Meeting Date: 07/20/2016  
Subject: 3-Acre Non-Aviation Business Park Development at Buchanan Field
Submitted For: Keith Freitas,
Department: Airports
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Contact: Beth Lee, (925) 681-4200

Referral History:
On December 8, 2015, the Contra Costa County Public Works – Airports Division received a letter of interest from a private party to develop an industrial business park use on approximately 3 acres of land owned by the County and located on the northeast corner of Marsh Drive and Sally Ride Drive on the west side of Buchanan Field Airport. The parcel is designated for non-aviation use on the Buchanan Field Master Plan.
Per adopted procedures, the County notified existing commercial tenants at Buchanan Field and Byron and publicized the notice to solicit other competitive interest in the property. The response deadline was January 14, 2016, and the County did not receive any additional letters of interest to develop this property.  On March 29, 2016, the Board of Supervisors authorized County staff to negotiate a lease with the proposed developer.
To develop this property for its highest and best use, a General Plan Amendment to change Policy 3-98 was necessary. Policy 3-98, which specified a development limit of 18,500 square feet for the 3-acre site, was included with other General Plan changes in 2008 to bring land use conformity with the updated Buchanan Field Master Plan. At that time there were several large, planned Airport development projects and, as a result, the business park development envelope was limited to 18,500 square feet in order to address the cumulative peak hour trip generation concerns (total not to exceed 99). Subsequently, however, the economy went into a recession which resulted in none of the planned Airport projects proceeding.
A General Plan Amendment to increase the development envelope to a maximum of 52,300 square feet of industrial business park use was approved by the Board of Supervisors on June 21, 2016. The business users are expected to be more service oriented with little, or no, point of sale expected at the site; a maximum of 20% of the space would be office and the balance (80% or greater) of the space would be warehouse.
Development of this 3-acre vacant parcel for business park use would expand economic development activity at Buchanan Field Airport and lead to increased revenues to the Airport Enterprise Fund. This development will also facilitate the growth and development as identified in the adopted Buchanan Field Airport Master Plan.  A business proposal must be consistent with the Airport Master Plan and General Plan for consideration. County staff is working with the development interest, Montecito at Buchanan Field, to negotiate lease terms.

The lease will be scheduled for the Board of Supervisors review and consideration once the environmental review process has been completed.
Referral Update:
Not Applicable
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
3-Acre Non-Aviation Business Park Development at Buchanan Field (Review and Discuss)

This is a general discussion and review of the proposed business activity and status.
Fiscal Impact (if any):