Meeting Date: 04/25/2016  
Submitted For: Russell Watts,
Department: Treasurer-Tax Collector
Referral No.: IOC 16/5  
Referral Name: Advisory Body Recruitment
Presenter: Russell Watts, Treasurer-Tax Collector Contact: Russell Watts 925.957.2801

Referral History:
In 2013, IOC reviewed Board Resolution Nos. 2011/497 and 2011/498, which stipulate that applicants for At Large/Non Agency-Specific seats on specified bodies are to be interviewed by a Board Committee.  The IOC made a determination that it would conduct interviews for At Large seats on the following bodies: Retirement Board, Fire Advisory Commission, Integrated Pest Management Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, Treasury Oversight Board, Airport Land Use Commission, Aviation Advisory Committee and the Fish & Wildlife Committee; and that screening and nomination fill At Large seats on all other eligible bodies would be delegated each body or a subcommittee thereof.

The purpose of the TOC is to review the County's investment policy; regularly monitor the County Investment Pool's performance; and report on the pool's performance to the Board of Supervisors. 

The TOC is composed of two ex-officio and seven appointed members: the County Treasurer; the Auditor-Controller; one representative appointed by the Board of Supervisors; the County Superintendent of Schools or designee; one representative selected by a majority of the presiding officers of the governing bodies of the school districts and the community college district in the county; one representative selected by a majority of the presiding officers of the legislative bodies of the special districts in the county that are required or authorized to deposit funds in the County Treasury; three members of the public, a majority of whom shall have expertise in, or an academic background in, public finance and who shall be economically diverse and bipartisan in political registration.
Referral Update:
On April 30, 2016, the terms of the Board of Supervisors Representative seat and the Public #3 seat will expire.  A two week recruitment was conducted and three applications were received:
  • Don Bouchet (incumbent, Concord)
  • Dan Heinrich (incumbent, Danville)
  • Julian Metcalf (El Cerrito)
The three applicants were invited to interview with the IOC today.  Mr. Bouchet and Mr. Metcalf confirmed that they will attend today's meeting.  Mr. Heinrich has a previous commitment and will be unable to attend today's meeting.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
INTERVIEW candidates for vacancies on the Treasury Oversight Committee:  the Board of Supervisors Representative seat and  the Public No. 3 seat, for four-year terms ending April 30, 2020, and determine recommendations for Board of Supervisors consideration. 
Fiscal Impact (if any):
No fiscal impact.

Media Release_Treasury Oversight Committee Vacancies
Candidate Application_Don Bouchet_ TOC
Candidate Application_Dan Heinrich_TOC
Candidate Application_Julian Metcalf_TOC
Treasury Oversight Committee Roster_April 2016