Meeting Date: 10/09/2017  
Subject: 2018 State and Federal Legislative Platform Development (Transportation)
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: 1  
Referral Name: Review legislative matters on transportation, water, and infrastructure.
Presenter: John Cunningham, DCD Contact: John Cunningham (925)674-7833

Referral History:
The Transportation, Water, and Infrastructure Committee (TWIC) annually reviews the State and Federal Legislative Platforms for revisions to sections under its purview.

Staff with responsibility for items on TWICs referral list are provided the option to bring platform revisions to either TWIC or the Legislation Committee given the overlapping responsibility for the platform update. However, in the event that legislative platform modifications for TWIC referred items are brought to the Legislation Committee, staff is instructed to inform TWIC of the changes.
Referral Update:
Attached for the Committees review are the state and federal legislative platforms. Embedded in the documents are staff proposed revisions (using redline/strikeout) and sidebars containing annotations and staff comments. Topics not included in the Committee's referrals have been grayed out.

The County's legislative advocate, Mark Watts, will be present at the meeting to discuss the State platform. Staff will discussion options. County staff will discuss federal options with our advocate (Paul Schlesinger) at the end of the month and report back either to TWIC or the Legislative Committee.

For the Committees reference, the Contra Costa Transportation Authority's State and Federal Legislative Advocacy Platforms are attached.

As indicated above, revisions are embedded in the attached draft platforms. One addition to the State platform required more background than would coherently fit in the platform itself, that information is provided below:

Climate Change

#20 Support efforts to expand eligible expenditures of the Greenhouse Gas Revenue Fund to investments in accessible transit/transportation systems which result in more efficient (shared trips, increased coordination) service and corresponding reductions in greenhouse gas production.

Consistent with existing planks, and in support of the accessible transit initiative discussed earlier in the TWIC packet, staff is proposing adding a plank to support additional funding for accessible transportation (AT) services. AT services include a range of transportation/transit and supportive services such as; Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) mandated public paratransit service, city/community programs for seniors/disabled, transportation provided by private non-profits, mobility management programs, volunteer based transportation programs, veterans transportation, etc.

The proposal builds on and support the following existing initiatives and policies:

• On September 20, 2017 the Contra Costa Transportation Authority approved their 2017 Countywide Transportation Plan. That plan included an action, "Initiate the Accessible Transportation Service Strategic Plan: To ensure that services are delivered in a coordinated system, the Authority will develop a strategic plan for accessible transportation service." Implementation of recommendations of the plan will require some investment and could require substantial investment. The County was involved in the development of this action and will be involved in the conduct of the study. Given our advocacy, corresponding efforts to fund recommended improvements would be prudent. 

• Consistent with the bullet above, the "Accessible Transportation" report provided to the Board of Supervisors in September 2017 documented the likely need for substantial investment to make improvements in this field. In addition, the report established that the County is not unique in this situation. Capacity building investment in this area is needed throughout California and the United States justifying a state and federal legislative approach.

• The proposal builds on and provides more useful specificity to these existing planks: Transportation: 206. SUPPORT regional coordination that provides for local input in addressing transportation needs. Coordinated planning and delivery of public transit, paratransit, non-profit/community-based transit, and rail services will help ensure the best possible service delivery to the public..., and Human Services: 158. SUPPORT legislation and investments related to long-term care, senior housing affordability, medical service access, transportation, isolation and other quality of life issues to support aging with dignity.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
DISCUSS, REVISE and RECOMMEND that the Board of Supervisors approve TWIC revisions to the County's Federal and State Legislative Platform in preparation for the 2018 Legislative Session.
Fiscal Impact (if any):

For TWIC Review - 2017 to 2018 STATE Platform_Staff Revisions.pdf
For TWIC Review - 2017 to 2018 FEDERAL Platform_Staff Revisions.pdf
2017 DRAFT CCTA State Advocacy Program
2017 DRAFT CCTA Federal Advocacy Program