October 11, 2021
Supervisor Candace Andersen, Chair
Supervisor Diane Burgis, Vice Chair

Present: Candace Andersen, Chair  
  Diane Burgis, Vice Chair  
Staff Present: John Cunningham, Conservation and Development
Attendees: Mark Watts, Shirley Krohn, Debbie Toth, Jamar Stamps, Jerry Fahy
1. Introductions
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
  No public comment.
3. CONSIDER Administrative items and Take ACTION as appropriate.   
  The Committee and staff discussed the resumption of in-person meetings. The committee advised staff that the November meeting would be on zoom.
4. Staff recommends approval of the attached Record of Action for the September 13, 2021, Committee Meeting with any necessary corrections.   
  The Committee unanimously APPROVED the meeting record.
5. CONSIDER the proposed Caltrans Sustainable Communities Planning Grant candidate projects, REVISE as appropriate, FORWARD to the full Board of Supervisors for approval, and/or DIRECT staff as appropriate.   
  The Committee unanimously APPROVED the recommendations, discussion included the need to identify funding for capital projects in the Iron Horse corridor. 
CONSIDER report on Local, Regional, State, and Federal Transportation Related Legislative Issues and take ACTION as appropriate.
  The Committee RECEIVED the report, relative to the accessible transportation legislative proposal from the California Senior Legislature the Committee supported the County continuing to provide assistance for the effort given the consistency with the adopted State Legislative Platform. 

Shirley Krohn (CA Sr. Legislature) and Debbie Toth (Choice in Aging) both spoke in support of the legislative proposal. 
7. The next meeting is currently scheduled for Monday, November 8, 2021.
8. Adjourn


For Additional Information Contact:

John Cunningham, Committee Staff
Phone (925) 674-7833, Fax (925) 674-7250