Meeting Date: 01/22/2018  
Subject: RECEIVE Report on Preparation of an Electric Vehicle Readiness Blueprint.
Submitted For: Jody London,
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Jody London, Sustainability Coordinator Contact: Jody London (925) 674-7871

Referral History:
The Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability regularly discusses electric vehicles and strategies for electrifying the transportation sector in Contra Costa County during its deliberations.    
Referral Update:
At its July 31, 2017 meeting the Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability received a report from the County Sustainability Coordinator on electric vehicle (EV) readiness in Contra Costa County. The Committee directed the Directors of the Departments of Public Works and Conservation and Development (DCD), or their designees, to develop a Contra Costa County Electric Vehicle Readiness Plan by February 2018.
Shortly after the July 2017 meeting, DCD staff began collaborating with the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA), which is also interested in developing an EV Readiness Plan.  CCTA is responsible for maintaining and improving the County’s transportation system by planning, funding, and delivering critical transportation infrastructure projects and programs.  DCD staff are working closely with CCTA staff to develop a need statement and scope of work for an EV Readiness Plan (see attached).  CCTA staff have presented on this project to the Planning Directors meeting that CCTA hosts and to the City/County Engineering Advisory Committee, which both responded favorably to the project.
While staff originally believed a Readiness Plan could be prepared in-house, the expanded scope of the project and participation of other agencies makes this a project that will be most successful if developed with the assistance of outside experts.  County staff are working with CCTA to identify funding sources.
On December 14, the California Energy Commission (CEC) announced a competitive grant solicitation from the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program for grants of up to $200,000 each for communities to develop planning blueprints to identify the actions and milestones needed to proceed towards implementation of an EV ready community. The CEC anticipates awarding three grants in Northern California. Receiving a grant in this first phase makes the applicant team eligible to compete in a Phase 2 solicitation for implementation funds.  One of the goals for the grant is to develop EV blueprints that can be easily replicated in other communities. The deadline for this grant is February 9, 2018.  CCTA will be the lead on the application; the County anticipates having a supporting role in developing the grant and developing the EV blueprint, should the application be successful.
On January 5, 2018, the California Department of Transportation (CalTrans) announced the 2018-2019 Sustainable Communities, Strategic Partnerships grant.  This grant will fund local and regional multimodal transportation and land use projects that further a region’s regional transportation plan sustainable communities strategy and help achieve California’s greenhouse gas reduction targets. The deadline for this grant is February 23.  Staff will collaborate with CCTA in developing this grant application and supporting the work, should the application be successful. Staff is considering pursuing this funding opportunity for two other projects, the Marsh Creek Multiuse Corridor Feasibility Study and the Accessible Transit Feasibility Study (also being prepared in collaboration with CCTA).
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):

RECEIVE report on preparation of an Electric Vehicle Readiness Blueprint.

Fiscal Impact (if any):

Staff time associated with grant development.

EV Readiness Need Statement Fact Sheet