Meeting Date: 10/07/2019  
Subject: RECEIVE update on the Accessible Transportation Strategic Plan, RECOMMEND that the Board of Supervisors make appointments to the oversight committees
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: 18  
Referral Name: Review transportation plans and services for specific populations, including but not limited to the...Contra Costa Accessible Transportation Strategic Plan
Presenter: John Cunningham, DCD Contact: John Cunningham (925)674-7833

Referral History:
The Contra Costa Transportation Authority and the County jointly developed a Caltrans Sustainable Communities grant to fund the Accessible Transportation Strategic (ATS) Plan. The grant was awarded in May 2018.

The ATS Plan will, 1) review existing, individual operations, 2) review the potential for a more coordinated, countywide program, and 3) develop a phased implementation plan for the recommendations.
Referral Update:
The ATS Plan includes an Oversight Committee Structure (draft attached) which has several seats for County representatives. CCTA is requesting that agencies make appointments.

Staff is requesting that the Committee discuss the options for County appointments and provide direction.

Policy Advisory Committee
  • Board of Supervisors: TBD
  • Contra Costa Health Services(CCHS): Chris Farnitano*

Technical Advisory Committee
  • Matt White, Health Services*
  • Mendaline Singh, Pamela Lee*
  • John Cunningham, County Planning representatives/study oversight

*Nominated by CCHS

Miscellaneous Updates
Study Progress: Internal meetings with the consultant (Nelson-Nygaard), CCTA, and County staff have been ongoing since the grant award in 2018. The first meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee is tentatively scheduled for late October 2019 with a convening of the Policy Committee some time after that.

Proposed March 2020 - Transportation Expenditure Plan: The ATS Plan was discussed during CCTA's recent effort to develop a Transportation Expenditure Plan (TEP) for potential consideration by the voters on the March 2020 ballot. In the event the measure passes the ATS Plan will guide expenditures in Program 24: Accessible Transportation for Seniors, Veterans, and People with Disabilities.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE update on the Accessible Transportation Strategic Plan, DISCUSS options for County oversight committee appointments,  RECOMMEND that the Board of Supervisors make appointments to the Policy and Technical Advisory Committees.
Fiscal Impact (if any):

ATS Plan - DRAFT Oversight Structure