(An Ad Hoc Committee Established by the Board of Supervisors)

  July 15, 2019
12:00 P.M.
Paramount Conference Room
777 Arnold Drive, Martinez

Supervisor Diane Burgis, Chair
Supervisor Candace Andersen, Vice Chair

District I: Lina Velasco  •   District II: Aparna Madireddi  •   District III: Linda Soliven  
District IV: Lauren Babb   •   District V: Lynn Reichard-Enea

Fran Biderman  •  Alvaro Fuentes  •  Samuel Houston  •  Melody Howe-Weintraub
Terry Koehne  •  Mariana Moore  •  Mark Orcutt  •  Andres Orozco  •  Ali Saidi

Barbara Riveira, County Administrator's Office
Kristine Solseng, Conservation and Development Department
Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the Committee
Present: Diane Burgis, Chair; Linda Soliven, District III Representative; Lauren Babb, District IV Representative; Lynn Reichard-Enea, District V Representative; Andres Orozco, At Large Member; Ali Saidi, At Large Member; Fran Biderman, At Large Member; Melody Howe-Weintraub, At Large Member; Samuel Houston, At Large Member; Terry Koehne, At Large Member
Absent: Lina Velasco, District I Representative; Aparna Madireddi, District II Representative; Alvaro Fuentes, At Large Member; Mariana Moore, At Large Member; Mark Orcutt, At Large Member
Staff Present: Barbara Riveira, County Administrator's Office; Kristine Solseng, Conservation and Development Department; Teresa Gerringer, District III Office; Mark Goodwin, District III Office
Attendees: Darlene Drapkin, Benson Zhou, Vic Kuo, Enzo Cabili, Beatriz Guerrero, Stephanie Kim, Laurie Stevens, Merry Walensa, Joe Summers, Julia Marks
1. Call to Order and Introductions
  Supervisor Burgis convened the meeting at 12:15 p.m. and self-introductions were made around the room.
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
  Supervisor Burgis encouraged everyone to get to the meeting on time as everyone has other scheduled meeting to keep.  No other requests were made to speak during the public comment period.
3. RECEIVE and APPROVE the Record of Action for the June 17, 2019 meeting.   
  The Record of Action for the June 17, 2019 - Census 2020 Complete Count Steering Committee was approved as presented.
  At Large Member Melody Howe-Weintraub, At Large Member Ali Saidi 
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis, District III Representative Linda Soliven, District IV Representative Lauren Babb, District V Representative Lynn Reichard-Enea, At Large Member Ali Saidi, At Large Member Andres Orozco, At Large Member Fran Biderman, At Large Member Melody Howe-Weintraub, At Large Member Samuel Houston, At Large Member Terry Koehne
Other: District I Representative Lina Velasco (ABSENT), District II Representative Aparna Madireddi (ABSENT), At Large Member Alvaro Fuentes (ABSENT), At Large Member Mariana Moore (ABSENT), At Large Member Mark Orcutt (ABSENT)
4. RECEIVE federal, state, regional and local updates on preparation for the Census.   
  Kristine Solseng provided a Federal, State, Regional and Local update as outlined in the staff report.  She reported that the immigration status question will not be on the Census Questionaire for 2020.  She introduced Stephanie Kim the new Census Coordinator from the United Way Bay Area.  Kristine also reported that 89 people have signed up to partner with the County for Census 2020 outreach, and three more cities adoped resolutions in support of the census this past month (Lafayette, Antioch, and Martinez).  Todate, all but two cities (Brentwood and Pinole) have adopted the resolution.  She also reported the Regional Workshops for June were completed and very successful. About 40 to 50 people attended the workshops, and Kristine is compiling all of the data collected during the workshops.  Kristine also thanked the Finance and Outreach Subcommittees for all the meetings that they attended and for providing input on the draft RFP that will be presented today.  She also thanked Aparna Madireddi, Mariana Moore, and Lauren Babb for the media interviews that they participated in.  Kristine reported that the first round of interviews for the Outreach Coordinator position have been completed.

