The Board meeting will be accessible in-person, via television, and via live-streaming to all members of the public.  Board meetings are televised live on Comcast Cable 27, ATT/U-Verse Channel 99, and WAVE Channel 32, and can be seen live online at

Persons who wish to address the board during public comment or with respect to an item  on the agenda may comment in person or may call in during the meeting by dialing 888-278-0254 followed by the access code 843298#. A caller should indicate they wish to speak on an agenda item, by pushing "#2" on their phone. Access via Zoom is also available using the following link: Those participating via Zoom should indicate they wish to speak on an agenda item by using the “raise your hand” feature in the Zoom app. To provide contact information, please contact Clerk of the Board at or call 925-655-2000.

Meetings of the Board are closed-captioned in real time. Public comment generally will be limited to two minutes. Your patience is appreciated. A Spanish language interpreter is available to assist Spanish-speaking callers.
A lunch break or closed session may be called at the discretion of the Board Chair.
Staff reports related to open session items on the agenda are also accessible online at

March 21, 2023
9:00 A.M.  Convene, call to order and opening ceremonies.

Closed Session

1.         Agency Negotiators:  Monica Nino.
Employee Organizations: Public Employees Union, Local 1; AFSCME Locals 512 and 2700; California Nurses Assn.; SEIU Locals 1021 and 2015; District Attorney Investigators’ Assn.; Deputy Sheriffs Assn.; United Prof. Firefighters I.A.F.F., Local 1230; Physicians’ & Dentists’ Org. of Contra Costa; Western Council of Engineers; United Chief Officers Assn.; Contra Costa County Defenders Assn.; Contra Costa County Deputy District Attorneys’ Assn.; Prof. & Tech. Engineers IFPTE, Local 21; and Teamsters Local 856.
2.         Agency Negotiators:  Monica Nino.
Unrepresented Employees: All unrepresented employees.
B.         PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT (Gov. Code § 54957)
            Title:  County Counsel

Inspirational Thought- "“I may not be a superhero, but I’m a social worker so close enough.” -Anonymous
Present: John Gioia, District I Supervisor; Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor; Diane Burgis, District III Supervisor; Ken Carlson, District IV Supervisor; Federal D. Glover, District V Supervisor
Staff Present: Monica Nino, County Administrator
Thomas Geiger , Chief Assistant County Counsel
  Announced the appointment of  Thomas Geiger as County Counsel.
CONSIDER CONSENT ITEMS  (Items listed as C.1 through C.111 on the following agenda) – Items are subject to removal from Consent Calendar by request of any Supervisor.  Items removed from the Consent Calendar will be considered with the Discussion Items.
PRESENTATIONS (5 Minutes Each)
PRESENTATION for the Holiday Food Fight Wrap-up and Awards. (Erica Ellis, Public Defender's Office and Joel Sjostrom, Food Bank President)
  Awards:  The Big Apple - Solano County who raised $64,689    World Peas to runner-up Contra Costa County for $56,870
Little Apple - Supervisor Andersen's Office, District II.  $567      Mini department - Treasurer-Tax Collector $2714
Small Department - County Counsel $5923                               Mid Size Department - Conservation and Development
Large Department - Sheriff $8485   Good Egg - Marisol Sloan Treasurer-Tax Collect     Heart and Soul  -  Ronda Boler, Treasurer-Tax Collector
PRESENTATION recognizing March 2023 as National Social Work Month. (Marla Stuart, Employment and Human Services Director)
PRESENTATION honoring County employees for their many years of service to Contra Costa County:
  • Aruna Bhat, Deputy Conservation and Development Director, on the occasion of her retirement from the Conservation and Development Department.  (John Kopchik, Conservation and Development Director)
  • Bruce Prell, Law and Justice Information Systems Business Manager, on the occasion of his retirement from the County Administrator's Office.  (Julie Enea, County Administrator's Office)
  • Dan Cabral, Assistant District Attorney, on the occasion of his retirement from the District Attorney's Office. (Simon O'Connell, Chief Assistant District Attorney)
  • Nancy Georgiou, Senior Deputy District Attorney, on the occasion of her retirement from the District Attorney's Office. (Simon O’Connell, Chief Assistant District Attorney)
PRESENTATION of Certificates of Completion to graduating members of the Certified Election Observer Program, as recommended by the Clerk-Recorder. (Kristin Connelly, Clerk-Recorder)
D.1 CONSIDER interviewing four candidates for the vacant seat on the Rodeo-Hercules Fire Protection District Board of Directors and APPOINT a candidate to fill the vacant Board of Directors seat. (John Gioia, Chair and Supervisor, District 1)   
  Speakers:  Vince Wells, President Firefighter Local 1230; Janet Callaghan, President Rodeo Citizens Association; Dan;  Caller 1; Tanya Little; Robert Baum, Hercules; Maureen Brennan, Rodeo.
Written correspondence received (in support of appointment of Tara Shaia) (attached):
Christine & Mike Coody, Rodeo Citizens Association; Maureen Brennan, Rodeo; Tanya Little,  Pinole, Rodeo, Hercules, El Sobrante for Equity & Diversity (PHREED) Co-Founder; Janet Callaghan, President Rodeo Citizens Association; Maureen Brennan, Rodeo; Dr. Cheryl Attoe Bennett, Hercules; Elaine Wander Leclaire, Rodeo; Liana Ruslim, Pinole; Tom Dhillou, D’s Giant Burgers; Elizabeth Genia; Bie Lie;
 Darrin Bessolo; Winston Ingram, President, Public Employees Union, Local One; Ana Aviles Avila, President of AFSCME Pinole; Tanya Little, Pinole, Rodeo, Hercules, El Sobrante for Equity & Diversity (PHREED) Co-Founder; Robyn Raber-Luna.

