Meeting Date: 03/16/2020  
Subject: Review COVID-19 HSD Guidance
Submitted For: David Twa,
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.:  
Referral Name: Review COVID-19 HSD Guidance
Presenter: Kristine Solseng Contact: Kristine Solseng, 674-7809

Referral History:
A novel (new) coronavirus is causing an outbreak of pneumonia illness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (DCD), California Department of Public Health (CHPH) and public health agencies across the U.S. are monitoring this new disease. Contra Costa Health Services is working closely with its partners and other health systems to track the situation locally. 

On Tuesday, March 10th, the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors declared a State of Emergency regarding the Coronavirus and Contra Costa Health Services provided some guidance for public gatherings. See attached HSD COVID-19 Interim Guidance. 
Referral Update:
The implications of social distancing and other preventative measures to reduce COVID-19 will likely impact grantee outreach plans. Based on information we received from our grantees, there are over 300 presentations, events, and tabling opportunities expected to reach over 50 people planned for Census Outreach. Some of these events will not have 50 people in the same place at the same time. 

We are working to provide guidance to our grantees and support the recommendation of the County Health Department. Action taken by staff to date include:
1. Postpone Census Week Event to April 18th and renamed "Census Celebration Event" 
2. Include a section about COVID-19 on cococensus.org website
3. Provide Guidance to Grantees to prevent the spread of COVID-19 including: 
  • Postpone any event that has 50 people 
  • Postpone any event that serves vulnerable populations (i.e.seniors) 
  • Consider postponing canvassing events or modifying protocols to include: door hanger drop only or knock and stand 3 feet away from the door to talk to resident. Note, canvassing will not be effective if people are afraid to open their doors. 
  • Ensure any Questionnaire Assistance Center or Kiosk (QAC/QAK) is frequently wiped down with disinfectant and provide hand sanitzer to users. 
  • Following health and safety guidelines from: www.cchealh.org/coronavirus
4.  Provide proactive tips for grantees to conduct outreach amid the COVID-19 outbreak, including: 
  • Promote taking the Census Online or by Phone. Those that fill out the form before the end of April will not have a Census Worker knock on their doors. 
  • Increase social media outreach - in particular outreach that comes directly from your organization
  • Consider making a free PSA with CCTV to reach our community directly - you can integrate both Census and COVID-19 prevention messaging
  • Continue to integrate messaging into existing customer interaction
  • Consider alternatives to gatherings such as virtual events or webinars
  • Consider phone banking
  • Other options as identified by U.S. Census Bureau, State of California, United Way Bay Area, and County staff
In order to comply with County contracting requirements, any change to the activities provided in the scope of work will require an amendment to the contract. If grantees are unable to fulfill their contract, they may not receive the full amount of their grant. 

To date, the we have received the follow updates.
  • One grantee has postponed indefinitely events, QAC/QAK location, and canvassing efforts due to COVID-19. Staff anticipates there will be more changes to Census Outreach grants. 
  • The libraries have cancelled all their story time events
  • The libraries have been partnering with Leauge of Women Voters to serve as volunteers for the Library QAC/QAK locations. It is anticipated that many of them will no longer volunteer because they meet the vulnerable population criteria. 

There is also over $60,000 in Phase 2 grants, which are specifically directed towards hosting Census outreach events by smaller organizations.  The Finance Committee began a discussions about potential alternative uses for those funds should the social distancing guidlines become prohibitive for the forseeable future. A follow up meeting is being schedule to assess the situation and provide a recommendation. 
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE update about COVID-19 and provide staff with recommendations or suggestions about integrating COVID-19 and Census messaging, guidelines and stragegies for grantees, and other measure to be considered given the COVID-19 outbreak. 
Fiscal Impact (if any):
The inability to conduct the full outreach plan has the potential to reduce participation in the Census and thus the County's federal funding allocation. The inability to fulfill contracting oblligations may impact the amount of grant funding allocation to county grantees. 

HSD COVID-19-Interim Guidance