Supervisor Burgis also thanked all for providing the media interviews and asked Lauren Babb how the media interviews went.  Lauren reported they  went well and that the dialog is beneficial in getting everyone aware of the census.   Supervisor Burgis said that there is a real need for educating everone about the census and why it is so important.  Darlene Drapkin from the U.S. Census Bureau stated that she and other staff are available for supporting the county at any events.

5. RECEIVE and FILE the Finance Subcommittee Record of Action of the June 21, 2019 and July 8, 2019 Finance Subcommittee, and DISCUSS and CONSIDER APPROVING the recommendation to the Board of Supervisors to allocate $500,000 to the Census Outreach effort with the revised allocations recommended by the Finance Subcommittee.   
  District IV Representative Lauren Babb, At Large Member Samuel Houston The Committee approved the Record of action for the June 21, 2019 and July 8, 2019 Finance Subcommittee meetings.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis, District III Representative Linda Soliven, District IV Representative Lauren Babb, District V Representative Lynn Reichard-Enea, At Large Member Ali Saidi, At Large Member Andres Orozco, At Large Member Fran Biderman, At Large Member Melody Howe-Weintraub, At Large Member Samuel Houston, At Large Member Terry Koehne
Other: District I Representative Lina Velasco (ABSENT), District II Representative Aparna Madireddi (ABSENT), At Large Member Alvaro Fuentes (ABSENT), At Large Member Mariana Moore (ABSENT), At Large Member Mark Orcutt (ABSENT)
  At Large Member Ali Saidi, At Large Member Melody Howe-Weintraub Teresa Gerrenger provided a summary of the proposed changes to the recommendation that was approved by the Census Steeting Committee at the June 17, 2019 meeting for the requested allocation of $500,000.  She explained that based on deliberations at an interim meeting on June 21, 2019 of the Finance Subcommittee, as well as information obtained at the State Implementation Plan Workshop, the Finance Subcommittee is proposing the following changes to the line item allocations:  Grant funding at $350,000, Technology Access at $125,000, and $25,000 to a new category to specifically target homeless outreach. 

The Steering Committee approved the proposed changes submitted by the Finanance Subcommittee regarding the allocation of the $500,000 and requested staff to prepare a board order for BOS consideration for the July 30, 2019 or August 6, 2019 Board of Supervisors meeting, depending on which meeting all Supervisor's will be in attendance.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis, District III Representative Linda Soliven, District IV Representative Lauren Babb, District V Representative Lynn Reichard-Enea, At Large Member Ali Saidi, At Large Member Andres Orozco, At Large Member Fran Biderman, At Large Member Melody Howe-Weintraub, At Large Member Samuel Houston, At Large Member Terry Koehne
Other: District I Representative Lina Velasco (ABSENT), District II Representative Aparna Madireddi (ABSENT), At Large Member Alvaro Fuentes (ABSENT), At Large Member Mariana Moore (ABSENT), At Large Member Mark Orcutt (ABSENT)
6. Receive status report from the Outreach Subcommittee.   
  The Committee accepted the Record of Action of the June 25, 2019 Outreach Subcommittee meeting.
  At Large Member Fran Biderman, District IV Representative Lauren Babb 
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis, District III Representative Linda Soliven, District IV Representative Lauren Babb, District V Representative Lynn Reichard-Enea, At Large Member Ali Saidi, At Large Member Andres Orozco, At Large Member Fran Biderman, At Large Member Melody Howe-Weintraub, At Large Member Samuel Houston, At Large Member Terry Koehne
Other: District I Representative Lina Velasco (ABSENT), District II Representative Aparna Madireddi (ABSENT), At Large Member Alvaro Fuentes (ABSENT), At Large Member Mariana Moore (ABSENT), At Large Member Mark Orcutt (ABSENT)
7. RECEIVE presentation on media protocol   
  Susan Shiu provided a brief presentation and guidance on media protocol as outlined in the staff report.  As the County's Public Information Office, Susan requested that Steering Committee members coordinate all media calls and requests through her office if members plan to respond on behalf of the Complete Count Steering Committee.  If members are speaking as an individual or on behalf of another organization, an not on behalf of the Steering Committee, members do not need to coordinate with the Public Information Office, but Steering Committee members are still requested to share information on the media interview with Susan or Kristine Solseng because it would still be useful to track those media contacts for census purposes.  The new web address is contracosta.ca.gov and you can get to the Census 2020 landing page though the home page.  Please contact Kristine Solseng about information on the Census 2020 landing page as she is managing those pages.  For other inquiries you can contact the webmaster via the link on the county's Census website.

