options and working with County Counsel on this matter.
7. Parcel C Sales Tax Share Agreement Between County and City of Concord (Review and Discuss)

This is a general discussion about the status of the sales tax share agreement between the County and City.
  Parcel C is a 4.5 acre property on the northwest corner of Marsh Drive and Solano Way. Approximately twenty percent (20%) of the parcel is within the County’s jurisdiction and the balance is in the City of Concord’s jurisdiction. This parcel has never been developed due in large part to having to deal with two different jurisdictions for entitlements. The sales tax share agreement would streamline the development process and eliminate ambiguity. The sales tax share agreement process is in the final stages and should go to the Board and Concord City Council in the next several months. In the meantime, there is a temporary use agreement that would allow a Pumpkin Patch and Christmas Tree Lot to use this site.
8. JetSuiteX Scheduled Charter Service (Review and Discuss)

This is a general discussion of the proposed business activity and status.
  JetSuiteX’s target load factor is up to 50%, but they want 70% plus load factor. They are marketing the service to the business community and the leisure traveler plus informing the general public of this service. There was discussion about various marketing strategies and advertising opportunities that could help them achieve their goals. Keith Freitas pointed out Buchanan Field is often not included in internet searches because there is no commercial service.
9. Wind Turbines (Review and Discuss)

This is a discussion and status update of the wind turbine project.
  Thirty-four (34) new wind turbines are being proposed in Alameda County that are approximately 499 feet in height and about 3 ½ miles from the Byron Airport. The ALUC and Airport staff want to ensure there will not be an impact to Byron Airport.
10. Airfield Construction Projects Overview 2016 & 2017 (Review and Discuss)

This is a general discussion of anticipated near term airfield projects for each airport.
  The approximately $900K pavement project at Byron Airport has been completed and included sealing, repainting and remarking of the pavement. The next project (pending FAA funding) at Byron Airport will be security fencing.
The next project at Buchanan Field Airport will be the construction and overlay of Taxiway Echo and Kilo, pending FAA funding. Following that project, will be the overlay of secondary Runway 14L/32R and security fencing, also pending FAA funding.
11. Byron General Plan Amendment Update and Byron Airport Development Program Modification -  Dudek Report (Review and Discuss)

Staff recommends that the Committee review the proposal for updating the ALUCP and provide direction to staff.
  Will Nelson, Department of Conservation and Development (DCD), reported that the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) for Byron Airport is more restrictive, than for Buchanan Field, and is not compatible with the Master Plan. There is a proposal to augment the contract in order to update the ALUCP so that the ALUCP, the Master Plan, and the General Plan Amendment and zoning would all be in conformity. DUDEK would charge $43K to augment the contract, but the total cost of the EIR for the General Plan Amendment and the Rezoning ($223K) would still be less than the only other bid received. The ALUCP update would extend the length of the contract, but the benefit would be that the general plan zoning and the ALUCP would be updated with one Environmental Impact Report (EIR) instead of having to do two. This path would take more investment in the short term, but would save staff time and money in the long run. The additional funds would come from the Mariposa Fund, which has been previously authorized for the contract. Supervisor Piepho gave her approval to move this forward to the full Board of Supervisors.
12. Airports Security (Review and Discuss)

This is a general discussion of security enhancements that could be considered for the airports.
  Supervisor Mitchoff requested this item be added to the agenda after an access control incident at Buchanan Field Airport on July 12, 2016. Someone accessed the airfield and disturbed the JetSuiteX aircraft. All security protocols were followed and the Sheriff’s Department apprehended the individual and CCTV was used to confirm the identity of the perpetrator.
Some of the added security measures that have been taken include:

  • Increased patrols by Sheriff’s Department
  • Installation of CCTV
  • Advised tenants to increase awareness and security measures
  • Fencing upgrades
  • Assessment of airfield security improvements
The Airport currently has multiple layers of security. Supervisor Mitchoff asked for a cost estimate of private security. Keith Freitas reported estimates for private security as well as for additional County staff. With the exception of the larger airports, Buchanan Field Airport exceeds surrounding airports in security measures and staffing levels. Supervisor Mitchoff asked for more financial details and a risk assessment to potentially discuss with the full Board of Supervisors in closed session.
13. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for September 28, 2016
14. Future Agenda Items   
AYE: Chair Mary N. Piepho, Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
15. Adjourn

The Airports Committee will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Airports Committee meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 96 hours before the meeting.
Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the County to a majority of members of the Airports Committee less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 550 Sally Ride Drive, Concord, during normal business hours.
Public comment may be submitted via electronic mail on agenda items at least one full work day prior to the published meeting time.

For Additional Information Contact:

Keith Freitas, Committee Staff
Phone (925) 681-4200, Fax (925) 646-5731