Los Medanos Healthcare Operations Committee


March 6, 2023

Supervisor Federal D. Glover, Chair
Supervisor Ken Carlson, Vice Chair
Present: Federal D. Glover, Chair  
  Ken Carlson, Vice Chair  
Staff Present: Ernesto De La Torre, Program Manager, Contra Costa Health
Erika Jenssen, MPH, Chief Deputy Director, Contra Costa Health
Matt Kaufmann, Deputy Director of Health Services
Colleen Awad, Senior District Representative, District IV
Attendees: Caller Number 1
1. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
  Speaker commented on how valuable it is to participate remotely, didn’t get the notification through the system that agenda is posted.  

2. RECEIVE and APPROVE the Record of Action for the February 6, 2023 Los Medanos Healthcare Operations Committee meeting.   
AYE: Chair Federal D. Glover
  Vice Chair Ken Carlson
3. Committee Staff will continue to provide updates on the amount of collected property taxes and how the funds are used for Los Medanos Health Area Grants.   
  Ernesto reported on the source of the grant funds.   Funds are received via property tax, and it is from parcels/properties in that healthcare district boundaries.   Approximately 1.2 M per year.
Can use the funds only within the healthcare district. 

Public Comment:  
Caller expressed confusion about the purpose of the committee, and why it continues to exist.
Glover clarified that healthcare district was dissolved and the county has now assumed the responsibility as the successor agency including the revenue.   The county will continue to deliver grants to agencies that provide health in that area.

4. The next meeting is currently scheduled for April 3rd at 1:00pm.
  The next meeting (April 3rd) will be cancelled.
The next meeting will be May 1, 2023. If possible schedule a tour of Pittsburg Health Center, and community garden
Los Medanos space at the Pittsburg Health Center is open to the public and can be one of the hybrid meeting locations. 

5. Adjourn
  Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 pm.


For Additional Information Contact:

Ernesto De La Torre, Committee Staff
Phone (925) 839-0150