APPOINTED Robyn Mikel to the Rodeo-Hercules Fire District Board of Directors.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
D.2 CONSIDER waiving the 180-day sit-out period for Charlis Salazar, Advice Nurse Supervisor, FIND that the appointment of Charlis Salazar is necessary to fill a critically needed position in the Contra Costa Health Plan division of the Health Services Department, and APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the hiring of retiree Charlis Salazar as a temporary employee for the period of March 22, 2023 through February 29, 2024, as recommended by the Health Services Director. (Anna Roth, Health Services Director)   
  Speaker:  Caller 1.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
D.3 CONSIDER waiving the 180-day sit-out period for Mary Jane Robb, Commander, Management Services, in the Office of the Sheriff; FIND that the appointment of Ms. Robb is necessary to fill a critically needed position; and APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the hiring of County retiree Ms. Robb as a temporary County employee effective April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024. (David Livingston, Sheriff-Coroner)   
  Speaker:  Caller 1.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
D.4 RECEIVE report of the Interdepartmental Climate Action Task Force, as recommended by the Directors of the Departments of Conservation and Development and Public Works. (John Kopchik, Conservation and Development Director; Brian Balbas, Public Works Director)   
  Speaker: Caller 1; Caller 6770.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
D.5 ACCEPT a report from the Employment and Human Services Department regarding the ending of COVID flexibilities as recommended by the Employment and Human Services Director.   
  Marianna Moore; Teresa, Executive Director, Community Financial Resources; Loren, Caller 6770;  Caller 1; Regina Burney; Sara Gurdian, Budget Justice Coalition; Leah, Executive Director CLAB Rising; Kimmie Barnes, Rubicon, CCC Guaranteed Income Workgroup; Debbie Toth, Choice in Aging;  Jessica, Director Richmond Rapid Response Fund.

ACCEPTED Report and DIRECTED the department to explore options for a guaranteed-income pilot program and information on existing pilot programs taking place in this and other counties.

AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
D.6 RECEIVE monthly update on the activities and oversight of the County's Head Start Program. (Marla Stuart, Employment and Human Services Director)   
  Speakers: Caller 1.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
D.7 CONSIDER adopting Resolution No. 2023/90 approving the agreement for a successor Memorandum of Understanding between Contra Costa County and the Physicians and Dentists of Contra Costa, implementing negotiated wage agreements and other economic terms and conditions of employment, for the period of November 1, 2022 through October 31, 2025. (David Sanford, Chief of Labor Relations)   
  Speaker: Caller 1
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
        D. 8   CONSIDER Consent Items previously removed.
  There were no items removed from consent.
        D. 9   PUBLIC COMMENT (2 Minutes/Speaker)
  Debbie Toth, Choice in Aging,said that we must do all we can to ensure elderly and the disabled can participate in the budget processes as they have been able to do throughout the pandemic by maintaining virtual access. She noted that notions that the elderly didn't understand the electronics has proven untrue   Ab61 allowed virtual meetings through this month but aging services was not given the same permission, so she requests the Baord's assistance.  She expressed that elderly persons gathering unmasked in closed spaces is a significant health risk. She said that two parties wearing a mask is the best way to prevent spread.  By way of demonstrating best practices, due to sharing intergeneration preschool, they have not had a single outbreak with the little ones;

Caller 6770, said the pandemic lockdown was the cause for increased impoverishment, and the justification of a new election system, mail system. He said the narrative is telling us that covid was probably from a lab in china, hopes the Board is looking at the contract with Connick, owner closely associated with the CCP.  He expressed concern over known attempts by China to infuence and harm American interests, citing increased capabilities in biological weapons.  He claims the mandatory covid vaccination for military pilots resulted in their deaths. He further notes the majority of the compounds needed to make the vaccine are produced in China;

Caller 1 stated that she is weary of being made a "tax slave", of assisting in the re-election of Supervisors Glover and Gioia, whom she cannot vote for, and claims they pay citizens to vote for them.  She does not want to contribute her tax dollars to reproductive health care or transportation measures.  She further feels unjustly treated and humiliated when her speech is cut off during comment.  She requests information on how to secede from the County;

Bob Campbell, County Auditor-Controller, thanked all the employees and elected officials for all their hard work for Contra Costa County.
        D. 10  CONSIDER reports of Board members.
  There were no items reported today.
ADJOURN in memory of
Kathy Leighton
Byron Resident and East Contra Costa County historian, community leader
  Adjourned today's meeting at 3:25 p.m.
Road and Transportation
C. 1 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/72 accepting as complete the contracted work performed by Kerex Engineering, Inc., for the 2022 Countywide Curb Ramp Project, as recommended by the Public Works Director, Bay Point, Pacheco, Rodeo, and Walnut Creek areas. (100% Local Road Funds)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 2 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chair, Board of Supervisors, to execute, on behalf of the County, an amendment to the Real Property Services Agreement with the Solano Transportation Authority, to increase the amount payable to Contra Costa County by $85,000 to a new payment limit of $285,000 for services in connection with the I-80/I-680/SR-12 Interchange-Construction Package 2A Project, as recommended by the Public Works Director, Fairfield area. (100% Solano Transportation Authority Funds)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 3 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/75 ratifying the prior decision of the Public Works Director, or designee, to fully close a portion of San Miguel Drive between March 1, 2023 and June 1, 2023, intermittently from 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., for the purpose of renovating Central Contra Costa Sanitary District sewer pipelines, Walnut Creek area. (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 4 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chair, Board of Supervisors, to execute on behalf of the County, an amendment to the Real Property Services Agreement, effective February 28, 2023, to increase the amount payable to Contra Costa County by $1,000,000, to a new payment limit of $1,050,000 for right of way services in connection to the City of Richmond’s Central Avenue at I-80 Local Improvement Project, as recommended by the Public Works Director, City of Richmond area. (100% City of Richmond Funds)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 5 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Nichols Consulting Engineers, CHTD (dba NCE) in an amount not to exceed $300,000 to provide on-call pavement engineering and management services for the period April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2026, Countywide. (100% Various Funds)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Special Districts & County Airports

