September 19, 2022
Supervisor Federal D. Glover, Chair
Supervisor John Gioia, Vice Chair

Present: Federal D. Glover, Chair  
  John Gioia, Vice Chair  
Staff Present: John Kopchik, Director, Department of Conservation and Development; Jody London, Sustainability Coordinator, Department of Conservation and Development; Jason Crapo, Deputy Director, Department of Conservation and Development; Alyson Greenlee, Economic Development Manager, Department of Conservation and Development; Brendan Havenar-Daughton, Energy Manager, Department of Public Works; Susan Psara, Green Business Program Manager, Health Department; Monica Nino, County Administrator; George Carter, Economic Development Program Manager, Department of Conservation and Development; Dan Peddycord, Chief Climate and Health Officer, Health Department; Steve Kowalewski, Chief Deputy Director, Department of Public Works; Michael Kent, Hazardous Materials Ombudsman, Health Department; Adam Scarbrough, Planner, Department of Conservation and Development; Luz Gomez, Building Healthy Communities Manager, Health Department; Tania Pulido, Field Representative, Office of Supervisor Gioia; Emily Groth, Climate Corps Fellow, Department of Conservation and Development; Lara Delaney, Senior Deputy County Administrator, Office of the County Administrator
Attendees: Denice Dennis, Josh Sonnenfeld, Mike Moore, Christine Cordero, Shoshana Wechsler, Call-in User 1, Betty Lobos, Marti Roach, Jan Warren, Jessie HF Hammerling, Janet S. Johnson, Nancy Rieser, Jean Tepperman, Madeline Canning
1. Introductions
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
  There was no public comment.
3. Approve Record of Action from July 11, 2022, Meeting of the Sustainability Committee.   
  The Record of Action was unanimously approved.
4. RECEIVE Update Regarding Process to Plan for a Just Transition   
  Alyson Greenlee from the Department of Conservation and Development provided an overview of the County’s progress towards a just transition, defined as a process that centers communities and frontline workers in the movement from a fossil fuel reliant economy to a zero-emission economy. Greenlee reviewed past actions the County has taken regarding the transition; the history of industrial activity within the County; and new and ongoing programs and efforts that can be leveraged to set Contra Costa County up for a successful Just Transition. The County is currently in the process of accepting a $750,000 Community Project Funding grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to be used to develop a Just Transition Economic Revitalization Plan (JTERP). The JTERP would focus on land use changes, strategies to attract businesses in priority sectors, workforce retraining, and the promotion of equity in the County’s economic development goals. The grant funds will be used for the development of community outreach and engagement practices, economic analyses, and specialized studies over the course of 18 to 24 months, culminating in the creation of the JTERP. Greenlee described the County’s next steps as developing more details on the JTERP’s geographic and topical scope; creation process; and how it will complement existing initiatives, like the Green Empowerment Zone, as well as creating an overall work plan and schedule. Staff will provide an additional update to the Committee and seek additional direction when federal funds are secured, projected to be at the next Committee meeting in November.
The Committee noted that the JTERP is one of many efforts in the County related to Just Transition and emphasized the need for coordination to ensure that the JTERP fits in with existing efforts.
The Committee directed staff to provide an update on workforce development efforts at a future Committee meeting. The Committee also suggested potentially setting up a steering committee that would be involved with each workforce development effort.
Josh Sonnenfeld from the BlueGreen Alliance provided an update on the High Road Training Partnership, a workforce development effort funded by the State that started after the Marathon Martinez closure. Its purpose is to provide information on refineries’ impact on the County’s economy and environment, how refineries may transition in the coming decades, and how to center the transition process on the needs of workers and community members, culminating in a report in 2023. Sonnenfeld agreed that coordination is critical to ensure a smooth transition that centers the needs of workers and the community.
The Committee asked if the High Road Training Partnership would also train new graduates out of high school and community college. Sonnenfeld clarified that both new workers and refinery workers would be trained and noted that community members expressed a need for training opportunities and pathways for youth at a workshop earlier in the year.
Public comment included a desire to create legislation that would require refineries to clean up and remediate contamination left behind in the event of downsizing or decommissioning, concern regarding the funding sources for the programs discussed, a request that the JTERP project scope to be shared publicly as soon as possible, and support for a steering committee. Christine Cordero from APEN expressed support for the just transition and asked how these processes would be tied to regional Community Economic Resilience Fund and High Road Training economic development processes.
The Committee clarified that the Northern Waterfront Initiative will be seeing more activity as work is done to link the initiative and other ongoing just transition activities to the JTERP. The Committee also clarified that the Green Empowerment Zone includes additional cities along the industrial waterfront, as allowed by the legislation. The Committee thanked Congressman DeSaulnier for helping with the grant.  The Committee directed staff to set up a Sustainability Committee Special Meeting in October to discuss the current Just Transition work happening in the County and the Board’s priorities in advance of the submittal of the JTERP project letter to HUD before the end of the year. Prior to the meeting, the Supervisors will have conversations with stakeholders regarding current just transition work. The Committee also directed staff to inventory different Just Transition efforts in the County.


5. Accept the Sustainability Commission Chair's update.
  Mike Moore, Sustainability Commission Chair, expressed the Commission’s willingness to assist in the Just Transition process and reported on the Commission’s August meeting. At this meeting, the Commission voted on a definition of sustainability to be used in the updated Climate Action Plan and other activities and received an update on plans to initiate an ordinance for the electrification of existing buildings. Moore also provided an update on Richmond’s Path to Zero event, which presented the benefits of hydrogen as a next generation renewable fuel and was funded by Chevron, and efforts in the City of Oakley to ban oil and gas drilling and adopt a resolution and letter to the Board of Supervisors to ban oil and gas drilling in Contra Costa County. Moore extended an invitation to all County residents to Sustainability Week in Walnut Creek.
The Committee noted that state law is technology-neutral and that both green hydrogen and battery electric will be needed to get to zero emissions.
Public comment included an expressed concern with transitioning away from fossil fuels.
6. Receive Report from Sustainability Coordinator.   
  Jody London reported that the Interdepartmental Climate Action Task Force would be providing a report at the September 20 Board of Supervisors meeting. London then provided updates on sustainability efforts throughout County departments. These included the start of a new Climate Corps Fellow; the G3 Champions; Public Works’ implementation of the Sustainability Fund and work around active transportation grants; the County Library’s Ride Clean and Drive webinar on electric vehicles that saw over 100 residents participate; and Health Services’ Practice Green Health initiative to reduce waste from medical facilities, Safe Routes to School program, and clean air grants.
Public comment included a request to disclose how government goals will impact taxpayers and appreciation for the County’s efforts to address the effects of fossil fuels on the climate.
7. The next meeting is currently scheduled for November 28, 2022, 1pm-2:3pm.
8. Adjourn


For Additional Information Contact:

Jody London, Sustainability Coordinatorf
Phone (925) 674-7871