Meeting Date: 10/21/2019  
Subject: Proposed Immplementation Plan for Census 2020
Submitted For: David Twa,
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.:  
Referral Name: Proposed Immplementation Plan for Census 2020
Presenter: Barbara Riveira Contact: Barbara Riveira 925-335-1018

Referral History:
On September 17, 2019 the California Complete Count team (State) provided guidance and a template for the Implementation Plan documents.  The purpose of the Implementation Plan is for Contracted partners to document their activities based on their Strategic plan.  The State understands the Implementation Plan detail represents a "snapshot in time" and the activities may evolve over time.  The Implementation plan is due October 31, 2019 for all contracted partners, and for reporting purposes the 3rd Quarterly report and the Implementation Plan are considered the same.

The desired outcome of the Implementation Plan is for all partners to have a clear and collective understanding of the planned activities, with detail for each activity including census tract, hard-to-count populations reached and other details.  The State will evaluate the Implementation Plan and coduct an analysis by region, census tract, HTC populations and sectors.  The Implementation Plan document will be part of a process for the potential allocation of additional funding.
Referral Update:
New Item.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
Steering Committee members are invited to provide comments and additions to the draft Implementation Plan and feedback and ideas/projects for potential allocation of additional funding by the State.  Please email Barbara Riveira at barbara.riveira@cao.cccounty.us via email by October 30, 2019.  The Implementation Plan will be submitted to the State by October 31, 2019, and as updates occur staff will advise the State and submit the updates.

Staff will also provide an updated version of the Implementation Plan at future Steering Committee meetings. 

Link to Implementation Plan:

Fiscal Impact (if any):
The Implementation Plan is required by the State as a contracted partner.