C. 6 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/76, ordering the preparation and filing of an engineer’s report regarding the proposed levy of assessments to fund improvements in Assessment District 1979-3 (LL-2) in Fiscal Year 2023/24, as recommended by the Public Works Director, Countywide. (100% Assessment District 1979-3 (LL-2) Funds).
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 7 Acting as the Governing Board of the West Contra Costa Healthcare District, ACCEPT the West Contra Costa Healthcare District annual 2021-22 Financial audit and the West Contra Costa Healthcare District annual 2021-22 Successor Retirement Plan audit, as completed by JWT & Associates and recommended by the Health Services Director. (No fiscal Impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Claims, Collections & Litigation

C. 8 DENY claims filed by Tracey Burks, Connect Ins. a/s/o Omar Martin, Carolyn Baxter Reams, Christopher Deante Young Jr., Ryan Anderson, Ronald Blanton & Flordelita Behal,Quame Brooks, Cameron Cooper, Alicia Decoligny, Robert Doss, Jeffrey Dowgala, Kenton R. Gooden, John Muir Medical Center, Concord, Jeanette Newton, Keaira Shannon, and Cherie Renn Shaw.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Statutory Actions

C. 9 ACCEPT Board members meeting reports for February 2023.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Honors & Proclamations

C. 10 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/69 proclaiming March 2023 as Social Work Month, as recommended by the Employment and Human Services Director.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 11 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/73 recognizing the contributions and honoring the County service of Law & Justice Information Systems Manager Bruce Prell upon the occasion of his retirement, as recommended by the County Administrator.    
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 12 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/74 recognizing Mike Anderson as the 2023 Lafayette Citizen of the Year, as recommended by Supervisor Andersen.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 13 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/77 recognizing Aruna Bhat on the occasion of her retirement after 31 years of service to Contra Costa County, as recommended by the Conservation and Development Director.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 14 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/80 proclaiming March 2023 As Month of Gideon and March 18, 2023 as Public Defense Day in Contra Costa County.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 15 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/79 recognizing Keith Denison for 22 years of service to Contra Costa County on the occasion of his retirement, as recommended by the Conservation and Development Director.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 16 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/78 recognizing Keith Ferguson for his 20 years of service to Contra Costa County, as recommended by the Public Works Director.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 17 RECOGNIZE the graduating members of the Certified Election Observer Program, as recommended by the Clerk-Recorder.    
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 18 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/92 recognizing Dan Cabral, Assistant District Attorney, on the occasion of his retirement from the District Attorney's Office, as recommended by the District Attorney.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 19 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/93 recognizing Nancy Georgiou, Senior Deputy District Attorney, on the occasion of her retirement from the District Attorney's Office, as recommended by the District Attorney.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 20 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/91 recognizing Rubicon Programs on their 50th Anniversary, as recommended by Supervisor Gioia.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover

C. 21 INTRODUCE Ordinance No. 2023-09 amending the County Ordinance Code to add a new section and exempt from the merit system the new classifications of Co-Director, Race, Equity, and Community Empowerment-Exempt and Co-Director, Race, Equity, and Inter-Agency Engagement-Exempt, with the appointing authority as the Board of Supervisors, WAIVE READING and FIX April 4, 2023, for adoption.    
  INTRODUCED Ordinance No. 2023-09 amending the County Ordinance Code to add a new section and exempt from the merit system the new classifications of Co-Director, Race, Equity, and Community Empowerment-Exempt and Co-Director, Race, Equity, and Inter-Agency Engagement-Exempt, with the appointing authority as the Board of Supervisors, WAIVED READING and FIXED April 18, 2023, for adoption.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 22 Acting in its capacity as the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors and as the Board of Directors of the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District and the Crockett-Carquinez Fire Protection District, INTRODUCE Ordinance No.  2023-07, establishing fuel mitigation, exterior hazard abatement,defensible space, and fuel break standards within the fire districts, WAIVE reading, and FIX April 4, 2023 for adoption. (Cost neutral)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Appointments & Resignations

