March 8, 2023
Supervisor Diane Burgis, Chair
Supervisor Ken Carlson, Vice Chair

Present: Diane Burgis, Chair  
  Ken Carlson, Vice Chair  
Staff Present: Greg Baer , Director of Airports; Monica Nino, County Administrator; Alyson Greenlee, Department of Conservation and Development; Will Nelson, Department of Conservation and Development; Daniel Barrios , Department of Conservation and Development; Elise Schilling-Luce, Administrative Services Assistant II; Stephen Griswold, Office of Supervisor Burgis; Lia Bristol, Office of Supervisor Carlson; Elke Soberal , Administrative Services Assistant II
PUBLIC ACCESS AND PUBLIC COMMENT INSTRUCTIONS: The public may attend this meeting in person at the above location.

The public also may attend this meeting remotely via Zoom or call-in.  Login information and call-in information is provided below.   

Zoom meeting Dial-In-Number:  1 669 444 9171
Passcode:   639946
Meeting ID:   858 0422 4320
Persons who wish to address the Airport Committee during public comment on matters within the jurisdiction of the Airport Committee that are not on the agenda, or who wish to comment with respect to an item on the agenda, may comment in person, via Zoom, or via call-in.  Those participating in person should come to the podium when called upon.  Those participating via Zoom should indicate they wish to speak by using the “raise your hand” feature in the Zoom app. 
All public comments will be limited to 2 minutes per speaker. 
For assistance with remote access contact: Airport Staff 925-681-4200
Public comments may also be submitted before the meeting by email at or by voicemail at 925-681-4200.  Comments submitted by email or voicemail will be included in the record of the meeting but will not be read or played aloud during the meeting. 
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to two minutes).
3. Review and Approve record of meeting for December 14, 2022   
  Motion approved. No public comment. 
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis
  Vice Chair Ken Carlson
4. Receive an update from the Aviation Advisory Committee Chair (Emily Barnett) 
  Emily Barnett reported: 
  • Welcome Supervisor Carlson to the Airport Committee 
  • All the vacancies on the Aviation Advisory Committee are filled
  • AAC moved to meetings every other month in lieu of monthly meetings
  • Terminal Building and Security Project are moving forward
  • New Air Traffic Control Manager will be beginning his long term position. 
Supervisor Burgis inquired about how the weather affected the noise inquiries being submitted to Airports Staff.
Greg Baer responded that the weather has affected total operations which has also proportionately affected the number noise inquiries. 
5. Update on Bay Area test Site (BATS) activity, Buchanan Field and Byron Airport    
  Greg Baer reported: 
  • Since the last meeting nothing significant has changed; ongoing interest remains from tech companies that would like to do testing. Each company that approaches Airports about testing, brings new challenges to staff in accommodating the requests. Staff has met these challenges and done their best to educate and accommodate these companies to assure the best outcomes for both parties. 
  • Mr. Baer will be attending the redefining mobility summit. 
  • Staff is working on an updated revenue model to capture revenue in a better way. 

Supervisor Carlson asked: What are the timelines for these companies? 
Greg Baer responded: It depends on the company, each company provides its own variables which affect these timelines. 
6. Discuss Byron Development Potential & Constraints (water, sewer, storm water quality)   
  Greg Baer reported: 
  • No drastic changes, potential change in how Airports is partnering with Byron Bethany Irrigation District (BBID)
  • Planning on future talks with BBID for more opportunities. 
  • Recommending being as aggressive as possible with water conservation at Byron Airport, as the well that provides water is limited in its capacity. 
  • Meters installed for onsite monitoring of water usage 
  • Long term incremental steps Airports Staff are taking to ensure water conservation. 

7. Update on Airports Current Project Development    
a. Discuss Con Fire Station 9 to Airport Property, Buchanan Field   
  Greg Baer reported: 
  • Public works and Airport staff have been aggressively working towards a resolution for a stormwater drain capacity issue. 
  • Due to the extended timelines to resolve this issue Confire cannot wait any further to begin development.
  • Confire has decided to not proceed with development but may have future interest once the issues are resolved. 
8. Discuss Terminal/ARFF Building Development, Buchanan Field   
  Greg Baer reported: 
  • The building is about 19,000 sq. ft. and is divided into 3 parts, the terminal building or the passenger loading area, the Airports administration office, and the two large garage bays for the ARFF trucks. 
  • Cost management is priority. 
  • Keeping materials dry has been problematic due to the inclement weather, as building is not yet watertight. Contractor is working hard to remedy the issue. 
9. The next meeting is currently scheduled for June 14, 2023   
10. Adjourn
  Adjourned at 4:35


For Additional Information Contact:

Keith Freitas, Airports Director
Phone (925) 681-4200, Fax (925) 646-5731