Meeting Date: 05/13/2019  
Subject: Reconsideration of AB 388 (Limon): Alzheimer's Disease
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.:  
Referral Name: Reconsideration of AB 388 (Limon): Alzheimer's Disease
Presenter: Daniel Peddycord Contact: L. DeLaney, 925-335-1097

Referral History:
The Legislation Committee considered AB 388 (Limon) at their April 8, 2019 meeting (item 3) and took no action on the bill but requested staff provide more information on the bill. 
Referral Update:
AB 388 (Limon) Alzheimer's Disease.  The text of the bill is available at:  http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200AB388

Author: Monique Limon (D-037)
Coauthor Bates (R), Wood (D), Stone (R), Aguiar-Curry (D), Grayson (D), Kalra (D), Kiley (R), Rubio (D), Voepel (R), Dodd (D), Carrillo (D), Mayes (R), Mathis (R), Cooley (D), Levine (D), Maienschein (D), Nazarian (D), Stone (D), Chang (R), Chiu (D), Gallagher (R), Garcia E (D), Boerner Horvath (D), Jackson (D)
Title: Alzheimer's Disease
Fiscal Committee: yes  
Introduced: 02/05/2019
Last Amend: 03/26/2019
Disposition: Pending
Location: Assembly Appropriations Committee
Summary: Requires the State Department of Public Health to implement the action agenda items in the Healthy Brain Initiative and coordinate a statewide public awareness campaign to educate the public on the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other dementias and to reach consumers at risk of cognitive impairment, with targeted outreach to populations at greater risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

The County's Advisory Council on Aging has sent a letter of support for this bill.  (Attachment A).  This bill is also supported by Debbie Toth from Choice in Aging and County Public Health Director, Daniel Peddycord.  CHEAC also supports the bill.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
Consider recommending a position of "Support" on AB 388 and directing staff to place the bill on the Board's consent calendar for their May 21, 2019 meeting.

Attachment A: Letter of Support