June 12, 2023
Supervisor Candace Andersen, Chair
Supervisor Diane Burgis, Vice Chair
Present: Candace Andersen, Chair  
  Diane Burgis, Vice Chair  
Staff Present: Monica Nino, County Administrator; Julie Enea, Sr Dep CAO
Attendees: Timothy Ewell, Chief Asst. County Administrator; Laura Strobel, Sr. Deputy CAO; Emilia Gabriele, EHSD; Cindy Shehorn, Public Works; Melvin Russell, Probation Dept.; Michael Kent, Health Services Dept.; Lara DeLaney, Sr. Dep CAO w/ Arts Council members; Rick Stein representing Arts Orange County; Maureen Parkes, DCD; Jami Morritt, Chief Asst Clerk of the Board; Jason Chan, Sr. Deputy CAO; Chrystine Robbins, CAO Sr. Mgmt Analyst; Jill Ray, District II Supv Office; Alicia Nuchols, District III Supervisor's Office; Carrie Ricci, Public Works; Lauren Hull, Clerk of the Board's Office; Tom Geiger, County Counsel; Eric Gelston, County Counsel's Office; Adam Nguyen, County Finance Director; Enid Mendoza, Sr. Deputy CAO; Abby Balana; Call in User 1; District III Brentwood; Public Works Admin
1. Introductions
  Chair Andersen called the meeting to order at 11:02 a.m.
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to two minutes).
  No one requested to speak during the public comment period and no written public comment was received.
3. RECEIVE and APPROVE the Record of Action for the May 8, 2023 IOC meeting.   
  The Record of Action for the May 8, 2023 meeting was approved with the correction to the typographical error in Chair Andersen's last name in the first item summary.
AYE: Chair Candace Andersen
  Vice Chair Diane Burgis
4. RECOMMEND to the Board of Supervisors the appointment of Jamin Pursell to the Environmental Organization seat and Heidi Taylor to the Environmental Organization Alternate seat on the Hazardous Materials Commission, to complete terms that will expire on December 31, 2024; and appointment of Gretchen Salter to the General Public Alternate seat to complete a term that will expire on December 31, 2023 and to a new four-year term that will expire on December 31, 2027, as recommended by the Commission.   
  Chair Andersen introduced the item and Michael Kent responded to Committee questions.  Vice Chair Burgis was concerned about the lack of East County representation on the Commission and asked that the Commission work with her office to broaden outreach to her District with the goal of attracting East County applicants. She receives a lot of feedback from her constituents about oil drilling and hazardous materials.  Representation on advisory boards has not grown commensurate with the population of District III.  Vice Chair Burgis wants to ensure that District III stakeholders have an opportunity to be considered for advisory body seats.  Because the District is on the far east end of the county, more effort may be needed to engage volunteers from District III.  Commission staff  recruitment announcements to the BOS offices and known organizations.  Staff can work is District 3 staff to do more recruitment in east county.

In recognition of the goal to increase East County representation and also the need to have enough filled seats to achieve a quorum, the Committee decided to:
  1. Move forward with the nomination of Jamin Pursell to fill the Environmental Organization seat through December 31, 2024;
  2. Delay the nominations of Heidi Taylor and Gretchen Salter until more recruitment is done in Supervisor Burgis' District;
  3. Move Frank Qin's nomination to an Industry seat directly to the Board's consent calendar once the vacancy posting period has elapsed.

