Meeting Date: 07/09/2018  
Subject: RECEIVE report on Dockless Bikeshare in Contra Costa County, DISCUSS options, and DIRECT staff as appropriate.
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: 22  
Referral Name: Monitor issues related to docked and dockless bike share programs
Presenter: Robert Sarmiento, DCD Contact: Robert Sarmiento (925)674-7822

Referral History:
In late 2017, several bikeshare companies launched dockless* operations throughout the United States. In early 2018, the Shadelands business center (“Shadelands”), located in Walnut Creek, initiated a pilot program with a dockless bikeshare vendor (LimeBike). Shortly thereafter several cities in Contra Costa entered in to agreements with LimeBike and their equipment began appearing at the Contra Costa Centre and on the Iron Horse Trail.

Unlike the Cities, LimeBike did not approach the County with the purpose of establishing an agreement prior to operations in the unincorporated area. Conversations with LimeBike staff seemed to indicate there is confusion relative to the difference between incorporated cities and unincorporated county areas.

At the March 2018 meeting TWIC received a report on ‘abandoned’ and misplaced bicycles at the Contra Costa Centre and directed staff to develop dockless bikeshare policies and agreements, in consultation with dockless bikeshare companies and accommodating their business model, where appropriate.

* There are two predominant types of bike share systems, docked and dockless. As the names imply, docked bikes need to be both rented and returned to specific stations (“docks”). Dockless bike are rented and tracked via GPS and wireless technology and can be rented and left at virtually any location.
Referral Update:
Staff submitted a memo to County Counsel to soliciting their opinion and input on:
  • The use of public right of way (PROW) for dockless bike operations
  • A draft County dockless bikeshare agreement template
  • General feedback given this unprecendented use of the PROW

Planning Staff has also been reviewing other jurisdictions' policies, agreements, and reports; industry studies; and newspaper articles related to dockless bikeshare to extract best practices. Staff continues to reach out to local jursidictions that have implemented or are in the process of implementing a dockless bikesharing program to solicit feedback on their efforts.

Staff from County Counsel, Public Works, and Conservation and Development have met internally and will be present at the July TWIC meeting. Staff intends on discussing options with the Committee and developing some options for proceeding.  
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE report, DISCUSS options, and DIRECT staff as appropriate.
Fiscal Impact (if any):