March 20, 2023
Supervisor Federal D. Glover, Chair
Supervisor John Gioia, Vice Chair

Present: Federal D. Glover, Chair  
  John Gioia, Vice Chair  
Staff Present: Lara DeLaney, Senior Deputy County Administrator, Interim staff to Committee
Attendees: See Attachment
1. Introductions
  Vice Chair Gioia convened the meeting at 10:31 a.m and announced that Chair Glover would be joining shortly.  Chair Glover joined the meeting at 10:35 a.m.
2. PUBLIC COMMENT:  Persons who wish to address the Equity Committee during public comment on matters within the jurisdiction of the Equity Committee that are not on the agenda, may comment in person, via Zoom, or via call-in. All public comments will be limited to three minutes.
  No public comment was provided to the Committee.
3. Staff recommends APPROVAL of the Record of Action for the February 9, 2023 meeting of the Equity Committee.   
  Mariana Moore indicated her name was misspelled in the draft Record of Action. Staff would make the correction.
AYE: Chair Federal D. Glover
  Vice Chair John Gioia
4. ACCEPT the status report on the outreach and hiring process for the Co-Directors for the Office of Racial Equity and Social Justice and provide input and direction, as needed.   
  The County's Human Resources Director, Ann Elliott, reported that an item to introduce an Ordinance to exempt from the merit system the new classifications of Co-Director would be on the Board of Supervisors' agenda for March 21. She also reported that a sub-committee of the Core Committee had been selected, and the first meeting with Human Resources and the sub-committee would be held that week. Kerby Lynch, from the Core Committee, indicated that while they would be maintaining confidentiality as required through the process, there would be an update at the next Equity Committee meeting of their progress. She also noted that the Core Committee was creating their own outreach planning committee to support the distribution of the job notices (when available) as well as Frequently Asked Questions for candidates. A retreat was being planned for the Core Committee at the end of the month. Vice Chair Gioia inquired about the timing of the Ordinance in terms of both introduction and adoption. CAO Nino responded that the adoption of the Ordinance would be held as a Discussion item on the Board's April 18 agenda, amending item C. 21 on the March 21 agenda to change the date. Vice Chair Gioia asked when the salary range would come to the Board, and Ms. Elliott responded that April 18 would be ideal but would depend on progress with the sub-committee.

Public comments from Call_in_user_1 acknowledged CAO Nino for the update on item C. 21. Their comments then claimed (wrongfully) that the Equity Committee was illegal, was being used to attack people who didn't share their beliefs, and then used a derrogatory term to describe the co-director positions. Vice Chair Gioia responded that everyone was entitled to their point of view but requested that people not resort to name-calling. Jill Ray inquired about the 5 community representatives for the Office and whether the representatives would come from each of the supervisorial districts.  Ms. Lynch indicated that could not be confirmed at the time but it was an organizing principle.

AYE: Chair Federal D. Glover
  Vice Chair John Gioia
5. ACCEPT the report on the Library Department's DEI practices and provide input/direction as needed.   
AYE: Chair Federal D. Glover
  Vice Chair John Gioia
  The County Library, Alison McKee, provided the Equity Committee with a PowerPoint presentation (see attachment). She noted that since the Library's 2013 Strategic Plan, equity has been centered as a goal. The Department had recently concluded their own diversity audit and had been invited to present at a California library conference regarding their methodology. The audit revealed that they needed to increase their Spanish, Chinese and LGBTQ+ collections in particular. The Department also had its own committee working exclusively on internal equity issues, and the staff had all undergone an 8-hour training. The Department was also reviewing the Minimum Qualifications for all their classifications, evaluating written communication translation policies, considering time of day service offerings, and incorporating a Racial Equity Action Plan into their Strategic Plan update. She also highlighted their ESL conversation groups and on-line learning opportunities. Chair Glover thanked Ms. McKee for her presentation and noted other departments could learn from the Library. Vice Chair Gioia appreciated the presentation and the thoughtfulness of the work, commending their Anti-Racism committee in particular. He requested a copy of the audit.  Ms. McKee noted they were finalizing the findings and sending it to the Library Commission. They would also be posting it. Vice Chair Gioia inquired about hours of service as an equity measure and the status of the Bay Point library. Ms. McKee reported that work on the Bay Point library was underway, with an architect hired, and the Library Foundation committed to leading on fundraising. Vice Chair Gioia asked her to reach out to Supervisors, who have good relationships with funders.

Public comments from Call_in_user_1 included a request to stop name calling. Mariana Moore expressed apprecation for Ms. McKee's leadership and her depth of rigor and engagement in equity work.

AYE: Chair Federal D. Glover
  Vice Chair John Gioia
6. ACCEPT the EEO Outreach and Recruitment Update from the EEO Officer and provide direction to staff, as needed.   
AYE: Chair Federal D. Glover
  Vice Chair John Gioia
  Antoine Wilson provided the report to the Committee, indicating the data included census data of the 16+ population who live in Contra Costa County. He noted there had been great strides in hiring in the female protective services (sworn) category since his start of employment with the County. Public comments from Call_in_user 1 questioned who the lawyer was who sued the County for not hiring by race and why the County was "forced to violate our own laws?" They suggested it was a "mistake" to say the County wasn't hiring enough Asians. Liz Ritchie asked about the methodology for preparing the report, inquiring about the use of the 2020 Census data, and whether the effects of large companies leaving the state were being felt in Contra Costa. Vice Chair Gioia noted that the County's economist had provided data that indicated the job losses were not impacting the County. He also noted it was important to see written plans for addressing gaps between the demographics of the population and the County workforce. He questioned Mr. Wilson on the role of his office in addressing the discrepancies, which Mr. Wilson addressed. Chair Glover wanted to see gender specific information in the next report.
7. RECOMMEND that the Board of Supervisors RECEIVE and ACCEPT the 2022 Annual Report of the ACEEO.   
  Antoine Wilson reviewed the presentation with the Committee. Vice Chair Gioia asked when the item on the SBE recommendations would come back to the Equity Committee.  Mr. Wilson noted that some of the issues in the recommendations needed to be resolved with Public Works first. Vice Chair Gioia noted they wanted to hear directly from Public Works about their concerns. He wanted to know why some of the large departments were not reaching their SBE goals.  Call_in_user_1 said it was a "disgrace" to assume that departments were doing something wrong and to require Mr. Wilson to "snitch on them." She also indicated she did not understand the report, and that this was not a democratic government.
AYE: Chair Federal D. Glover
  Vice Chair John Gioia
8. The next meeting is currently scheduled for Monday, April 17 at 10:30 a.m.
9. Adjourn
  The meeting adjourned at 12:06 p.m.


For Additional Information Contact:

Lara DeLaney, Senior Deputy County Administrator
Phone (925) 655-2057, Fax (925) 655-2066