C. 23 REAPPOINT Kathryn Chiverton to the District II Seat 1, and Steven J. Bliss to the District II Seat 2 on the Measure X Community Advisory Board for terms ending March 31, 2025, as recommended by Supervisor Andersen.   
  Speaker: Caller 1.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 24 APPOINT Dawn Morrow to the Category 2 Seat, an alternate member representing legislative bodies of the special districts in the County, on the Treasury Oversight Committee for a term of March 21, 2023 to April 30, 2026.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 25 APPOINT Howdy Goudey to the Community Group #2 seat, Susan Hurl to the At-Large Commercial #2 seat, and Kiara Pereira to the Environmental Justice #1 seat on the Sustainability Commission for terms ending March 31, 2027, as recommended by the Sustainability Committee.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 26 APPOINT Shoshana Wechsler to the District One Regular Seat on the Contra Costa County Sustainability Commission for a term expiring on March 31, 2027 as recommended by Supervisor Gioia.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 27 ACCEPT the resignation of Samantha Moy, DECLARE a vacancy in the District 3 Alternate seat on the Sustainability Commission for a term ending March 31, 2025, and DIRECT the Clerk of the Board to post the vacancy, as recommended by Supervisor Burgis.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 28 REAPPOINT Michael Walko to the Trustee 1 seat on the Byron-Brentwood-Knightsen Union Cemetery District for a term ending December 31, 2026, as recommended by Supervisor Burgis.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 29 APPOINT Natalie Manier to the B3 American Red Cross representative seat on the Emergency Medical Care Committee for a term ending September 30, 2024, as recommended by the Health Services Director.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 30 APPOINT Dahlia Frydman to the Alternate Seat 1 on the Kensington Municipal Advisory Council for a term ending December 31, 2026, as recommended by Supervisor Gioia.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 31 DECLARE vacant the County Representative seat on the County Connection Advisory Committee due to resignation and DIRECT the Clerk of the Board to post the vacancy, as recommended by the County Administrator.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 32 ACCEPT the resignation of Jerry Short for the At-Large Seat 1 on the Measure X Community Advisory Board, as recommended by the Finance Committee, and APPOINT Marcus Famui, resident of Pinole, to the At-Large Seat 1, and Gigi Crowder, resident of Antioch, to At-Large Seat 2, with the terms for both seats ending March 31, 2024.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 33 APPOINT Kevin Romick to the Member 2 Alternate seat on Tri-Delta Transit Authority Board of Directors to a term expiring December 31, 2024, as recommended by Supervisor Burgis.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 34 APPOINT Kirk Bennett to the Alternate 1 Seat on the Alamo Police Services Advisory Committee for a term ending December 31, 2024, as recommended by Supervisor Andersen.      
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 35 APPOINT Richmond City Councilmember Soheila Bana to the Mayors Conference #3 seat and Julian Vinatieri to the Labor #1 seat on the Hazardous Materials Commission to terms that will expire on December 31, 2024 and December 31, 2026, respectively, as recommended by the Internal Operations Committee.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 36 APPOINT Mark DeMarce to the At Large Alternate #1 seat and Donn Walklet to the At Large Alternate #2 seat on the Contra Costa County Fire Protection District Advisory Fire Commission to complete the current terms ending on June 30, 2024, as recommmended by the Internal Operations Committee.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 37 APPOINT Brandon Matson to the District IV seat and Wesley Sullens to the District IV alternate seat on the Contra Costa County Sustainability Commission for terms ending March 31, 2027, as recommended by Supervisor Carlson.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 38 APPOINT Roxanne C Garza to the District IV Seat 1, and REAPPOINT Sharon Quesada Jenkins to the District IV Seat 2 on the Measure X Community Advisory Board for terms expiring March 31, 2025, as recommended by Supervisor Carlson.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 39 APPOINT Liliana Gonzalez to the First 5 seat on the Family & Children’s Trust Committee (FACT) with a term expiring September 30, 2024, and Erin Cabezas to the Mental Health seat on the FACT with a term expiring September 30, 2023, as recommended by the Family and Human Services Committee.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 40 APPOINT Cate Burkhart to the City of Richmond Local seat on the Contra Costa Advisory Council on Aging (ACOA) with a term expiring September 30, 2024, and Thomas Lang to the At-Large Alternate #4 seat on the ACOA with a term expiring September 30, 2023, as recommended by the Family and Human Services Committee.    
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 41 ACCEPT the resignation of Brenda Brown, DECLARE a vacancy in the Childcare Provider 2 - Central/South County seat for a term expiring April 30, 2025, and DIRECT the Clerk of the Board to post the vacancy, as recommended by the Contra Costa County Office of Education.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Intergovernmental Relations

C. 42 ADOPT a position of "Support" on SB 287 (Skinner) Features that Harm Child Users: Civil Penalty, a bill that would prohibit a social media platform from using a design, algorithm, or feature that the platform knows, or which by the exercise of reasonable care should have known, causes child users to do any of certain things, including experience addiction to the social media platform, as recommended by the Legislation Committee.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Personnel Actions

C. 43 ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 26128 to cancel one Librarian III (represented) position and add one Librarian II (represented) position in the Library. (100% Library Fund, Cost savings)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 44 ADOPT Position Adjustment Resolution No. 26131 to add one Substance Abuse Program Supervisor (represented) position in the Health Services Department. (100% Driving Under the Influence Program fees)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 45 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute two lease amendments with Systron Business Center, LLC, the owner of the building located at 2731 Systron Drive, Concord, both dated August 9, 2022, one for Suite 200, and the other for Suite 250, in both instances to correct the number of square feet subject to the lease.  (100% Woman, Infants & Children Program Funds and Health Services Health Plan Funds)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 46 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a lease with PHVP I, LP, for approximately 859 square feet of office space located at 1001 Harvey Drive in Walnut Creek, for use by the Office of the Sheriff, for a term of five years with annual rent of $11,801 for the first year and annual increases thereafter. (100% General Fund)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Grants & Contracts
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE execution of agreements between the County and the following agencies for receipt of fund and/or services:

