March 15, 2023
Mariana Moore, Chair
Michelle Stewart, Vice Chair
Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the Committee
Present: Mariana Moore, Chair; Michelle Stewart, Vice Chair; BK Williams; Kathryn Chiverton; Sharon Quesada Jenkins; Ali Saidi; Roxanne Carillo Garza; Ruth Fernandez; Debbie Toth; Pello Walker; Gigi Crowder; Diana Honig; Steven Bliss
Absent: Edith Pastrano; Odessa LeFrancois; Sandra Wall; Susun Kim; Geneveva Calloway; Melissa Stafford Jones; Lindy Johnson; Peter Benson; ;
Staff Present: Adam Nguyen, County Finance Director; Enid Mendoza, Senior Deputy County Administrator
Attendees: Supervisor John Gioia
1. Roll Call
  Chair Moore called the meeting to order at 5:10pm. Staff provided instruction for access to English live transcription (automated closed captioning), and live simultaneous Spanish and American Sign Language interpretation, and then conducted roll call. 12 MXCAB voting members were present. There were approximately 21 total participants.
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the MXCAB and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to two minutes).
  No public comment was requested. 
3. Staff recommends MXCAB receive the Record of Action for the January 18, 2023 meeting.   
  The record of action was approved as submitted.
4. DISCUSS the role of Measure X Community Advisory Board.    
  Chair Moore summarized the Finance Committee discussion of the proposed changes to the MXCAB Bylaws. Supervisor Gioia joined the discussion and additional revisions were proposed for discussion at the next meeting of the Finance Committee.  Public comment was received from two members of the public.
5. DISCUSSION about the elections for MXCAB Chair and Vice Chair (Mariana Moore, MXCAB Chair)
  Chair Moore prepared MXCAB members for the nominations and elections of chair and vice chair at the next meeting on April 19, 2023. Public comments were received from one member of the public. 
6. DISCUSS MXCAB membership terms and attendance   
  MXCAB members discussed the advisory body's membership and attendance. No public comment was requested. 
7. The next meeting is currently scheduled for April 19, 2023. 
8. Adjourn
  The meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.

The Measure X Community Advisory Board will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Measure X meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72 hours before the meeting.
Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the County to a majority of members of the Measure X Community Advisory Board less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 1025 Escobar St., 4th Floor, Martinez, during normal business hours.
Public comment may be submitted via electronic mail on agenda items at least one full work day prior to the published meeting time.

For Additional Information Contact:

Adam Nguyen, Committee Staff
Phone (925) 655-2048