Meeting Date: 08/01/2019  
Subject: RECEIVE Presentation Regarding Sustainability in Alameda County.
Submitted For: John Kopchik,
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Carolyn Bloede, Sustainability Manager, Alameda County Contact: Jody London, 925-674-7871

Referral History:
Referral Update:
Alameda Countyhas long been recognized for its commitment to environmental sustainability, including the manner in which every department embraces policies and practices that improve quality of life and support environmental sustainability. Alameda County's guiding Strategic Vision recognizes that a healthy community depends on a healthy environment. The County's comprehensive sustainability efforts protect the climate and support the local economy.

The ongoing update of Contra Costa County's Climate Action Plan, including the County Operations sections, provides an opportunity for the County to learn from its neighbors.  The Alameda County Sustainability Program Manager will provide an overview of her office's creation and growth, as well as current work.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE presentation regarding sustainability in Alameda County.
Fiscal Impact (if any):

Sustainability Presentation