The Committee directed that nominations to fill remaining vacancies in the Environmental Organization Alternate, General Public Alternate seats be brought back to the IOC in October.
AYE: Chair Candace Andersen
  Vice Chair Diane Burgis
5. APPROVE out of cycle grant in the amount of $10,343 from the Fish and Wildlife Propagation Fund to the Contra Costa Resource Conservation District to cover eligible past and future costs for the 2023 Contra Costa County Creek and Watershed Symposium to be held on October 26, 2023.    
  Maureen Parkes presented the staff report and recommendation.  She noted that the symposium happens every 4 years and qualifies for out of cycle grant.  The Fish and Wildlife Committee has recommended an allocation for every symposium since inception.  The Committee approved the staff recommendation and directed that this item be moved forward to the BOS on the Consent calendar.
AYE: Chair Candace Andersen
  Vice Chair Diane Burgis
6. CONSIDER whether the County should add Implicit Bias training to the required training curriculum for County advisory body members.   
  Chair Andersen introduced the item and explained what prompted the recommendation.  Staff identified several free online courses on Implicit Bias that might be appropriate for the County's purposes.  The Committee directed the Clerk of the Board to screen the suggested and possible other online training courses, select one to be added to the  mandatory training curriculum for Board advisory body members, and bring such recommendation for discussion at a public meeting of the Board of Supervisors.
AYE: Chair Candace Andersen
  Vice Chair Diane Burgis
7. CONSIDER recommending to the Board of Supervisors adoption of the final draft Arts & Culture Master Plan for Contra Costa County, to be presented to the Board of Supervisors at its meeting on June 27, 2023.   
  Lara DeLaney introduced the item and the Arts Council Steering Committee, which was present and attending virtually from a County conference room. She explained that following adoption of the Master Plan, release of an RFP is anticipated to procure the services of an Arts Council to form that private-public partnership and provide the State local partner services for an Arts Council.

Rick Stein presented the draft Arts and Culture Master Plan, which has been the culmination of the work of Arts Council Steering Committee.  He reported that what emerged from their robust community and put gathering process is an ambitious vision of a future Contra Costa County, in which arts and culture are deeply integrated into and contributing positively to all aspects of community life. A new Arts Council will affirm and model best practices and equity, diversity and inclusion, empowering all to be heard and to participate fully.
The Arts Council will connect, to communicate, support, and advocate for Contra Costa's creative community.  The vision values and mission are distilled into goals with detailed specific action items, a projected 5 year operating budget and organizational structure, all providing a blueprint for the organization selected by the Board of Supervisors to be its public private partner. In delivering a full portfolio of services, the County itself will play an essential role as the contracting entity, investing budgeted funds to help ensure that this effort is successfully launched and can become sustainable.
The remainder of the report document includes considerable background as well as data collected by the consultant over the past 10 months. The team is still working with a graphic designer to clean up and update some of the images in the draft report, so there may be a few replacements before it comes before the full Board of Supervisors. 
Ben Miyagi commented about how the Master Plan highlights the rich diversity of the county.  Lara DeLaney added that the Master Plan would eventually be translated into Spanish and possibly additional languages.
Vice Chair Burgis requested that pie charts be added, based on pages on 38 and 39, to better illustrate the differing levels of activity among districts.  She explained that District 3 is growing and still young, not as established in the arts and culture community as some of the more developed districts.
Margo commented that the Steering Committee is working with a consultant to design an interactive cultural map showcasing arts and culture organizations.  The map would enable organizations to add themselves to the map.  This effort is targeted to roll out targeted in September for the Arts Council to maintain going forward.

Chair Andersen thanked the whole Steering Committee, as well as Rick Stein, for attending the IOC meeting and also for their work, which exceeded her expectation.  She has received positive feedback on the draft Master Plan.  

With Vice Chair Burgis's suggestion to add pie charts, the Committee voted to move the draft Master Plan to the Board of Supervisors for discussion at a future meeting.
AYE: Chair Candace Andersen
  Vice Chair Diane Burgis
8. Today’s action is seeking approval of modifications to Administrative Bulletin No. 600, “Purchasing Policies and Procedures”, including any edits from the Internal Operations Committee, and directing the County Administrator to prepare all necessary actions to implement the updated policy for consideration by the Board of Supervisors.

  1. ACCEPT report from the County Administrator on process undertaken to update Administrative Bulletin No. 600, “Procurement Policies and Procedures”.

