Meeting Date: 05/22/2023  
Subject: Measure X Housing Fund Recommendations
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.: N/A  
Referral Name: N/A
Presenter: Gabriel Lemus, Asst Deputy Director & Jamie Schecter, Homeless Services Chief Contact: Danielle Fokkema, (925) 655-2047

Referral History:
In June 2021, the Department of Conservation and Development (DCD), the Health Services Department's Health, Housing and Homeless Services division (H3), and the Housing Authority of Contra Costa County (Housing Authority) submitted a joint proposal to the Measure X Community Advisory Board (MXCAB) to recommend Measure X funding to a new Housing Fund that would fund affordable housing and a broad list of housing-related services. On November 16, 2021, the Board considered recommendations from MXCAB, approved the Housing Fund proposal, and committed a $10 million allocation for Year One and $12 million on an annual basis thereafter as supported by Measure X funding.

On September 20, 2022, DCD and H3 staff presented an updated on the Measure X Housing Fund to the Board of Supervisors, including the proposed Year 1 Program plan. The Board authorized the departments to proceed with Request for Proposals (RFPs) for various affordable housing and homelessness prevention and crisis response projects, consistent with the approach outlined in the presentation. Bringing the funding recommendations to a Board Committee was included in the proposed Process for Funding Distribution.

H3 and DCD conducted a collaborative community input process to create the RFP released on January 11, 2023 and responses to the RFP were due March 3, 2023. Applications were reviewed and ranked according to an established rubric and process, and on April 23, 2023, H3 and DCD notified applicants of funding recommendations. All applicants were notified that recommendations would be considered by the Board’s Family and Human Services Committee on May 22, 2023, and the Committee’s recommendations were expected to be considered by the full Board in June 2023.
Referral Update:
As, specified in the September 20, 2022 presentation to the Board of Supervisors, DCD and H3 are bringing the Measure X Housing Fund recommendations to a Board of Supervisors Committee. The departments requested to present to the Family and Human Services Committee due to the relation to its Homelessness Services referral and annual funding considerations for Community Development Block Grant - Public Sector category and Emergency Solutions Grant projects.

Please see the attached memorandum for additional information. 
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
Approve staff funding recommendations of Measure X Housing Fund for affordable housing and homelessness prevention projects awards, as concluded by the Request for Proposals process conducted by the Department of Conservation and Development and the Health Services Department's Health, Housing, and Homeless Services division, and direct staff to forward the recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for their information.

Measure X Funding Recommendations