July 25, 2022
Supervisor Diane Burgis, Chair
Supervisor Candace Andersen, Vice Chair
Present: Diane Burgis, Chair  
  Candace Andersen, Vice Chair  
1. Introductions
  Chair Burgis called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
  No one requested to speak during the general public comment period.
3. RECOMMEND to the Board of Supervisors the reappointment of Talia Moore to Member At-Large Seat 3 on the Alcohol and Other Drugs Advisory Board with a term expiring on June 30, 2025.    
  The Committee approved the recommended appointment and directed staff to forward the recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis
  Vice Chair Candace Andersen
4. ACCEPT status report from the Employment and Human Services Department on CalFresh participation, updates on the CalFresh benefit enhancements and expansions, as well as outreach efforts, and FORWARD to the Board of Supervisors for their information.
  Chair Burgis introduced the item. Presenter, Rebecca Darnell, provided updates on the Employment and Human Services Department Workforce Services Division's operations of the CalFresh Program. Update topics included application trends, application processing mandates, caseload trends, allocations vs. allocation per eligibility determination, and geographic demographics of caseload changes since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Committee members and staff discussed challenges with meeting CalFresh mandates and opportunities for legislative efforts to bring awareness about these challenges. Also discussed was the availability of relevant data on potential impacts resulting in declining CalWORKs case rates. Marla Stuart, Director of the Employment and Human Services Department, volunteered to seek national data and trends for comparision analysis with County data. She clarified that CalFresh program allocation amounts have not increased at rates comparable to the increasing caseload and workforce needed to support the ongoing workload increases. The allocation dollars per CalFresh eligibility determination decreased by nearly 42%, and California counties are continuing their advocacy regarding the unfunded program mandates.

Chair Burgis discussed the need to gather additional participation rate data, as well as the need to seek opportunities to invest in more program outreach.

In response to Vice-chair Andersen's staffing and hiring commentary, Ms. Stuart shared that the department has maximized the CalFresh allocation even with a high vacancy rate, which is fully covered by voluntary overtime performed by current staff.

Ms. Darnell discussed the CalFresh, CalWORKs, and Medi-Cal process redesign efforts that began this May and are going well so far. The goal of the current process redesign efforts is to reach out to clients first and resolve as much work done in that first call, rather than passing the client along to other employees. Vice-chair Andersen asked whether the efforts have rendered a reduction in denials. Ms. Darnell stated she would work to gather that data since the State report focuses on how many people are eligible and how many are receiving the benefits.

Ms. Darnell continued with the presentation of the Keys Program, which the department is expanding to CalFresh clients through a pilot program that will run through the end of the year.

The Committee accepted the report and approved staff forwarding it to the Board of Supervisors for their information, after the department adds information regarding the public charge impacts on immigrant clients' access to CalFresh/EBT support.

AYE: Chair Diane Burgis
  Vice Chair Candace Andersen
5. ACCEPT status report from the Employment and Human Services Department on the Independent Living Skills Program activities, and FORWARD to the Board of Supervisors for their information.   
  Don Graves presented the Youth Services report, Noramah Burch the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and Latosha Stockholm on the Request for Interest (RFI) planning for the Measure X Youth Centers.

The Committee asked the Department to keep the Supervisors informed of the youth centers RFI so that they can support any outreach efforts. The report was accepted as submitted, and approved for staff to forward the report to the Board of Supervisors for their information.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis
  Vice Chair Candace Andersen
6. The regularly scheduled meeting for August is canceled. The next meeting is scheduled for September 26, 2022.
7. Adjourn

The meeting adjourned at 10:22 a.m.



For Additional Information Contact:

Lara DeLaney, Committee Staff
Phone (925) 655-2057, Fax (925) 655-2066