August 13, 2021
9:00 A.M.
1025 Escobar St., Martinez
Mariana Moore, Chair
BK Williams, Vice Chair
Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the Committee
Present: Mariana Moore, Chair; BK Williams, Vice Chair; Kathryn Chiverton; Odessa LeFrancois; David Cruise; Ali Saidi; Kimberly Aceves-Iniquez; Ruth Fernandez; Debbie Toth; Susun Kim; Cathy Hanville; Pello Walker; Gigi Crowder; Melissa Stafford Jones; Diana Honig; Lindy Lavender
Absent: Edith Pastrano; Jim Cervantes; Dr. Michelle Hernandez; Sharon Quezada Jenkins; Michelle Stewart; Jerry Short; Sandra Wall; Sandro Trujillo; Geneveva Calloway; Peter Benson; Steven Bliss
Staff Present: Lisa Driscoll, County Finance Director; Enid Mendoza, Senior Deputy County Administrator
1. Introductions
  Staff provided instruction for access to English live transcription (automated closed captioning), and live simultaneous Spanish and ASL interpretation and then conducted roll call.  There were approximately 43 participants.
2. Accept attached written public comments.   
  Public comments were received from six participants on a variety of community needs.
3. Staff recommends MXCAB receive the Record of Action for the August 11, 2021 meeting.   
  The record of action was accepted as presented.
4. Accept attached updated tracking spreadsheets and list of potential funding buckets.   
  Chair Moore introduced the topic and set a meeting goal to move towards concrete proposals to bring to the MXCAB at next Wednesday’s Meeting (August 18).  The MXCAB were reminded that the current meeting was limited to two hours. 

 Kathryn Chiverton, District II Appointee, shared the most recent changes to the Evaluation spreadsheet included in the meeting packet, including moving LGBTQ under Mental Health, changing the rating system to a more consistent scale of 1-5, proving more detailed information on funding request to the re-entry and senior services sections. She noted that additional changes to the Workforce Development section were pending, per input from Lindy Lavender.

MXCAB members requested that the following additional changes be made to the Evaluation worksheet: add a new section for Asian American/Pacific Islander needs, including Mental Health; add information to document which region(s) of the county services are to be provided in; consolidate the safety net services list; add the five recommended services submitted by the Developmental Disabilities Council, and services to address the needs of developmentally disabled residents who have also been diagnosed with mental health needs, with one model being the Schreiber Center in Alameda County. Some of the definitions in the criteria columns were discussed and clarified, including “Bang for the Buck” (small investments yield significant impact) and “Connected to Community” (community-based, including peer-led and smaller, nontraditional programs that are deeply trusted by the residents being served).

The conversation culminated with a discussion of how to utilize the Evaluation Worksheet to aid group decision making. A consensus appeared to emerge that the worksheet should be used as an individual tool to inform formal voting decisions in the future, and not be used as a public record for recording group ranking results. The Evaluation spreadsheet will be further revised, based on input during the meeting, and included in the meeting packet for August 18.

Other ideas discussed by MXCAB members included: identifying the differing needs of residents in specific geographic areas in the County, including an understanding that residents in East County generally have less access to many services compared to those in central and west county; identifying and addressing the root causes of residents’ needs, in order to make overall systemic changes; identifying residents and population groups who are most marginalized and exploited, in order to focus Measure X funding to serve those populations; addressing the caregiver gap by supporting programs to train more caregivers and other direct support professionals (considering the Health Career Pathways program as a model); providing incentives to local employers to hire people with disabilities; supporting the Accessible Transportation Strategic Plan, given that transportation needs have been a recurring theme in MXCAB presentations; and creating and preserving affordable rental housing for vulnerable populations, including those with disabilities.

MXCAB members discussed the process for identifying priorities and recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Suggestions included: recommending changes to how resources are being allocated, rather than just throwing more money at a problem (e.g., establishing an innovation fund; providing capacity building for smaller community organizations); recognizing that Measure X funds represent a small portion of the overall county budget, and should be used to funds supports and services for the county’s most vulnerable and marginalized populations and residents; taking more time to refine MXCAB’s decision making criteria; responding to Supervisor Gioia’s and Mitchoff’s stated interested in MXCAB recommending scale/magnitude of investment in specific areas (without naming specific dollar amounts or percentages); avoiding getting “into the weeds” with the evaluation spreadsheet; reaching agreement on overarching values to guide MXCAB’s priority-setting; ensuring that spreadsheet criteria that give advantage to existing or better-resourced programs and organizations (e.g., availability of matching funds) do not overly skew MXCAB decision-making; taking a holistic and human-centered approach to understanding community needs and recommending funding priorities; exploring grouping funding recommendation by population group (though this raised concerns about over-generalizing the needs of, for example, young people); focusing more on voting and less on process; seeing if MXCAB can reach consensus on funding requests that don’t fit within Measure X purposes; focusing on health, fire protection, and safety net needs; prioritizing funding needs that are well-articulated and ready to implement quickly; focusing on the two deliverables outlined in MXCAB bylaws: 1) needs/gaps assessment to identify 10 priority areas; 2) recommendations on Measure X funding priorities (without specifying dollar amounts, but indicating general funding magnitude).
Public comments were received from two individuals.

Next steps: Kathy Chiverton will revise the spreadsheet to consolidate the list of needs/ideas and otherwise incorporate MXCAB feedback. Chair Moore will work with Vice Chair Williams to develop a recommendation for moving forward to present at the next MXCAB meeting on August 18.

5. The next meetings are currently scheduled for August 18th at 5:00 PM, August 20th at noon, and August 25th at 5:00 PM.
  There were no changes to the current meeting schedule.
6. Adjourn
  The meeting adjourned at 11:00 AM.

The Measure X Community Advisory Board will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Measure X meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72 hours before the meeting.
Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the County to a majority of members of the Measure X Community Advsory Board less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 1025 Escobar St., 4th Floor, Martinez, during normal business hours.
Public comment may be submitted via electronic mail on agenda items at least one full work day prior to the published meeting time.

For Additional Information Contact:

Lisa Driscoll, Committee Staff
Phone (925) 655-2047