Meeting Date: 03/28/2022  
Subject: RECEIVE REPORT from Sustainability Coordinator.
Submitted For: Jody London,
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: N/A  
Referral Name: RECEIVE REPORT from Sustainability Coordinator.
Presenter: Jody London, DCD Contact: Jody London (925)655-2815

Referral History:
This is a standing item of the Committee.
Referral Update:
Key activities since the Sustainability Committee’s last meeting on November 23, 2021, are listed below.
  • On January 18, 2022, the Board of Supervisors adopted the all-electric ordinance for all new construction of residential and some new non-residential construction, such as retail, office, and hotels. The new requirements will go into effect June 1, 2022.  Staff has submitted the documentation to the California Energy Commission, which must approve the ordinance because it is stricter than State building code.
  • Demian Hardman-Saldana presented on the all-electric ordinance at the February 22, 2022, “Reaching Beyond” webinar series, attended by local governments across the state.
  • Staff planned and facilitated a meeting of the Interdepartmental Climate Action Task Force on February 15, in advance of the semi-annual report to the Board of Supervisors on March 22. The Task Force is working to successfully launch and support the G3 Champions (Green Government Group), volunteer County staff who will help their County departments adopt best practices from the County's Green Business Program and identify opportunities for further action. Recruitment for the G3 Champions is anticipated to begin in late March.
  • The Health Services Department recently joined Practice Greenhealth, a non-profit membership organization founded on the principles of positive environmental stewardship and best practices by organizations in the health care community. Practice Greenhealth will help the County identify opportunities to reduce waste from County medical facilities.
  • The Health Services Department is leading an application from the County to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District for an AB 836 Clean Air Center Grant. The purpose of this non-competitive grant is to enhance protection from wildfire smoke exposure for vulnerable populations. It will help fund air filters for community centers, libraries, and other buildings where people gather during smoke events.
  • Sustainability staff continue to support the General Plan update. Staff is working on a schedule to have the Sustainability Commission review those parts of the General Plan that are related to the Climate Action Plan; this is in addition to the environmental justice policies, which the Sustainability Commission has been reviewing since last year.
  • Sustainability staff organized and hosted the first 2022 meeting of the Sustainability Exchange, a quarterly gathering for local government staff in Contra Costa County who work on sustainability issues to network and learn from one another. The topic was environmental justice. The meeting featured a presentation on the County’s work on environmental justice for the General Plan update.
  • Through grants from the State and Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Contra Costa Health Services and Department of Conservation and Development staff continue to implement the Contra Costa Asthma Initiative.  The program provides in-home asthma trigger mitigations and energy efficiency measures to Contra Costa Health Plan Medical members with moderate to severe asthma.
  • Healthy Lands, Healthy People, the carbon sequestration feasibility study funded through a grant from the California Department of Conservation, is underway. The team is developing a video and survey about carbon sequestration in natural and working lands and will host a series of focus groups later this year. The team is also analyzing land uses to identify options for carbon sequestration appropriate for each.
  • The Sustainability group in the Department of Conservation and Development (DCD) welcomed a new planner, Nicole Shimizu, on February 15. Nicole was previously a Climate Corps Fellow with DCD.
  • The Public Works Department has a new Energy Manager for County facilities. Brendan Havenar-Daughton started February 22.
  • Public Works is working to launch the Sustainability Fund for investments in County facilities that support Climate Action Plan goals. The Measure X funds will be released to departments in April.
  • Administrative Bulletins 507 and 508 have been updated to require purchase of Zero Emission Vehicles (battery electric, hydrogen, plug-in hybrid with battery range of at least 30 miles) unless justification based on operational need is approved by the County Administrator’s Office.
  • Public Works is exploring opportunities for County facilities to participate in MCE’s Strategic Energy Management Program.
  • Public Works continues developing the Vision Zero Action Plan and the Active Transportation Plan.
    • The Vision Zero Action Plan is designed to be an equitable, sustainable, multimodal transportation system where users of all ages and abilities can travel conveniently, reliably, and free from harm. The Vision Zero Action Plan was approved by the Board of Supervisors on March 1, 2022.
    • The Active Transportation Plan will focus on improving walking, biking, and rolling (i.e., wheeled mobility devices used by people with disabilities, strollers, scooters, skateboards, etc.) in the unincorporated areas of the County. The draft report is available for public review now. It will likely go to the Board of Supervisors for approval on April 12, 2022.
  • On December 7, 2021, the Board of Supervisors adopted the East Contra Costa Groundwater Sustainability Plan. The purpose of the plan, which is developed in accordance with the state’s 2014 Sustainable Groundwater Management Act, is for groundwater to be managed by local public agencies to ensure a groundwater basin is operated within its sustainable yield. See attachment for further details.
  • DCD staff in the fall 2021 submitted two grant applications, with a total funding request of $315,500, to the CalTrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant Program:
    • Parr Boulevard Complete Street Project – Richmond Parkway to Union Pacific Railroad (North Richmond)- The project proposes to widen Parr Boulevard from Richmond Parkway to the Union Pacific Railroad crossing (approximately 0.96-mile study segment) and provide complete street improvements. This project could also potentially tie into a Complete Streets effort currently underway on Giant Road in the City of San Pablo.
    • Tara Hills Drive Complete Streets Project (Tara Hills) - The project proposes to install bicycle and pedestrian improvements along Tara Hills Drive from San Pablo Avenue to the end of Tara Hills Drive and Cornelius Drive (approximately 0.67-mile study segment) to the City of Pinole.
  • The Federal government authorized funding to begin planning work for economic transition. The federal omnibus appropriations package (H.R. 2471) includes $750,000 for this purpose.
  • Staff participated in professional learning opportunities regarding environmental justice, carbon sequestration, communication and facilitation strategies, race and equity, and related.
  • Sustainability staff collaborated with County staff working on topics including land use and transportation, hazardous materials, green business program, the County’s state and federal legislative platforms, economic development, health, codes, solid waste, energy, and related.
  • Staff participated in regional activities.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECEIVE report from Sustainability Coordinator.
Fiscal Impact (if any):