Meeting Date: 12/10/2018  
Submitted For: Russell Watts,
Department: Treasurer-Tax Collector
Referral No.: IOC 18/5  
Referral Name: Advisory Body Recruitment
Presenter: Russsell Watts, Treasurer-Tax Collector Contact: Ronda Boler

Referral History:
In 2013, IOC reviewed Board Resolution Nos. 2011/497 and 2011/498, which stipulate that applicants for At Large/Non Agency-Specific seats on specified bodies are to be interviewed by a Board Committee. The IOC made a determination that it would conduct interviews for At Large seats on the following bodies: Retirement Board, Fire Advisory Commission, Integrated Pest Management Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, Treasury Oversight Committee (TOC), Airport Land Use Commission, Aviation Advisory Committee and the Fish & Wildlife Committee; and that screening and nomination fill At Large seats on all other eligible bodies would be delegated each body or a subcommittee thereof.

The purpose of the TOC is to review the County's investment policy; regularly monitor the County Investment Pool's performance; and report on the pool's performance to the Board of Supervisors.

The TOC is composed of two ex-officio and seven appointed members: the County Treasurer; the Auditor-Controller; one representative appointed by the Board of Supervisors; the County Superintendent of Schools or designee; one representative selected by a majority of the presiding officers of the governing bodies of the school districts and the community college district in the county; one representative selected by a majority of the presiding officers of the legislative bodies of the special districts in the county that are required or authorized to deposit funds in the County Treasury; three members of the public, a majority of whom shall have expertise in, or an academic background in, public finance and who shall be economically diverse and bipartisan in political registration.

The IOC conducts the application and interview process for the three public member seats and the BOS representative seat.
Referral Update:
On May 15, 2018, the TOC adopted amendments to its Bylaws, in part, to add an alternate member for each of the appointed and elected positions in order to ensure a quorum for each of its regularly held meetings. On June 26, 2018, the Board of Supervisors approved the amendments.

Accordingly, we respectfully request the IOC consider appointing Parm Sandhu for the Board of Supervisor’s Alternate seat to the TOC. The candidate submitted a completed application during the recruitment last April, and he is interested in being interviewed for the vacant Alternate seat. We understand the Board of Supervisors will make the final approval for the appointment. The appointment is for a four-year term, which will expire on April 30, 2022.

A copy of the latest TOC Bylaws and meeting place and calendar are available online.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
INTERVIEW candidate for the Board of Supervisors Alternate seat on the Treasury Oversight Committee to complete the unexpired term that will expire on April 30, 2022, and DETERMINE recommendation for Board of Supervisors consideration.

Candidate Application_Parm Sandhu_Treasury Oversight Committee