C. 47 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to accept a grant award from the Department of Health Care Services, Children Medical Services, to pay the County an amount up to $1,365,577 for the Child Health and Disability Prevention, Health Care Program for children in foster care including psychotropic medication management and monitoring oversight activities for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. (16% General Fund match, budgeted)    
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 48 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to request approval from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Office of Head Start to carry-over $3,138,511 of unobligated funds under the Head Start and Early Head Start Year 3 Grant for the term January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. (100% Federal)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 49 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to request approval from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Head Start to carry-over $3,389,865 of unobligated funds under the Head Start and Early Head Start Year Two Grant, for program initiatives related to health and safety of families, as well as professional development of Head Start staff, and facility renovation for the term January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. (100% Federal)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 50 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with the California Department of Public Health, to increase the amount payable to the County by $430,584 for a new total of $16,311,708 for additional Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children services with no change in the original term of October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2025. (No County match)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 51 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with the California Department of Developmental Services, to pay the County an amount up to $317,000 to provide specialty health ambassadors to promote equity and reduced disparities for persons with developmental disabilities for the period May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024.  (No County match)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 52 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with the California Department of Public Health, to pay the County an amount up to $396,014 for the Enhanced Integration: Guide to HIV Prevention and Surveillance Project for the period January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. (No County match)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 53 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to apply for and accept funding in an amount not to exceed $400,000 from the California Department of Public Health and other partners for the California Accountable Communities for Health Initiative to form an Accountable Community for Health in Contra Costa County. (No County match)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 54 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the District Attorney, or designee, to apply for and accept the Byrne Discretionary Community Project grant in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 for a Transitional Aged Youth Diversion Program for the period July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. (100% Federal)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 55 RATIFY the Employment and Human Services Department Emergency Response (ER) Enhancement Funding Program Plan through the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Family Centered Safety and Support Bureau and APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee to accept a noncompetitive allocation in the amount of $762,857 from the CDSS to enhance ER service quality for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026. (100% State, no County match)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 56 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Mt. Diablo Unified School District, to pay the County an amount up to $533,891 to provide professional school-based mental health services, crisis intervention, and day treatment services for students for the period July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023.  (No County match)     
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
APPROVE and AUTHORIZE execution of agreement between the County and the following parties as noted for the purchase of equipment and/or services:

