Meeting Date: 06/01/2015  
Subject: Pedestrian-Rail Safety
Submitted For: John Kopchik,
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: 14  
Referral Name: Freight transportation issues, including but not limited to potential increases in rail traffic such as that proposed by the Port of Oakland and other possible service increases, safety of freight trains, rail corridors, and...
Presenter: Robert Sarmiento, Planner Contact: Robert Sarmiento (925)674-7822

Referral History:
At the April 3, 2014 TWIC meeting, Supervisor Andersen and Supervisor Piepho directed the Department of Conservation and Development (DCD) staff to review the issue of pedestrian-rail safety in the County and report back with information regarding the current state of pedestrian-rail safety in the County and any improvements that could be made. At the October 9, 2014 TWIC meeting, Robert Sarmiento, DCD staff, reported on educational, enforcement, and engineering efforts that could be undertaken to prevent pedestrian-rail incidents. The Supervisors responded to the report with recommendations, specifically to:

1. Pursue the Operation Lifesaver Grant and other safety-related grants,

2. Coordinate with Contra Costa Television (CCTV) to broadcast safety outreach on its TV channel, and

3. Approach the local refineries for assistance for safety outreach and efforts.
Referral Update:
1. Pursue the Operation Lifesaver Grant and other safety-related grants;
DCD staff is monitoring the Operation Lifesaver website for upcoming safety grant opportunities and will apply when available. In the meantime, DCD staff is pursuing a safety grant opportunity with the Union Pacific Railroad Company that is due by August 14.

2. Coordinate with CCTV to broadcast safety outreach;
DCD staff met with CCTV staff on April 23 to discuss outreach opportunities. DCD staff presented a draft Pedestrian-Rail Safety Public Safety Announcement (PSA) (Attachment A) that would be used on the CCTV channel. CCTV will look at similar outreach efforts from other jurisdictions and transit agencies and mirror them. CCTV will provide DCD staff with a number of outreach options, with varying magnitude, along with their costs. CCTV and DCD staff will continue to work together on this outreach effort. 

3. Approach the local refineries for assistance for safety outreach and efforts;
DCD staff contacted the local refineries to determine if they can provide any pedestrian-rail safety enhancements on the railroad tracks that go to or are in proximity to their refinery, but the refineries responded that since the tracks are not within their jurisdiction, they cannot implement any enhancements.  DCD will follow up with the refineries to see if they can provide some funding assistance for any forthcoming safety outreach efforts that the County will undertake.

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE update on Pedestrian-Rail Safety issues and DIRECT staff as appropriate.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
Current activities are accommodated within the existing budget.  As the County moves to specific implementation steps, any fiscal impacts will be disclosed.

Attachment A Pedestrian Rail Safety PSA