Meeting Date: 12/02/2019  
Subject: Contra Costa County – A Place to Thrive
Submitted For: David Twa,
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Devovah Levine & Ali Saidi Contact: 925-608-4890

Referral History:
At its November 19, 2019 meeting, the Board of Supervisors referred the matter of a Draft Racial Equity Action Plan (REAP) to the Public Protection Committee for their consideration and action, as requested by District I Supervisor John Gioia.
Referral Update:

Part of the discussion on the Racial Equity Action Plan, involves looking at local efforts, such as Contra Costa County - A Place to Thrive, to promote immigration inclusion.

Contra Costa County – A Place to Thrive

The Zellerbach Family Foundation commissioned a research brief to inform their investments in support of a stronger Contra Costa County.  This research featured demographics and the economic contributions of New Americans in Contra Costa County and was launched at a cross-sector event on June 19, 2019 cosponsored by: theY&H Soda Foundation, the Contra Costa Community Colleges District, New American Workforce (a nonprofit that partners with businesses to support immigrant inclusion), The Family Justice Center, First Five of Contra Costa County and Stand Together Contra Costa County.

Following up on recommendations made during the launch, County and community leaders came together for a community strategy session on October 2,2019 to learn about: local government and community collaborations supporting immigrant inclusion and equity; and existing efforts in Contra Costa County.

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE a presentation on Contra Costa County - A Place to Thrive and PROVIDE direction to staff.

CCC A Place to Thrive Presentation