Meeting Date: 02/12/2018  
Submitted For: David Twa,
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.: IOC 18/7  
Presenter: Jami Napier (925) 335-1908 Contact: Emlyn Struthers (925) 335-1919

Referral History:
Beginning in 2010 and concluding in 2011/2012, the Board of Supervisors conducted an extensive review of advisory body policies and composition, and passed Resolution Nos. 2011/497 and 2011/498, which revised and restated the Board’s governing principles for the bodies. The Resolutions dealt with all bodies, whether created by the BOS as discretionary or those that the BOS is mandated to create by state or federal rules, laws or regulations. The Resolutions directed the CAO/COB’s Office to institute a method to conduct a rotating triennial review of each body and to report on the results of that review and any resulting staff recommendations to the Board, through the IOC, on a regular basis.

The last triennial review was completed in December 2017. 
Referral Update:
Attached is the County Administrator's staff report and recommendations for Phase 1 of the new triennial advisory body review cycle. 

Last September, the IOC requested the County Administrator's Office to review in more depth the issues of member turnover and dissatisfaction within the Commission for Women.  Commission members were invited and many members commented and provided insight at the September IOC meeting.  Additional staff recommendations pertaining specifically to the Commission for Women are provided below.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
1.  ACCEPT the Triennial Advisory Body Phase I report, attached, and APPROVE staff recommendations found at the conclusion of the report.

2. CONSIDER approving additional specific recommendations pertaining to the Commission for Women:
  1. To safely account for Commission funds and eliminate the Commission's dependence on outside agencies for funds administration, DIRECT the County Administrator to create and administer a budgetary organization unit to account for funds granted and donated to the Commission for Women and to work with the Commission Chair and Treasurer on a protocol and procedure to deposit and disburse the funds.

  2. To establish an arm's length relationship between the Commission and the Friends of the Commission and other supporting agencies, MODIFY the bylaws of the Commission to stipulate that members of the Commission may not be members of any organization that donates or grants funds to the Commission

  3. To foster leadership among all Commission members, MODIFY the bylaws of the Commission to stipulate that a member may serve as an officer for no more than two consecutive years.

  4. To sharpen the Commission's focus on its primary mission and to also minimize its dependence on fundraising, CONSIDER whether or not the annual Women's Hall of Fame recognition ceremony is consistent with the Commission's charge and mission, "To educate the community and advise the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors on issues relating to the changing social and economic conditions of women in the County, with particular emphasis on the economically disadvantaged; to improve the economic status, social welfare, and overall quality of life for women in Contra Costa County.

  5. To help the Commission consistently maintain a meeting quorum, CONSIDER reducing the membership of the Commission from 20 members (5 District and 15 at large seats) plus one alternate to 15 members (5 District and 10 at large seats) plus one alternate.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
Providing budgetary coordination and support for the Commission for Women will require a nominal commitment of staff time from the County Administrator's Office.  This function will be performed by current staff.

Triennial Advisory Body Review - Phase I Report with Recommendations