Meeting Date: 08/22/2016  
Subject: DISCUSS possible creation of Citizen Advisory Committee on Sustainability.
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: N/A  
Referral Name: N/A
Presenter: Jody London, Sustainability Coordinator, DCD Contact: Jody London (925)674-7871

Referral History:
There is no referral history for this item.  

Referral Update:

In December 2015, the Board of Supervisors adopted the County’s Climate Action Plan (CAP). The CAP establishes goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Contra Costa County by 2020 and 2035. These emission reduction goals are in six sectors: energy efficiency, renewable energy, land use and transportation, waste, water, and government operations. The goals are for the unincorporated areas of the County, and County government operations.

Contra Costa County residents, community groups, and businesses have deep interest, expertise, and experience in sustainability issues. Some gravitate more to specific aspects of sustainability and the CAP, and/or work on these issues in a region of the County. As the County deepens its work on sustainability, it should take advantage of the human resources within the County that can advise on how best to achieve the CAP and sustainability goals, and better prepare the County for climate change.

Below, DCD provides suggestions on how a Citizen Advisory Committee on Sustainability might operate.

Function: The function of the Citizen Advisory Committee would be to provide advice on successful implementation of the CAP, including suggestions on how that work can be performed more efficiently and effectively.

Sunset Date: As an advisory body to the Ad Hoc Sustainability Committee, the Citizen Advisory Committee would expire when the Ad Hoc Committee is disbanded (no date has been determined for that).

Reports To: Board of Supervisors.

Membership: Nine members.
There are different options that can be used to comprise the members, described below:

a. One appointed by each Supervisor (5); Four at-large members appointed by the Board of Supervisors (4).
b. One appointed by each Supervisor (5); two representing community groups whose mission includes sustainability and/or environmental issues (2); and two representing commercial groups or organizations whose business focuses on sustainability and/or environmental issues (2).
c. One appointed by each Supervisor (5); two at-large members appointed by the Board of Supervisors (2); one member representing a community group whose mission includes sustainability and/or environmental issues (1); and one member representing a commercial group or organization whose business focuses on sustainability and/or environmental issues (1).
d. 11 seats, as follows. Two members representing businesses in the County (2); two members representing cities (2); two members representing environmental organizations focused on sustainability (2); one member representing the general public (1); one member from the League of Women Voters (1); and one member representing labor (1). Advisory Committee meetings operate under the County’s Better Government Ordinance and are open to the public.

Office Term: Two years, with initial terms being staggered in order to maintain continuity of committee deliberations.

Term Limits: None.

Meeting Time: To be determined.

Compensation: None.


Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE report from staff recommending that the Ad Hoc Sustainability Committee recommend to the Board of Supervisors the establishment of a Citizen Advisory Committee on Sustainability.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
The fiscal impact of establishing a citizen advisory committee to the Ad Hoc Committee on Sustainability will consist of in-kind time and resources from the County to select and staff the citizen advisory committee. These services can be provided by the Sustainability Coordinator, who is based in the Department of Conservation and Development (DCD).