C. 57 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with KP LLC, in an amount not to exceed $500,000 to provide professional design, technical assistance, printing, publication and distribution of Contra Costa Health Plan membership materials for the period March 1, 2023 through February 29, 2024. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 58 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Schick Chiropractic Inc., in an amount not to exceed $780,000 to provide chiropractic services at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025.  (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 59 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with the Regents of the University of California, on behalf of the University of California, San Francisco, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 to provide endocrinology services for patients at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Contra Costa Health Centers, for the period February 1, 2022 through January 31, 2023, including a one-year automatic extension through January 31, 2024 in an amount not to exceed $25,000. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 60 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a change order to increase the payment limit by $431,924, to a new payment limit of $4,751,162 with Accurate Controls, Inc. to install the broadband internet backbone necessary to allow the new security cameras to function in the various detention facilities. (100% County General fund)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 61 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Employment and Human Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Contra Costa Family Justice Alliance (dba Family Justice Center), in an amount not to exceed $938,000 to administer the Improving Criminal Justice Responses to Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Grant Program for the period March 22, 2023 through September 30, 2025. (100% Federal)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 62 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Noll & Tam Architects, in an amount not to exceed $750,000 to provide on-call architectural services for various County facilities projects, for the period March 21, 2023 through March 20, 2026 with a one-year extension option to March 20, 2027, Countywide. (100% Various Funds)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 63 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to purchase, on behalf of the Health Services Director, 200 BART ticket vouchers each with a $10 value totaling $2,000; 300 AC Transit tickets and 300 County Connection tickets each with a $5 value totaling $3,000; and 50 County Connect Link tickets and 100 Tri Delta Transit tickets each with a $10 value totaling $1,500, for a total purchase amount not to exceed $6,500 for issuance to clients of the Healthcare for the Homeless Program. (100% Health Resources and Services Administration)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 64 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with West Advanced Technologies, Inc. to extend the termination date from March 31, 2023 to December 31, 2023, with no change to the payment limit of $420,516, to migrate the Automated Regional Information Exchange System (ARIES) from an on-premise infrastructure to Microsoft Azure, a cloud-based infrastructure. (100% Federal)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 65 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Defender, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with California State University, Long Beach Research Foundation, to extend the termination date from June 30, 2023 to August 31, 2023, and increase the payment limit by $104,470 to a new payment limit of $249,450, to provide evaluation services in support of the Holistic Intervention Partnership project. (100% State)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 66 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Sheriff-Coroner, or designee, to execute a contract with West Advanced Technologies, Inc. in amount not to exceed $237,000 to continue providing maintenance and support for the Automated Regional Information Exchange System (ARIES) software application and database for the period of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025. (100% General Fund)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 67 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Administrator, or designee, to execute a change order to increase the payment limit by $5.3 million dollars, to a new payment limit of $63,538,551 with Webcor Construction L.P., a Delaware Limited Partnership, due to increased cost from unknown hazardous materials encountered during the demolition of the tower at 651 Pine Street and costs associated with the relocation and construction of a new emergency radio antenna station and design changes requested by the departments who will occupy the new building. (100% General Capital Reserve)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 68 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Auditor-Controller to issue payment on behalf of the Employment and Human Services Department Children and Family Services Bureau for placement costs not payable through the CalSAWS process and incurred when a youth comes under the supervision, care, custody and control of the County. (70% State 2011 Realignment, 30% County General fund)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 69 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with East Bay Cardiovascular and Thoracic Associates Inc., in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 to provide cardiothoracic and vascular surgery services to Contra Costa Health Plan members and County recipients for the period April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2025. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 70 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Golden State Dermatology Associates Inc., to include facial gender affirming surgery rates with no change in the original payment limit of $1,200,000 and no change in the original term through March 31, 2025. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 71 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on behalf of the Health Services Director, a purchase order with Trace3, LLC in an amount not to exceed $694,724 to purchase Cisco storage, server hardware and support effective the date the hardware arrives and for five years thereafter. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 72 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Nina Janatpour, M.D., in an amount not to exceed $720,000 to provide anesthesiology services at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period March 1, 2023 through February 28, 2026. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 73 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Stephen B. Arnold, M.D., in an amount not to exceed $1,600,000 to provide cardiology services at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period March 1, 2023 through February 28, 2026.  (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 74 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Amir Manuchehry, M.D., in an amount not to exceed $1,440,000 to provide anesthesiology services at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period March 1, 2023 through February 28, 2026.  (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 75 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Spin Recruitment, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $250,000 to provide advertising services for the Health Services Department’s Personnel Unit for the period April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024. (100% County General Fund)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 76 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on behalf of the Chief Information Officer, Department of Information Technology, a blanket purchase order with Graybar Electric Company in an amount not to exceed $2,000,000 for the purchase of radio and telecommunications parts and equipment, data communication equipment, cables, and related products, for the period February 1, 2023 through January 31, 2025. (100% User Departments)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 77 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Electric Power Systems International, Inc., to extend the term through October 31, 2024, for on-call maintenance, testing, repairs and certifications to electrical systems at various County facilities, with no change to the payment limit, Countywide. (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 78 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Human Resources Director, or designee, to execute a contract with NFP Retirement, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $150,000 to provide fiduciary consulting services for the County’s 457(b) Deferred Compensation plan for the period April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2026, with two optional one-year renewals. (100% Plan Participant Fee)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 79 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on behalf of the Health Services Department, purchase orders to purchase 100 Tri Delta Transit vouchers each with a $27.50 value, totaling $2,750; 99 BART vouchers each with a $6.90 value, totaling $683.10; 131 ARCO vouchers each with a $50 value plus $16.50 for ground shipping, totaling $6,566.50; and 150 Target grocery vouchers each with a $100 value totaling $15,000, for a total amount not to exceed $25,000 for issuance to low-income clients living with HIV or AIDS and served by the HIV/AIDS and STD Program for the period from December 31, 2022 through June 30, 2023. (100% Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 80 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with First Choice Anesthesia Consultants of Northern California, PC, in an amount not to exceed $850,000 to provide anesthesia services at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period March 1, 2023 through February 29, 2024. (100% Hospital Enterprise Fund I)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 81 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE a payment limit increase in the amount of $500,000 to a new payment limit of $1,000,000 under the Software License Agreement, Support Services Agreement, and Amendment with Level II, Inc. for California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System connectivity software and services with no change of the term of April 8, 2016 to April 7, 2023, with an annual renewal thereafter until terminated, as recommended by the Sheriff-Coroner. (100% General Fund)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 82 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Fremont Ambulatory Surgery Center, L.P. (dba Fremont Surgery Center), in an amount not to exceed $600,000 to provide ambulatory surgery center services for Contra Costa Health Plan members for the period April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024. (100% Contra Costa Health Plan Enterprise Fund II)    
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 83 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Blankinship & Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $300,000 to provide on-call pest control adviser services for the period May 27, 2023 through May 26, 2026, Countywide. (100% Various Funds)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 84 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Public Works Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Cleanstreet, LLC, effective March 31, 2023, to increase the payment limit by $530,000 to a new payment limit of $2,130,000 and extend the term through December 31, 2023, for street sweeping services, Countywide. (100% Local Road Funds)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 85 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Librarian, or designee, to execute a contract with the Antioch Unified School District to allow the District to provide lunches to youth and family library patrons for the period June 12, 2023 through July 28, 2023. (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 86 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with Shahbaz R. Khan, M.D., effective March 1, 2023, to include expert court testimony services in addition to adult outpatient psychiatric services and increase the payment limit by $125,000 to a new payment limit of $269,144 with no change in the term through August 31, 2023. (100% Mental Health Realignment)     
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 87 APPROVE clarification of Board of Supervisors action of November 29, 2022 (C.55) to reflect that the correct name of the contracting party is Maryland TEKsystems, Inc., rather than Allegis Group Holdings, Inc. (dba TEK Systems, Inc.), with no change to the payment limit of $2,000,000 or term of November 15, 2022 through December 31, 2024. (100% User Departments)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 88 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Director of Risk Management to execute a contract amendment with Mobile-Med Health Solutions, Inc. to increase the payment limit by $175,000 to a new payment limit of $3,175,000 for COVID-19 testing and related services, with no change to the term. (100% General Fund)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 89 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Chief Information Officer, Department of Information Technology, or designee, to execute a contract amendment with E-3 Systems to extend the term from February 28, 2023 to June 30, 2024 and increase the payment limit by $2,000,000 to a new contract payment limit of $2,600,000 to continue to provide specialized telecommunications cabling services. (100% User Departments)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 90 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on behalf of the Chief Information Officer, Department of Information Technology, a purchase order with CDW-G in an amount not to exceed $110,000 and a Terms and Services agreement with CoreView, USA, Inc. for the purchase of CoreSuite software, a Microsoft Office 365 licensing management software program, for the period April 1, 2023 through March 30, 2024. (100% User Departments)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 91 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Purchasing Agent to execute, on behalf of the Sheriff-Coroner, a purchase order with Hammons Supply Company in an amount not to exceed $450,000 for the purchase of custodial supplies and equipment repairs as needed by the three County detention facilities, for the period May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024. (100% General Fund)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
Other Actions
C. 92 UPDATE the official list of persons to serve, in priority order, as standby officers for the respective members of the Board of Supervisors, as recommended by the County Administrator.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 93 ACCEPT the annual report from Visit Concord on the Concord Tourism Improvement District, as recommended by Supervisor Carlson.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 94 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with San Francisco State University, to provide supervised field instruction to nursing students at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2027.  (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 95 ACCEPT report on the Auditor-Controller's audit activities for 2022 and APPROVE the proposed schedule of financial audits for 2023, as recommended by the Internal Operations Committee.  (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 96 RECEIVE the 2021/22 annual report from the Public Works Director on the Internal Services Fund and status of the County's Vehicle Fleet, as recommended by the Internal Operations Committee.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 97 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Administrator, or designee, to execute the Public Safety Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Certification Form for Fiscal Year 2022/23 and to submit the MOE Certificate form to the County Auditor-Controller, as recommended by the County Administrator. (100% State Proposition 172 Funds)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 98 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/14 accepting as complete the contracted work performed by Drake Construction, LLC, for the Deputy Workstation Replacement Project at the Martinez Detention Facility and West County Detention Facility, as recommended by the Public Works Director, Martinez, and Richmond areas. (100% California Board of State and Community Corrections Grant Funds)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C. 99 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/61 to amend the rules of procedure for Board of Supervisors meetings, including rules governing hybrid meetings, public comment times, teleconferencing options for Board members, meeting disruptions, and meeting civility.   
  Speakers: Caller 6770.
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.100 ADOPT Resolution No. 2023/71, setting forth duties and membership standards for the County Service Area (CSA) P-2 Zone B Citizens Advisory Committee, and APPROVE the CSA P-2 Zone B Citizens Advisory Committee bylaws, as recommended by Supervisor Andersen.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.101 RECEIVE the Housing Successor Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2021-22, and DIRECT staff to file the report with the Department of Housing and Community Development and post the report on the County website, as recommended by the Conservation and Development Director. (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.102 ACCEPT report from the Planning Integration Team for Community Health (PITCH) on accomplishments since the previous PITCH report in February 2017, as recommended by the Public Health, Public Works and Conservation and Development Directors. (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.103 ACCEPT the 2022 Annual Housing Element Progress Report, as recommended by the Conservation and Development Director. (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.104 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Foothill-De Anza Community College District, to provide supervised field instruction to ultrasound students at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period March 1, 2023 through June 30, 2027.  (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.105 APPROVE the new medical staff, affiliates and tele-radiologist appointments and reappointments, additional privileges, medical staff advancement and voluntary resignations as recommended by the Medical Staff Executive Committee and by the Health Services Director. (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.106 APPROVE the new medical staff, affiliates and tele-radiologist appointments and reappointments, additional privileges, medical staff advancement and voluntary resignations as recommended by the Medical Staff Executive Committee and by the Health Services Director. (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.107 RECEIVE the 2022 Climate Action Plan Progress Report, as recommended by the Sustainability Commission.  (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.108 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the County Librarian to close the Walnut Creek Library to the public at 3:00 p.m. instead of the regular close time of 5:00 p.m. on April 29, 2023, to host the annual fundraising event, as requested by the Walnut Creek Library Foundation. (No fiscal impact)
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.109 APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Health Services Director, or designee, to execute a contract with Phlebotomy Plus LLC, to provide supervised field instruction to phlebotomy students at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and Health Centers for the period April 15, 2023 through April 14, 2026. (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.110 APPROVE the list of providers recommended by the Contra Costa Health Plan Medical Director and the Health Services Director, and as required by the State departments of Health Care Services and Managed Health Care, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (No fiscal impact)   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover
C.111 ACCEPT the annual progress report for 2022 by the Department of Conservation and Development on implementation of the Contra Costa County General Plan 2005-2020, as required under California Government Code Section 65400.   
AYE: District I Supervisor John Gioia, District II Supervisor Candace Andersen, District III Supervisor Diane Burgis, District IV Supervisor Ken Carlson, District V Supervisor Federal D. Glover

