Meeting Date: 05/14/2018  
Subject: SB 1105 (Skinner): Vehicles: Driving Offenses: Prosecution
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.: 2018-16  
Referral Name: SB 1105
Presenter: Donte Blue Contact: L. DeLaney, 925-335-1097

Referral History:
SB 1105 by Senator Nancy Skinner would extend existing laws relating to the dismissal of Vehicle Code violations pending at the time of a defendant's commitment to state prison or county jail on a jail-eligible felony to provide the same relief to persons sentenced to county jail or other alternatives to incarceration.

The Deputy Director of the Office of Reentry and Justice recommends that the Committee consider recommending a position of "Support" to the Board of Supervisors on SB 1105.

Author: Nancy Skinner (D-009)
Title: Vehicles: Driving Offenses: Prosecution
Fiscal Committee: yes  
Urgency Clause: no  
Introduced: 02/13/2018
Last Amend: 04/03/2018
Disposition: Pending
Location: Senate Appropriations Committee
Summary: Extends a specified immunity from prosecution and the prohibitions regarding suspending a driver's license to a person who completes a certain sentence work alternative program as a condition of probation. Makes these protections applicable to an offense committed while the person is temporarily released from custody, or an parole or postrelease community supervision. Authorizes incarcerated or previously convicted persons to request relief directly through the courts.
Referral Update:
The text of the bill can be found here:  http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180SB1105

CSAC currently has a "Watch" position on the bill.

The bill analysis is included in Attachment A.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
CONSIDER recommending to the Board of Supervisors a position of "Support" on SB 1105 (Skinner) and directing staff to put the bill on the Board's agenda for consent.
Fiscal Impact (if any):

Attachment A: Bill Analysis