Meeting Date: 08/16/2023  
Subject: DISCUSS the MXCAB's role in recommending funding priorities for available Measure X funds
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.: N/A  
Referral Name: N/A
Presenter: Mariana Moore, MXCAB Chair Contact: Mariana Moore

Referral History:
At the May budget hearing, the Board of Supervisors requested that the County Administrator's Office follow up with County departments and Board Supervisors to solicit proposals for new Measure X projects. On June 12, 2023, the memo attached provided background on available funding and instructions on how to apply for new allocations. $4.67M in ongoing Measure X funds is currently available for allocation. After fiscal year-end close out this September, the Board may also identify unspent expenditure authority from prior Measure X allocations available for new one-time projects. Proposals are anticipated to subsequently be submitted to MXCAB for consideration and recommendations on funding priorities. 
Referral Update:
Attached for discussion are the instructions sent to county departments soliciting proposals for new Measure X allocations, the Measure X Funding Allocations approved by the Board of Supervisors in the FY23-24 Adopted Budget, the RFP template form, outlines of the process and timelines, and draft memos from MXCAB to the Board of Supervisors and county department heads. 
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
REVIEW the process and timeline for MXCAB to create and submit Measure X general funding priority recommendations to the Board of Supervisors
Fiscal Impact (if any):
Net neutral -- Existing appropriations would be reappropriated for new Measure X allocations 

MXCAB recommendations process and timelines
MXCAB letter to the Board, and MXCAB operating principles
Unfunded MXCAB recommendations