Meeting Date: 05/15/2023  
Subject: RECEIVE REPORT and PROVIDE DIRECTION Regarding All-Electric Roadmap for Existing Buildings
Submitted For: John Kopchik,
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.:  
Referral Name: RECEIVE REPORT and PROVIDE DIRECTION Regarding All-Electric Roadmap for Existing Buildings
Presenter: Demian Hardman-Saldana, DCD Contact: Demian Hardman-Saldana, 925-655-2816

Referral History:
In January 2022, the Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance requiring new construction in unincorporated Contra Costa County to be all-electric. This ordinance took effect in June 2022.

County sustainability staff participated in 2021-2022 in a study project hosted by RMI and the Emerald Cities Collaborative on Transitioning Existing Buildings to All-Electric. 
Referral Update:
Department of Conservation and Development (DCD) staff will provide a report on the development of a draft roadmap to convert existing buildings to be all-electric. The report will provide an overview of the content expected to be in the roadmap.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE Report on Development of Roadmap to Convert Existing Buildings to All-Electric and PROVIDE DIRECTION, as needed. (Demian Hardman-Saldana, DCD)
Fiscal Impact (if any):
There is no fiscal impact.  Measure X funding from the County is allocated to cover the staff time for this project. 

Presentation – Report on All-Electric Existing Buildings Roadmap