AIRPORTS COMMITTEE   8. b.          
Meeting Date: 09/08/2021  
Subject: Discuss Aviation Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) and Storage Building, Byron Airport
Department: Airports
Referral No.:  
Referral Name: Discuss Aviation Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) and Storage Building, Byron Airport
Presenter: Contact:

Referral History:
Contra Costa County Airports started looking at putting up a building to house the Aircraft Rescue Fire Fighting (ARFF) apparatus after upgrading the ARFF equipment at the Byron Airport in 2018 and additional Operations equipment used for airport maintenance.  A 50 X 50 metal prefabricated building was purchased and the design process for the permitting of the building was started.  Design and permitting was completed in Spring 2020. The Airports Division is using a Public Works on-call contract with Aztec Consultants, Inc. for the construction of the building. 

Referral Update:
The Contractor has completed all utility relocation, poured the concrete slab for the building, installed on the red steel (frame) and is partially completed with insulation and siding.  The project is on track for its July 1st completion date.

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
Discuss ARFF/Storage Building, Byron Airport

Airport staff will relocate supplies and equipment used by Operations and the ARFF apparatus into the new building upon completion.  Hangar C2 (current storage location and ARFF building until the newer apparatus was purchase) will then be released for rental.

Fiscal Impact (if any):
There is no impact to the General Fund.  The construction and purchase of the building will use the Board approved Mariposa Funds of approximately $104,000 and Airport Enterprise Funds for additional costs with total expected cost of approximately $450,000.