Meeting Date: 10/15/2020  
Submitted For: Candace Andersen,
Department: Board of Supervisors District II
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Dr. Thomas Warne, Deputy County Health Officer Contact:

Referral History:
Although the Board of Supervisors has authority over County issues, under State law, when an emergency of this nature is declared and there is a pandemic of this magnitude, the Health Officer of each county has the legal authority to impose whatever orders she or he deem necessary to protect the public.

On Tuesday, April 21, the Board of Supervisors formed this ad hoc committee to advise the Health Department on COVID19 impacts. The goal of the committee is to work toward having a sustainable COVID-19 mitigation and recovery plan. The committee will be working with the community and industry on issues of concern, advising the Board of Supervisors and the Health Officer on possible ways to interpret and apply Health Orders so they will continue to keep the community safe, but allow more businesses to re-open and provide common-sense applications to outdoor activities.

The Committee has so far conducted 16 public meetings on May 7, 14, 21 and 28; June 4, 11, 18, and 25; July 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30; August 13; and September 3 and 17, 2020, covering recreation and lifestyle services, in-home and other personal services, small businesses, religious gatherings; a plan to move to fully to Stage 2 and, regrettably, the second surge that required postponement of many planned Phase 2 re-openings.  A record of those meetings is posted on the County website at this link.  The committee plans to change its meeting schedule to monthly unless changing circumstances dictate otherwise, taking up new developments in the pandemic and discussing a roadmap to recovery.

The Committee and the Health Officer also discuss updates to the State and County Health Orders and projected timeline for reopening businesses, schools, and community activities and answer questions received via the Supervisors' offices and Committee staff. Community leaders and health officials continue to urge county residents to follow the local and state health guidance to protect their families and communities – it saves lives.

In Contra Costa and across the nation, historically marginalized communities are experiencing the most pronounced impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Local community leaders continue to call upon the public to take COVID-19 seriously, and take steps to keep healthy and safe:


  • Stay home from work or school if you feel sick
  • Wash your hands often
  • Wear face masks whenever you are near someone outside your immediate household
  • Observe physical distancing outside the home and do not make unnecessary trips or visits
  • Get tested and follow the health instructions if you test positive or were exposed to someone who tested positive

All Bay Area residents are also encouraged to get tested for COVID-19, and to do so immediately if they have symptoms. Check with your local health department for more information about testing and about efforts in your community to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information, please visit to read the latest health order and its appendices, and for local information about Contra Costa's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here is a link to the updated FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):  FAQs

Referral Update:
Deputy County Health Officer Dr. Thomas Warne will provide a COVID-19 update at today's meeting.
Following Dr. Warne's remarks, we will allow for Public Comment and additional questions specific to the current Health Order, attached, other guidance documents, also attached, and Timeline.

Under the State's new Blueprint for a Safer Economy, every county is assigned to a tier by the State based on its test positivity and adjusted case rate (see Tier chart at the end of this section). The State reviews data weekly and tiers are updated on Tuesdays. To move forward, a county must meet the next tier’s criteria for two consecutive weeks.  Contra Costa County advanced from the Purple (most restrictive) Tier to the Red Tier on September 29, 2020. For Contra Costa County to move down to the next tier (moderate/orange), daily new cases (per 100k) must be between 1-3.9 and positive tests must be between 2-4.9%. If a county’s case rate and positivity rate fall into different tiers, the county remains in the stricter tier. Click to learn more about tier assignments and metric details.

New Equity Provision
In an effort to reduce COVID-19 transmission across all of California’s communities, beginning October 6, 2020, Contra Costa County will need to meet a health equity metric in order to further open its economy and ensure test positivity rates in disadvantaged neighborhoods don’t fall significantly behind the overall county test positivity rate. Generally, to advance to the next less restrictive tier in the state’s COVID-19 Tier Framework, a county, depending on its size, will need to meet an equity metric and/or show plans for targeted investments to eliminate neighborhood disparities in levels of COVID-19 transmission. Those investments can include spending on augmenting testing, disease investigation, contact tracing, isolation/quarantine support, and education and outreach efforts for workers.

Counties can’t go backwards into more restrictive tiers solely because of the equity metric, but they will remain in a holding pattern and must submit a plan explaining how they’ll increase testing and quarantine resources in hard-hit neighborhoods. Contra Costa County has opened free COVID testing sites in Richmond and added a weekend testing at a site in Bay Point, two cities with neighborhoods that rank low within the county’s Healthy Places index.

Schools and Distance Learning

Thus far, none of the Contra Costa County school districts have moved to reopen.  Some are planning on bringing students on campus for assessments and then later in small groups.  Others are waiting until until the County advances out of Red Tier and into the Orange Tier.   27 elementary school waivers have been approved.

Attached are samples of recent local school district news and planning efforts around distance learning and eventual reopening strategies.

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE status report on the September 14th Updated Health Order on Social Distancing, the State's new Blueprint for a Safer Economy and the related new equity provision, and on school re-openings. 

Press Release_ Alignment with CA COVID-19 Blueprint_9-14-2020
Health Order_Mass Quarantine_10-8-2020
Health Order on Social Distancing_9-14-2020
Health Order_Mass Isolation_8-5-2020
Health Order on Facial Coverings_7-5-2020
Health Order_Vehicle-Based Gatherings_5-15-2020
State Tiers
CCHS Press Release_Business Reopenings_9-29-2020
Guidance for Suspected/Confirmed Covid-19 Cases_9-28-2020
Public Comment_Jenny Tsang_9-17-2020
Public Comment_Stella Wotherspoon_9-18-2020
Public Comment_Joe Queirolo_9-23-2020
Public Comment_Marian Shostrom_10-12-2020
Public Comment_Kevin Mathieu_10-14-2020
Public Comment_Jim Daggs_10-14-2020