Meeting Date: 10/07/2019  
Subject: RECEIVE information regarding Federal Railway Administration Pedestrian Trespassing Safety Summit.
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: 15  
Referral Name: Safety of freight trains, rail corridors…
Presenter: John Cunningham, DCD Contact: Colin Piethe (925)674-7755

Referral History:
This is a new issue being brought to TWIC.
Referral Update:
On 6/11/2019, The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) sent a letter to each of the County Supervisors regarding their 2017 study of trespass-related pedestrian fatalities on railways. The letter noted that trespass-related pedestrian fatalities have increased by 18% in recent years; from 725 in 2012 to 855 in 2017. The FRA also found that 6 of the 10 Counties with the highest number of collisions are located in California, including Contra Costa County, which has seen 55 fatalities during that five year time period.

In response to this increase in fatalities, the FRA developed the National Strategy for Trespass on Railroad Property in December 2018. One of the strategies identified in the plan is to partner with local jurisdictions and stakeholders. The FRA has begun to organize regional Railroad Trespassing Summits across the Nation to raise awareness and drive resources towards this pressing safety issue. The FRA has requested the assistance of Contra Costa and Alameda Counties in planning a summit in the East Bay area in May 2020.

On a project introduction phone call on 7/10/2019, FRA staff explained to Department of Conservation and Development (DCD) and Public Works (DPW) staff that they are organizing three summits in California; one in Northern, Central, and Southern California. FRA staff requested assistance from Alameda and Contra Costa staff with several tasks: 1. Contacting the County’s local jurisdictions to request that their elected officials and relevant staff to participate in the summit, 2. Identifying a venue for hosting the summit, and 3. Assisting with marketing and communications to spread the word about the summit.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
Staff from Alameda and Contra Costa have been working together to identify a suitable location.

Other next steps involve ongoing coordination with FRA contacts and identifying appropriate County staff to attend the summit, including the Supervisors, council members, mayors, transportation planners, engineers, staff specializing in homeless issues, and communications staff. Staff will also develop a plan for engaging local jurisdictions throughout the County to request that they attend the summit.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
Unknown. County staff has requested that FRA identify/provide funding sources to cover staff time and resources.

Federal Railroad Admn_Mitchoff