October 24, 2022
9:00 A.M.

To slow the spread of COVID-19, in lieu of a public gathering, the meeting will be accessible via Zoom to all members of the public as permitted by Government Code section 54953(e).
Meeting ID  697 609 6783
Password  885522

To Join by Phone
Dial:  888-278-0254
Conference Code:  382517

Supervisor Diane Burgis, Chair
Supervisor Candace Andersen, Vice Chair
Agenda Items: Items may be taken out of order based on the business of the day and preference of the Committee
1. Introductions
2. Public comment on any item under the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on this agenda (speakers may be limited to three minutes).
3.   RECEIVE and APPROVE the Record of Action for the September 26, 2022 Family and Human Services Committee (FHS) meeting.  (Danielle Fokkema, Sr. Deputy County Administrator)
4.   RECOMMEND to the Board of Supervisors the appointment of Toni Panetta to the Member at Large seat #7 and Andrew Hayden to the Member at Large seat #8 on the Managed Care Commission, with a term expiring October 31, 2025, as recommended by the Commission.  (Wendy Mascitto, Senior Program Manager)
5.   ACCEPT the Needle Exchange Update report from the Public Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) divisions and DIRECT staff to forward the report to the Board of Supervisors for their information, as recommended by the Health Services Director. (Jessica Osorio, Director of HIV/AIDS and STD Program; Fátima Matal Sol, AOD Program Chief; and Obiel Leyva, Prevention Manager)
6.   ACCEPT report on the Employment and Human Services Department’s (EHSD) Innovative Community Partnerships and DIRECT staff to forward the report to the Board of Supervisors for their information, as recommended by the EHSD Director. (Marla Stuart, EHSD Director and Tamina Alon, Interim Assistant Director Policy & Planning)
7. The next meeting is currently scheduled for November 28, 2022.
8. Adjourn

The Family & Human Services Committee will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities planning to attend Family & Human Services Committee meetings. Contact the staff person listed below at least 72 hours before the meeting.
Any disclosable public records related to an open session item on a regular meeting agenda and distributed by the County to a majority of members of the Family & Human Services Committee less than 96 hours prior to that meeting are available for public inspection at 1025 Escobar St., 4th Floor, Martinez, during normal business hours.
Public comment may be submitted via electronic mail on agenda items at least one full work day prior to the published meeting time.

For Additional Information Contact:

Danielle Fokkema, Committee Staff
Phone (925) 655-2047, Fax (925) 655-2066