  2. APPROVE Administrative Bulletin No. 600, “Procurement Policies and Procedures” and DIRECT the County Administrator to prepare all necessary actions to implement the policy for consideration by the full Board of Supervisors.  

  3. PROVIDE any additional direction to staff as needed.
Timothy Ewell presented the staff report and recommendations.  The goal of the purchasing policy update is to better guide and support staff who may be trying to navigate their way through the County's maze of purchasing and service contract policies. The update consolidates nine separate administrative bulletins related to purchasing and contracting into one comprehensive policy.  The new policy references some related special purchasing policies that will remain separate, such as the Small Business Enterprise, environmentally preferable procurement policy, and computer hardware and software policy, so that the comprehensive policy can survive policy updates within the separate policies and also to avoid creating conflicting policies.  The special policies will act as "plug-ins' to the comprehensive policy.  This first update is the first phase of a multi-phase project.  Trailer actions, such as ordinance revisions, will be required to effectuate the recommended updates.
Our current procurement policy landscape is a patchwork of ordinances, resolutions, board orders, and administrative bulletins from the County Administrators office, and some are just simple memos that have been issued over the years. The myriad sources for policies presents difficulties for new and current employees who are newly assigned procurement related functions.

The recommended policy will return some discretion to our department heads to recommend contracts under $200,000 for approval by the Purchasing Agent.  For reference, the Health Services Department alone has about 1,700 contracts outstanding at any given time, that heretofore have required County Administrator approval. The CAO believes the amount of risk mitigated by CAO review of contracts under $200,000 does not justify the significant amount of time expended by CAO staff, which might better be applied to higher risk transactions.  The proposed delegation of contract authority would be balanced by new required contract monitoring procedures and solicitation thresholds.  Contract monitoring will necessitate that departments incorporate performance measurement and performance outcomes in their contract service plans.

The recommended policy will also streamline transactions that involve both a purchase of a commodity and a service, e.g., purchase of a copier with related installation and maintenance services.  Such a purchase must currently be accomplished in two separate transactions, which is not the industry standard and has caused consternation among vendors.  The proposed policy will permit such duel purchases to be combined into one transaction.

The recommended policy will establish, for the first time, minimum bid solicitation requirements by procurement type.  Transactions over $100,000 should be competitively bid, unless other requirements stipulate more stringent thresholds.  We are also encouraging the use of cooperative purchasing agreements such as pre-negotiated rates through the U.S. General Services Administration, which can be accepted in lieu of a new solicitation.

The policy review process involved County departments, and the staff report includes all 78 comments and suggestions from 7 departments, along with responses to every comment and rationale for either agreeing or not agreeing with them.
In May, the County implemented Docusign, utilizing digital versions of our most common standard form contracts.  Docusign eliminates the need and requirement for signature notarization -- a use of new technology to help streamline the County's contracting process.
For Phase 2 of this effort, the CAO plans to concentrate on the County's SBE and Outreach Programs, with a goal of combining those policies into one administrative bulletin that will plug into the umbrella purchasing policy. The Board's Equity Committee is reviewing these programs for possible update. 

Phase 3 contemplates updating the County's purchasing manual and our Contract Administration guide, which are procedural manuals.
Phase 4 will focus on developing a training library on all of these policy changes. 
CAO is recommending that the County procurement policies be placed on a triennial review schedule to maintain their relevance.

Chair Andersen was very supportive of these changes.  Vice Chair Burgis appreciated the additional accountability included in the updated policy.  The Committee appreciated the fresh look at the current policies and processes and approved moving the recommended policy to the Board on the Consent calendar.

AYE: Chair Candace Andersen
  Vice Chair Diane Burgis
9. The next meeting is currently scheduled for July 10, 2023.
  The Committee confirmed the next meeting date of July 10.
10. Adjourn
  Chair Andersen adjourned the meeting at 12:18 p.m.


For Additional Information Contact:

Julie DiMaggio Enea, Committee Staff
Phone (925) 655-2056, Fax (925) 655-2066