January 25, 2021
Supervisor John Gioia, Chair
Supervisor Federal D. Glover, Vice Chair

Present: John Gioia, Chair  
  Federal D. Glover, Vice Chair  
Staff Present: Jody London, Sustainability Coordinator; Michael Kent, Hazardous Materials Ombudsman; Dominic Aliano, Field Representative, Office of Supervisor Glover; Dom Pruett, Field Representative, Office of Supervisor Andersen; Will Nelson, Principal Planner; Robert Sarmiento , Transportation Planner; Steve Kowalewski, Chief Deputy Director, Dept of Public Works; Nicole Shimizu, Climate Corps Fellow
Attendees: Mike Moore, Nick Despota, Howdy Goudey, Corinne Dutra-Roberts, Laurie Talbert, Marti Roach
1. Introductions
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
  Mike Moore and Nick Despota, both members of the Sustainability Commission, voiced support for the Just Transition letter signed by sixty community groups. The letter is on the agenda for review at a future Sustainability Committee meeting. 
3. Staff recommends approval of the attached Record of Action for the November 9, 2020, meeting of the Sustainability Committee.   
  Adoption of the Record of Action from the November 9, 2020 meeting was postponed until the entire Committee is present.
4. RECEIVE UPDATE on "Cut the Commute" Challenge and PROVIDE DIRECTION.   
  Corinne Dutra-Roberts and Laurie Talbert from 511 Contra Costa presented an overview of 511 Contra Costa’s mission and goals, the County’s current work-from-home situation, and 511 Contra Costa’s plans to help reduce congestion, improve air quality, and facilitate work-from-home policies with employers where appropriate.
The Committee asked for clarification regarding 511 Contra Costa’s employer engagement process and how 511 Contra Costa plans to address equity issues.
During public comment, community members raised concern about increased automobile use and decreased transit ridership.
The Committee pointed out the role technology and government policy might play in reducing vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions moving forward. The Committee noted the importance of continuing to offer transit services for those who rely on transit.
Robert Sarmiento, a planner within the County’s Department of Conservation and Development, mentioned the Blue Ribbon Transit Recovery Task Force and its efforts to increase transit ridership. The Committee voiced interest in receiving a report from John Cunningham and the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) on the Blue Ribbon Transit Recovery Task Force’s activities.
The Committee expressed interest in receiving updates on work-from-home developments. Jody London stated that she would prepare a report that states the Committee’s interest in receiving work-from-home development updates from CCTA and 511 Contra Costa.
5. RECEIVE UPDATE on Implementation of Climate Emergency Resolution.   
  Jody London, County Sustainability Coordinator, referenced the written report in the agenda on Climate Emergency Resolution updates (CER). The Interdepartmental Task Force had a successful December meeting and is planning to report to the Board of Supervisors in March. The Governor’s Office of Planning and Research is conducting Just Transition research and their Just Transition road map for local governments will be released later this year. The building electrification reach code is on track to be presented at the next Sustainability Commission meeting. The County was recently awarded a grant from the California Strategic Growth Council for the “Healthy Lands, Healthy People” carbon sequestration feasibility study. 
6. RECEIVE UPDATE on Climate Action Plan update and PROVIDE DIRECTION as appropriate.    
  Jody London stated that the Climate Action Plan (CAP) and General Plan adoption have been delayed until 2022. Because the 2015 CAP’s goals and measures ended in 2020, London suggested that an interim workplan be developed to advance sustainability efforts until the new CAP is adopted.
The Committee concluded that having an interim workplan would be valuable. London stated that she would prepare something to present at the Committee’s next meeting.
7. RECEIVE report from Sustainability Commission Chair.   
  Howdy Goudey, Sustainability Commission Chair, summarized the main actions from the December Sustainability Commission meeting. The Commission welcomed two new commissioners, Isabella Zizi and Marisha Farnsworth. It received a presentation on the Northern Waterfront Economic Development Initiative (NWEDI) and forwarded the Just Transition Letter to the Board for review by the Sustainability Committee as part of the work on Just Transition. The Commission received an update on the building electrification reach code. It reviewed and accepted the Sustainability Commission’s 2020 Report and 2021 Work Plan. Goudey noted that during the Commission’s February meeting a new chair and vice chair will be elected.
The Sustainability Committee asked how it could best support the Commission moving forward.
Sustainability Commission members shared their appreciation for the Committee’s in-depth discussion on items such as equitable work-from-home policies and voiced their desire to continue collaborating on items such as the CAP interim measures and NWEDI.
8. RECEIVE REPORT from County Sustainability Coordinator.   
  Jody London updated the Committee on her continued collaboration with the General Plan team on Environmental Justice policies. The Contra Costa Asthma Initiative is ready to launch. The Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) has determined its workshop plan for 2021. The 2020 Q4 meeting of the Sustainability Exchange, which included local government staff from Alameda County as well as Contra Costa County, focused on Climate Action Plan metrics. The Contra Costa Transportation Authority has been preliminarily identified to receive a Phase 2 grant from the California Energy Commission to implement actions identified in the Electric Vehicle (EV) Readiness Blueprint.
The Sustainability Commission expressed interest in receiving an update on County EV charging and fleet infrastructure.
9. The next meeting is currently scheduled for February 22, 2021.
10. Adjourn


For Additional Information Contact:

Jody London, Sustainability Coordinatorf
Phone (925) 674-7871