The Board meets in all its capacities pursuant to Ordinance Code Section 24-2.402.

Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the Clerk of the Board to a majority of the members of the Board of Supervisors less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 1025 Escobar Street, First Floor, Martinez, CA 94553, during normal business hours.

All matters listed under CONSENT ITEMS are considered by the Board to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a member of the Board before the Board votes on the motion to adopt. Each member of the public will be allowed two minutes to comment on the entire consent agenda.

Persons who wish to speak on matters set for PUBLIC HEARINGS will be heard when the Chair calls for public testimony. Each speaker during public testimony will be limited to two minutes.  After public testimony, the hearing is closed and the matter is subject to discussion and action by the Board.  Comments on matters listed on the agenda or otherwise within the purview of the Board of Supervisors can be submitted to the office of the Clerk of the Board via mail: Board of Supervisors, 1025 Escobar Street, First Floor, Martinez, CA 94553 or to
Time limits for public speakers may be adjusted at the discretion of the Chair.

The County will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Board meetings who contact the Clerk of the Board at least 24 hours before the meeting, at (925) 655-2000.
Anyone desiring to submit an inspirational thought nomination for inclusion on the Board Agenda may contact the Office of the County Administrator or Office of the Clerk of the Board, 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez, California.

Subscribe to receive to the weekly Board Agenda by calling the Office of the Clerk of the Board, (925) 655-2000 or using the County's on line subscription feature at the County’s Internet Web Page, where agendas and supporting information may also be viewed:

Pursuant to Government Code section 84308, members of the Board of Supervisors are disqualified and not able to participate in any agenda item involving contracts (other than competitively bid, labor, or personal employment contracts), franchises, discretionary land use permits and other entitlements if the Board member received, since January 1, 2023, more than $250 in campaign contributions from the applicant or contractor, an agent of the applicant or contractor, or any financially interested participant who actively supports or opposes the County’s decision on the agenda item. Members of the Board of Supervisors who have received, and applicants, contractors or their agents who have made, campaign contributions totaling more than $250 to a Board member since January 1, 2023, are required to disclose that fact for the official record of the subject proceeding. Disclosures must include the amount of the campaign contribution and identify the recipient Board member, and may be made either in writing to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors before the subject hearing or by verbal disclosure at the time of the hearing.