Supervisor Burgis requested that staff provide the Committee members with Susan Shiu's contact information.

8. RECEIVE presentation on potential barriers and opportunities around immigration, census citizenship question, communication and outreach to the immigrant community. (Julia Marks, Advancing Justice-ALC, Ali Saidi, Stand Together Contra Costa)   
  Julia Marks from Advancing Justice, (ALC) provided a presentation on the importance of the Census and the status of the citizenship question, and potential barriers and opportunities around immigrants' full participation in the Census Regarding language access for the on-line Census form, the Census Bureau has language guides that are posted on the US Census website. State and local government are working on supplementing that information. Stephanie Kim, the Census Coordinator from the United Way Bay Area, stated the importance of coordinating translation efforts to provide a consistent and accurate message.  Ali Saidi from Stand Together Contra Costa gave a presentation on communication and outreach to the immigrant communities in Contra Costa County.  The discussed strategies to help help immigrant families feel included, and the importance of advancing inclusiveness via improved language access.  Potential strategies to activate immigrant participation could include linking Census participation to children's education, healthcare and nutrition.    
9. DISCUSS and REVIEW Request for Proposal for mini-grants, CONSIDER adopting RFP proposal and authorize staff to make any necessary change, and DETERMINE action to be taken contingent on the request for supplemental 2020 Census funding scheduled for Board of Supervisors consideration at the July 30, 2019 meeting.   
  Kristine Solseng provided a presentation of the draft Request for Proposal submitted for consideration.  A motions was made to approve the RFP with the following changes: 1) remove the census ambassador training and replace with Census training, 2) remove funding distribution information, and 3) align RFP with the City of Richmond's Census outreach RFP.
  At Large Member Terry Koehne, At Large Member Melody Howe-Weintraub 
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis, District III Representative Linda Soliven, District IV Representative Lauren Babb, District V Representative Lynn Reichard-Enea, At Large Member Ali Saidi, At Large Member Andres Orozco, At Large Member Fran Biderman, At Large Member Melody Howe-Weintraub, At Large Member Samuel Houston, At Large Member Terry Koehne
Other: District I Representative Lina Velasco (ABSENT), District II Representative Aparna Madireddi (ABSENT), At Large Member Alvaro Fuentes (ABSENT), At Large Member Mariana Moore (ABSENT), At Large Member Mark Orcutt (ABSENT)
10. The next meeting is currently scheduled for September 16, 2019.
  The next meeting is scheduled for September 16, 2019 from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. at 777 Arnold Drive, Martinez, Paramount Conference Room.
11. Adjourn
  Supervisor Burgis adjourned the meeting at 2:00 p.m.

The 2020 Census Complete Count Steering Committee will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend the Committee meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72 hours before the meeting.
Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the County to a majority of members of the 2020 Census Complete Count Steering Committee less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 651 Pine Street, 10th floor, during normal business hours.
Public comment may be submitted via electronic mail on agenda items at least one full work day prior to the published meeting time.

For Additional Information Contact:

Barbara Riveira, County Administrator's Office
ne (925) 335-1018, Fax (925) 646-1353