and Working Group

December 18, 2019
651 Pine Street, Room 101, Martinez

Working Group Meeting Co-Chairs:
Mariana Moore, Ensuring Opportunities Campaign
Joshua Anijar, Contra Costa Central Labor Council

Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the Committee
Present: Co-Chair Mariana Moore; Co-Chair Joshua Anijar
Staff Present: Chris Wikler, BOS District IV; Sonia Bustamante, BOS District I
Attendees: Jevron Games, Ruth Fernandez, Mark Friedman, Fran Biderman, Dan Geiger, Rebecca Rozen, Taylor Sims, Jess Jollett, Shawn Welch, Laura Sheckler, Ali Saidi, Rev. Sophia Deliret, Stephanie Medley, Stephen Hoeft, Lindy Lavender, Dan Peddycord, Gabriel Haaland, Vincent Wells
1. Introductions
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
  No public comment was offered.
3. RECEIVE Record of Action for the December 2, 2019, Potential Sales Tax Measure Ad Hoc Committee Working Group meeting.
  Accepted as presented.
4. RECEIVE reports from subgroups.
  The vision and goals sub-group presented first and shared a preliminary vision statement as well as a list of values with the work group. Several changes were proposed to the statement, including substitution of the word equitable for the word equal, and the inclusion of language specifically noting the regressive nature of sales taxes, and how the benefits of these taxes should be directed towards those communities most impacted by a sales tax.
The work plan sub-group shared their preliminary discussions regarding a timeline for the potential sales tax and asked clarifying questions of several of the other sub-groups to assist in formulating deliverable goals for each sub-group over the next six months.
The data/budget sub-group shared that once the committee identifies and agrees upon specific need areas to be targeted by a sales tax, at that point the group will be able to identify metrics and data sets that support the needs identified by the work group.  
5. DISCUSS funding for polls and campaign actions in relation to this potential measure.
  The work group segued to a discussion of political strategy and members contemplated how a campaign in support of this potential measure might be funded. A suggestion was made to create a fundraising committee and identify foundation funds that could support a preliminary poll prior to the March primary. Further polling efforts were outlined as follows: a second poll that could be funded by the county after the March primary, and a final tracking poll that would be funded by the campaign sometime in the mid to late summer. Members of the political sub-group noted that they had received a preliminary bid for a campaign for this tax measure and that it would be in the range of $800,000 to $850,000.
The work group also discussed the need for legislation to increase the local tax rate cap before a potential sales tax could be offered to the voters. The work group co-chairs asked county staff in attendance to follow up on that item. The work group also considered the mechanisms by which a campaign would be formulated, and who among the group would be engaged in that effort. The consensus was that campaign co-chairs with decision-making authority would be identified and would lead the campaign effort, with input and guidance from the broader coalition made up of participating individuals and entities in the work group.
6. ESTABLISH meeting schedule.
  The next meeting of the Potential Sales Tax Measure Ad Hoc Committee Work Group is scheduled for January 10 at 9am in room 101 of 651 Pine Street, Martinez.
The first meeting of the political strategy/polling sub-group is scheduled for January 6th at 2pm at the Contra Costa Central Labor Council at 1333 Pine St., Suite E Martinez.
7. Adjourn

The Potential Sales Tax Measure Ad Hoc Committee will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Potential Sales Tax Measure Ad Hoc Committee meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72 hours before the meeting.
Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the County to a majority of members of the Potential Sales Tax Measure Ad Hoc Committee less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 651 Pine Street, 10th floor, during normal business hours.
Public comment may be submitted via electronic mail on agenda items at least one full work day prior to the published meeting time.

For Additional Information Contact:

Lisa Driscoll, County Finance Director
Phone (925) 335-1023, Fax (925) 646-1353