Meeting Date: 05/13/2019  
Subject: SB 343 (Pan): Healthcare Data Disclosure
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.: 2019-11  
Referral Name: SB 343 (Pan)
Presenter: L. DeLaney Contact: L. DeLaney, 925-335-1097

Referral History:
The Union Healthcare Coalition of Contra Costa requests that the Board of Supervisors adopt a position of "Support" on SB 343 (Pan).  SEIU California is a sponsor of the bill and also urges the Board's support of SB 343.
Referral Update:
SB 343:  The text of the bill is available at:  http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB343

Author: Richard Pan (D-006)
Title: Healthcare Data Disclosure
Fiscal Committee: yes  
Introduced: 02/19/2019
Disposition: Pending
Location: ASSEMBLY
Summary: Eliminates alternative reporting requirements for certain plans or insurers. Requires instead that those entities report information consistent with any other health care service plan, health insurer, or health facility, as appropriate. Eliminates the authorization for hospitals to report specified financial and utilization data to the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD).

This bill would require specified health insurance rate filing provisions, which allow a health plan that exclusively contracts with no more than two medical groups to report medical trend factor assumptions and actual service trends differently than other health plans. The bill
eliminates provisions in the hospital reporting requirement that authorizes a health plan that exclusively contracts with no more than two medical groups to report certain data as a group than by facility.

At this time the only health plan in the state that would be impacted by the requirements on health plans that contract with no more than two medical groups is Kaiser Permanente. The bill would remove provisions that allow Kaiser Permanente to report costs and revenues as a
group rather than individual facility and would require all healthcare facilities to submit reports on a per facility basis.

Health Services and Human Resources staff have reviewed the bill and indicated:  "SB 343 will not improve the data available to the County for use in annual renewal negotiations with Kaiser....We can see no negative impact or positive result to CCC resulting from passage of the bill."

The author's Fact Sheet for SB 343 is Attachment A.  Letters of support are included in Attachment B. 
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):

Attachment A
Attachment B