November 22, 2021
Supervisor Federal D. Glover, Chair
Supervisor John Gioia, Vice Chair

Present: Federal D. Glover, Chair  
  John Gioia, Vice Chair  
1. Introductions
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
  Marti Roach stated that she recently sent input to Jody London on the Climate Action Plan and encouraged the Department of Conservation and Development and Supervisors to reach out to Marti for contact with 350 Contra Costa. Public comment also included the County’s strategy for emissions reduction work. There are formal plans to align cities via economies of scale, such as EV charging. Supervisor Gioia reiterated that the infusion of new funds via the Sustainability Fund will allow Public Works to carry out this plan. Lastly, there was a comment made about Measure X funding concerns related to the security of the community. Public commenter was assured this is not a measure related to de-funding the police.   
3. APPROVE Record of Action from September 27, 2021, Meeting of the Sustainability Committee.   
AYE: Chair Federal D. Glover
  Vice Chair John Gioia
4. RECEIVE UPDATE on BayREN marketing and outreach strategy, and PROVIDE DIRECTION.   
5. CONSIDER REFERRAL from Board of Supervisors regarding letter from Sustainability Commission recommending actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings.   
  The Committee considered a referral from the Board of Supervisors from the Sustainability Commission. The Sustainability Commission sent a letter with recommendations on strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in County buildings. Jody London, DCD, in conjunction with Steve Kowalewski, Public Works, provided an update on each item of this referral.
In terms of the new electric requirement for new buildings, the County’s building electrification ordinance is set to appear for a public hearing on approval during the first quarter of 2022.
As far as green procurement goes, a goal in the Interim CAP Work Plan is to update the County’s Environmentally Preferable Purchasing policy by the end of 2022. The purpose is to consider greenhouse gas emissions during the procurement process. In addition, AB 1383, which creates a new organics collection requirement, is on track for adoption by the County. County staff are reviewing documentation, attending trainings and webinars pertaining to waste.
The current County design construction process doesn’t include Buy Clean California Act specifications, but there is agreement with the Commission that these should be in County contracts. This is too early to implement, as it is only for State projects right now. However, the County will push to include these environmental product definitions, as well as document the lifecycle of some of these products (flat glass, mineral board insulation, structural steel, reinforcing steel). CalTrans hopes to include other materials in the future such as asphalt, concrete, and aggregates. This is expected to happen in 2022. The County is currently waiting for CalTrans to update guidance on this so it can follow suit.
In terms of resilience hubs, staff agrees that the adaptability and repurposing of County buildings for resilience hubs/community centers would require further collaboration. The plan is to use Measure X funding to bring on another staff member to help work on this
The Committee observed that it would require higher filtration in new buildings to allow for resilience hubs, which can become a zoning issue. A clean air center is inherently a public building. Brian Balbas, Public Works Director, confirmed that any retrofit of County buildings will be standardized to MERV 13. This allows for filtration for COVID as well. The Committee asked for a report back on this from Public Works.

Public Comment included concerns about building material safety, and overseas manufacturing.

6. RECEIVE REPORT from Sustainability Commission Chair, or Designee.   
  Wes Sullens, Sustainability Commission Chair, provided an overview of the Commission meeting last month, where the focus was on reviewing draft goals and strategies for the Climate Action Plan (CAP). In terms of the big picture, the Commission’s focus is on the goals and strategies being aggressive enough, the implementation actions clear, and the strategies equitable for all. The Sustainability Commission used an online Jamboard to incorporate Commission members’ feedback for each strategy, where they made comments, as well suggestions for improvement. Sullens stated that the main areas of concern for the Commission were wildfire danger, stronger language, the labor it will take to make these transitions good green jobs, data transparency and visualization, tracking mechanisms, and industrial use. During public comment, other suggestions were that there be clear and measurable goals, as well as a higher authority for these actions. While the Jamboard strategies were helpful, Commissioners also expressed interest in the in-person aspect as well. This will be revisited as COVID subsides.
County staff and the consultant will take these comments into consideration in the next draft. The December 2021 Sustainability Commission meeting will include a discussion about sea level rise.
7. RECEIVE report from Sustainability Coordinator.   
  Jody London reported that staff is working to organize the Interdepartmental Climate Action Task Force, where the primary focus is to identify champions within each department to support the adoption of Green Business Program best practices. Staff is also working on the Climate Action Plan, the implementation of SB1383, the Asthma Initiative, building electrification reach code. London noted that the County could join Drive Electric Bay Area, a program that would allow County employees to receive rebates and incentives for electric vehicles.
During public comment, community members expressed a concern regarding electric cars and county employees, particularly that for mechanics, servicing electric cars can be extremely dangerous and should be considered by the County.
8. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for January 24, 2022.
9. Adjourn


For Additional Information Contact:

Jody London, Sustainability Coordinatorf
Phone (925) 655-2815