The Airport Committee (Supervisors Karen Mitchoff and Diane Burgis) meets quarterly on the second Wednesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at the Director of Airports Office, 550 Sally Ride Drive, Concord.

The Family and Human Services Committee (Supervisors John Gioia and Candace Andersen) meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in Room 110, County Administration Building, 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez.

The Finance Committee (Supervisors John Gioia and Karen Mitchoff) meets on the first Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in Room 110, County Administration Building, 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez.

The Hiring Outreach Oversight Committee (Supervisors Federal D. Glover and John Gioia) meets quarterly on the first Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m.. in Room 110, County Administration Building, 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez.

The Internal Operations Committee (Supervisors Candace Andersen and Diane Burgis) meets on the second Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m.  in Room 110, County Administration Building, 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez.

The Legislation Committee (Supervisors Karen Mitchoff and Diane Burgis) meets on the second Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in Room 110, County Administration Building, 1025  Street, Martinez.

The Public Protection Committee (Supervisors Andersen and Federal D. Glover) meets on the fourth Monday of the month at 10:30 a.m. in Room 110, County Administration Building, 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez.

The Sustainability Committee (Supervisors Federal D. Glover and John Gioia) meets on the fourth Monday of every other month at 1:00 p.m. in Room 110, County Administration Building, 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez.

The Transportation, Water & Infrastructure Committee (Supervisors Candace Andersen and Karen Mitchoff) meets on the second Monday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in Room 110, County Administration Building, 1025 Escobar Street, Martinez.

AGENDA DEADLINE: Thursday, 12 noon, 12 days before the Tuesday Board meetings.

Glossary of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and other Terms (in alphabetical order):

Contra Costa County has a policy of making limited use of acronyms, abbreviations, and industry-specific language in its Board of Supervisors meetings and written materials. Following is a list of commonly used language that may appear in oral presentations and written materials associated with Board meetings:

AB Assembly Bill
ABAG Association of Bay Area Governments
ACA Assembly Constitutional Amendment
ADA Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
AFSCME American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees
AICP American Institute of Certified Planners
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
ALUC Airport Land Use Commission
AOD Alcohol and Other Drugs
ARRA  American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009
BAAQMD Bay Area Air Quality Management District
BART Bay Area Rapid Transit District
BayRICS Bay Area Regional Interoperable Communications System
BCDC Bay Conservation & Development Commission
BGO Better Government Ordinance
BOS Board of Supervisors
CALTRANS California Department of Transportation
CalWIN California Works Information Network
CalWORKS California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids
CAER Community Awareness Emergency Response
CAO County Administrative Officer or Office
CCCPFD (ConFire) Contra Costa County Fire Protection District
CCHP Contra Costa Health Plan
CCTA Contra Costa Transportation Authority
CCRMC Contra Costa Regional Medical Center
CCWD Contra Costa Water District
CDBG Community Development Block Grant
CFDA Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
CEQA California Environmental Quality Act
CIO Chief Information Officer
COLA Cost of living adjustment
ConFire (CCCFPD) Contra Costa County Fire Protection District
CPA Certified Public Accountant
CPI Consumer Price Index
CSA County Service Area
CSAC California State Association of Counties
CTC California Transportation Commission
dba doing business as
DSRIP Delivery System Reform Incentive Program
EBMUD East Bay Municipal Utility District
ECCFPD East Contra Costa Fire Protection District
EIR Environmental Impact Report
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EMCC Emergency Medical Care Committee
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EPSDT Early State Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment Program (Mental Health)
et al. et alii (and others)
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
F&HS Family and Human Services Committee
First 5 First Five Children and Families Commission (Proposition 10)
FTE Full Time Equivalent
FY Fiscal Year
GHAD Geologic Hazard Abatement District
GIS Geographic Information System
HCD (State Dept of) Housing & Community Development
HHS (State Dept of ) Health and Human Services
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome
HOV High Occupancy Vehicle
HR Human Resources
HUD United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
IHSS In-Home Supportive Services
Inc. Incorporated
IOC Internal Operations Committee
ISO Industrial Safety Ordinance
JPA Joint (exercise of) Powers Authority or Agreement
Lamorinda Lafayette-Moraga-Orinda Area
LAFCo Local Agency Formation Commission
LLC Limited Liability Company
LLP Limited Liability Partnership
Local 1 Public Employees Union Local 1
LVN Licensed Vocational Nurse
MAC Municipal Advisory Council
MBE Minority Business Enterprise
M.D. Medical Doctor
M.F.T. Marriage and Family Therapist
MIS Management Information System
MOE Maintenance of Effort
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MTC Metropolitan Transportation Commission
NACo National Association of Counties
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
OB-GYN Obstetrics and Gynecology
O.D. Doctor of Optometry
OES-EOC Office of Emergency Services-Emergency Operations Center
OPEB Other Post Employment Benefits
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PARS Public Agencies Retirement Services
PEPRA Public Employees Pension Reform Act
Psy.D. Doctor of Psychology
RDA Redevelopment Agency
RFI Request For Information
RFP Request For Proposal
RFQ Request For Qualifications
RN Registered Nurse
SB Senate Bill
SBE Small Business Enterprise
SEIU Service Employees International Union
SUASI  Super Urban Area Security Initiative
SWAT Southwest Area Transportation Committee
TRANSPAC Transportation Partnership & Cooperation (Central)
TRANSPLAN Transportation Planning Committee (East County)
TRE or TTE Trustee
TWIC Transportation, Water and Infrastructure Committee
UASI  Urban Area Security Initiative
VA Department of Veterans Affairs
vs. versus (against)
WAN Wide Area Network
WBE Women Business Enterprise
WCCTAC West Contra Costa Transportation Advisory Committee