February 14, 2022

Supervisor Diane Burgis, Chair
Supervisor Karen Mitchoff, Vice Chair
Present: Diane Burgis, Chair  
  Karen Mitchoff, Vice Chair  
Staff Present: Lara DeLaney, Senior Deputy County Administrator, staff to Committee; Abigail Fateman, Executive Director, East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy; Jennifer Quallick, Field Representative, District II; Edgar Cruz; Amalia Cunningham; Chris Wickler, Field Representative, District IV; Mark Goodwin, Chief of Staff, District III; Daniel Peddycord, Climate and Health Policy Officer; Jody London, Sustainability Coordinator, DCD; Brian Balbas, Public Works Director; Monica Nino, County Administrator
Attendees: Paul Schlesinger; James Gross, Michelle Rubalcava; Mariana Moore; Bob Rilling-Smith
1. Introductions
  Chair Burgis convened the meeting at 1:02, introducing herself and Vice Chair Mitchoff .
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
  No public comment was made to the Committee.
3. Staff recommends approval of the Record of Action for the November 8, 2021 meeting.   
  The Record of Action for the November 8, 2021 meeting of the Committee was approved as presented.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis
  Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
4. ACCEPT the report and provide direction to staff and the County's state lobbyists, as needed.   
  Staff and the County's state lobbyists provided a brief oral report to accompany the written report in the packet. Vice Chair Mitchoff inquired about bills to amend the Brown Act (AB 1944 in particular), expressing support for bills that would permit teleconferencing from a location that is not public without publishing the address of the location and noting that the County supports public engagement. The County's state lobbyist reported that CSAC and the Urban Counties of California were acutely aware of this concern and were working on a plan of action. Mariana Moore appreciated Vice Chair Mitchoff's comments regarding welcoming public comment and public engagement; expressing how that was demonstrated in the Measure X Community Advisory Board.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis
  Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
5. CONSIDER finding SB 869 (Leyva) consistent with the Board of Supervisors' adopted 2021-22 State Platform, enabling a letter of support from the Chair of the Board to be sent.   
  Amalia Cunningham and Edgar Cruz provided brief remarks as staff of DCD, supporting the legislation and its intent to increase the professionalism and training of park managers. Vice Chair Mitchoff indicated this issue was not new to her, as she had previously served on a task force dealing with mobilehome parks. Chair Burgis agreed it was a good vehicle to create accountability.  Mariana Moore expressed support on behalf of Ensuring Opportunities, noting mobilehome parks were a bastion of affordable housing.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis
  Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
6. CONSIDER providing input and direction to staff and the County's contract lobbyists on the priorities for state and federal budget requests for 2022-23.   
  Staff and the County's lobbyist presented a recap of the federal community project funding requests made by Contra Costa County in 2021 for FFY 2022. The federal lobbyist noted that there may additional requests coming forward for federal funding from the Delta Counties Coalition for 2022-23. Committee members inquired about project requests that have already been submitted to the CAO's office, asking about the size of the requests and what the additional federal funding could do for service delivery. Committee members indicated that all of the projects represent County priorities, making it difficult to weigh in on specific prioritizations and noting other Board members may have different priorities. The County's federal lobbyist indicated that there may be additional opportunity for Board member input on the 2022-23 community project funding requests, since the federal budget for FFY 2022 had not yet been finalized. With regard to the State Budget requests for FY 22-23, Committee members expressed support for all the proposals included in the report and requested the state lobbyists' assistance in moving them forward, recognizing that they may not all find a legislator to put them forward on the County's behalf.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis
  Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
7. CONSIDER the proposed revisions to Administrative Bulletin 110.4 Legislation by the County Administrator's Office and provide direction on any amendments to staff, as needed.   
  Staff provided a brief report on the history of the Administrative Bulletin related to Legislation and noted that County Administrator Nino had requested the Bulletin be updated.  The Committee directed staff to send the updated Bulletin to the Board of Supervisors on consent for approval.
AYE: Chair Diane Burgis
  Vice Chair Karen Mitchoff
8. The next meeting is currently scheduled for March 14, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.

The proposed schedule of meetings for the 2022 year is:
March 14, 2022   1:00 pm
April 11, 2022   1:00 pm
May 9, 2022   1:00 pm
June 13, 2022   1:00 pm
July 11, 2022   1:00 pm
August 8, 2022   1:00 pm
September 12, 2022   1:00 pm
October 9, 2022   1:00 pm
November 14, 2022   1:00 pm
December 12, 2022   1:00 pm
  Vice Chair Mitchoff noted that the schedule of Committee meeting dates may occasionally need to be revised, noting the August date in particular, and requested the schedule be sent to member schedulers.
9. Adjourn


For Additional Information Contact:

Lara DeLaney, Committee Staff
Phone (925) 335-1097, Fax (925) 646-1353