August 22, 2016
12:30 P.M.
651 Pine Street, Room 101, Martinez

Supervisor John Gioia, Chair
Supervisor Federal D. Glover, Vice Chair
Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the Committee
Present: John Gioia, Supervisor, District I  
  Federal D. Glover, Supervisor, District V  
Staff Present: Jody London, Sustainability Coordinator, Dept of Conservation and Development
John Kopchik, Director, Dept of Conservation and Developmen
Jason Crapo, Deputy Director, Dept of Conservation and Development
Justin Sullivan, Conservation Planner, Dept of Conservation and Development
Michael Kent, Hazardous Materials Ombudsman, Health Services Department
Attendees: Marti Roach
Emily Hopkins
Jan Warren
Carol Weed
Dave Sammons
Audrey Albrecht
Mara Stangch
Jose Lopez
1. Introductions
2. Public Comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Ad Hoc Committee and not on this agenda, (speakers may be limited to three minutes).

  • The Committee received public comment from the following individuals:

  • Marti Roach - Ms. Roach expressed support for the Sustainability Committee.  She suggested it should be a standing committee of the Board, and believes a Citizens Advisory Committee is also a good step.  Ms. Roach described the Citizens Climate Lobby and its mission to pass a federal carbon fee.

  • Emily Hopkins - Ms. Hopkins believes the Sustainability Committee should be a standing committee of the Board.  She likes the establishment of a Citizens Advisory Committee.  She asks the Sustainability Committee to endorse the federal carbon fee and seek endorsement for a carbon fee from the full Board.

  • Jan Warren - Ms. Warren is pleased she will be receiving 100% green energy from MCE starting September 1. She expressed the same support for the Sustainability Committee and a Citizens Advisory Committee.

  • Carol Weed - Ms. Weed agrees with the prior speakers.  She also would like the Board of Supervisors to adopt a resolution urging the Bay Area Air Quality Management District t adopt a Community Worker Alternative.  (see attached)

  • David Sammons - Mr. Sammons supports the other speakers regarding the Committee. Please see attached handout provided by members of the public. (Attachment A: Resolution BAAQMD)
3. CONSIDER Administrative items and Take ACTION as appropriate. (Jody London, DCD)   
4. CONSIDER Staff recommendation to approve the attached Record of Action for the September 14, 2015, Committee Meeting with any necessary corrections. (Jody London, DCD)
  The Committee unanimously approved the Record of Action.
AYE: Supervisor, District I John Gioia, Supervisor, District V Federal D. Glover
5. CONSIDER Staff recommended approval of the attached Record of Action for the April 25, 2016, Committee Meeting with any necessary corrections. (Jody London, DCD)
  The Committee unanimously approved the Record of Action. Supervisor Gioia noted the major work accomplished by the County on Sustainability issues in 2015: approval of the Climate Action Plan, authorization of a Property Assessed Clean Energy program, initiation of a study of Community Choice Energy, adoption of an ordinance on electric vehicles, and creation of the Sustainability Coordinator position.
6. RECEIVE update on activities of the Sustainability Coordinator. (Jody London, DCD)   
  The Committee received the update.  
7. PROVIDE direction regarding strategies for pursuing funds to support Climate Action Plan implementation and other sustainability programs and projects. (Jody London, DCD)   
  The Committee received the report.  The Committee directed staff to do the following:
  • Reconvene the staff team tracking Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds, and report back on the activities of each department, and funds received.
  • Educate staff across County departments about how to pursue funding opportunities associated with the Climate Action Plan, using a guide published by the League of California Cities.
  • Continue to update the list of projects in Contra Costa County funded through Greenhouse Gas Reduction funds. On this matter, Supervisor Gioia noted that projects are valued only on a cost/ton of carbon reduced basis, and should also reflect co-benefits, as listed in AB 32.
8. DIRECT Staff to reconvene the interdepartmental Climate Action Plan Working Group and return with a report on progress to date in achieving Climate Action Plan goals and where additional resources would be beneficial. (Jody London, DCD)   
  The Committee received the staff report. The Committee directed staff to reconvene the interdepartmental Climate Action Plan Working Group and report back in October.  The Committee discussed opportunities for the County to better cooperate with the cities in Contra Costa County on climate action issues.  Staff noted that not all cities have a Climate Action Plan. 
9. RECEIVE report from Staff recommending that the Ad Hoc Sustainability Committee recommend to the Board of Supervisors the establishment of a Citizen Advisory Committee on Sustainability. (Jody London, DCD)   
  The Committee directed staff to prepare a report to the Board of Supervisors recommending creation of a Citizens Advisory Committee on Sustainability that would report to the Board. The Committee directed staff to recommend the Citizens Advisory Committee follow Option B in the staff report, with the addition of one member who would represent environmental justice interests. 

The recommended composition would be: one member appointed by each Supervisor (5); two members representing community groups whose mission includes sustainability and/or environmental issues (2); two members representing commercial groups or organizations whose business focuses on sustainability and/or environmental issues (2); and one member representing environmental justice interests (1).
10. DISCUSS SB 32, Climate Pollution Reduction Beyond 2020 Healthier Communities And A Stronger Economy, and consider referral to Board of Supervisors to take a position on the bill. (Jody London, DCD)   
  The Committee discussed ongoing negotiations in the Legislature regarding SB 32. Given the timing of the legislative session and the Board's meeting schedule, no referral was made.
11. ADJOURN to next meeting date, if established by the Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability.

The Committee agreed to meet again in October. The Committee directed staff to identify a date.

The Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72 hours before the meeting.
Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the County to a majority of members of the Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 651 Pine Street, 10th floor, during normal business hours.
Public comment may be submitted via electronic mail on agenda items at least one full work day prior to the published meeting time.

For Additional Information Contact:

Jody London, Sustainability Coordinator
Phone (925) 674-7871, Fax (925) 674-7250