October 29, 2020
Supervisor John Gioia, Chair
Supervisor Candace Andersen, Vice Chair
Present: John Gioia, Chair  
  Candace Andersen, Vice Chair  
1. Introductions
  Meeting was called to order at 1:00P.M.
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
  No public comment.
3. RECEIVE and APPROVE the draft Record of Action for the September 28, 2020 Family & Human Services Committee Meeting.   
  No public comment. Record of Action was approved.
AYE: Chair John Gioia
  Vice Chair Candace Andersen
4. CONSIDER each of the following advisory board appointments, re-appointments or vacancy declarations for possible recommendation to the Board of Supervisors.   
a. RECOMMEND to the Board of Supervisors the appointment to the Council on Homelessness, for two year terms, of:
  • Iman Novin of Walnut Creek to the Affordable Housing Developer seat;
  • Margaret Schlitz of Richmond to the Behavioral Health seat;
  • Teri House of Antioch to the City Government seat;
  • Jo Bruno of Antioch to the Consumer seat;
  • Alejandra Chamberlain of Pleasant Hill to the Education Vocational Training seat;
  • Gabriel Lemus of Martinez to the Emergency Solutions Grant seat:
  • Linea Altman of Concord to the Healthcare Provider seat;
  • Deanna Pearn of Pleasant Hill to the Homeless Service Provider seat;
  • Manjit Sappal of Martinez to the Public Safety #1 seat;
  • Misaki Hiriyama of Martinez to the Veteran Administration seat;
  • Maureen Nelson to the Workforce Development seat; and
  • Renee Hendrick of Crockett to the Youth representative seat.
  No public comment. Motion was made to continue this item until the meeting on November 23, 2020 due to incomplete applications provided in the agenda package. Motion to continue was approved.
AYE: Chair John Gioia
  Vice Chair Candace Andersen
5. ACCEPT the annual report from the Public Health Division of the Health Services Department on the implementation of the Secondhand Smoke Protections Ordinance and DIRECT public health staff to forward the report to the Board of Supervisors for their information.

DIRECT staff from the Public Health Division to study the impacts of second-hand smoke exposure in close-proximity housing, such as mobile home parks, and return to the Committee with recommendation for enhanced protections within 6 months.
  No public comment. Committee moved acceptance of the report and directed staff to bring an amendment to the existing ordinance to include restrictions at mobile home parks.
AYE: Chair John Gioia
  Vice Chair Candace Andersen
6. ACCEPT report on the on the implementation of the tobacco retailer licensing and businesses zoning ordinances and return next year with an update.

DIRECT staff to track efforts by the tobacco industry to reverse the protections provided in SB 793, and to keep the Committee informed.
  No public comment. Committee moved acceptance of the report and directed staff to track efforts by the tobacco industry to reverse statutory restrictions and keep the committee informed. 
AYE: Chair John Gioia
  Vice Chair Candace Andersen
7. ACCEPT this report from the Employment and Human Services Department on youth services and the Independent Living Skills Program (ILSP); and continue to support the Children and Family Services Bureau and its efforts to serve foster youth in the ILSP program.   
  No public comment. Committee moved acceptance of the report.
AYE: Chair John Gioia
  Vice Chair Candace Andersen
8. ACCEPT the report from the Employment and Human Services Department on the foster care Continuum of Care Reform implementation efforts and other challenges for the department including those caused by the COVID pandemic.   
  One public speaker. Committee moved acceptance of the report. Committee requested further discussion on EHSD data collection and utilization efforts as well as the department's work from home strategies.
AYE: Chair John Gioia
  Vice Chair Candace Andersen
9. The next meeting of the Family and Human Services Committee is scheduled to be held virtually on November 23, 2020 at 9:00 AM.
10. Adjourn
  Meeting was adjourned at 2:21 P.M.
AYE: Chair John Gioia
  Vice Chair Candace Andersen


For Additional Information Contact:

Dennis Bozanich, Committee Staff
Phone (925) 335-1037, Fax (925) 646-1353