Meeting Date: 03/14/2022  
Submitted For: Monica Nino,
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.: IOC 22/5  
Referral Name: Advisory Body Recruitment
Presenter: Julie Enea Contact: Julie DiMaggio Enea 925.655.2056

Referral History:
Per IOC policy, the IOC conducts interviews for At Large seats on the following bodies: Retirement Board, Fire Advisory Commission, Integrated Pest Management Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, Treasury Oversight Board, Airport Land Use Commission, Aviation Advisory Committee and the Fish & Wildlife Committee; and delegates the screening and nomination fill At Large seats on all other eligible bodies to each body or a subcommittee thereof.

In November 2017, the County submitted an application to the Contra Costa Local Agency Formation District (LAFCo) to dissolve the Los Medanos Community Healthcare District (District). On July 10, 2018, the Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution amending its original application to LAFCo to include a plan for providing comprehensive health-related services within the District’s territory. As part of that amended application, the Board adopted Resolution No. 2018/436, which created the Los Medanos Health Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee). The Board formed the Advisory Committee to identify health disparities within the District’s borders and to make recommendations related to a grant program to be conducted in the District’s territory. The Advisory Committee initially consisted of five members and its formation is contingent upon the dissolution of the District.

On September 12, 2018, LAFCo voted unanimously to dissolve the District in support of the County’s application. As part of that action, LAFCo imposed certain terms and conditions on the County as successor agency, including expansion of the Advisory Committee from five to seven members. The Board of Supervisors subsequently adopted Resolution No. 2018/543 (attached) on November 6, 2018 expanding the Advisory Committee and making related adjustments to the terms of office for those seats. The current composition of the Advisory Committee calls for (1) one At Large seat, to be interviewed by the IOC and recommended to the full Board for appointment.

In January 2019, Contra Costa County Superior Court Judge Steven Austin issued a temporary stay to prevent the LAFCo from dismantling the healthcare district before a February 2019 protest hearing. The District Board filed a petition to compel LAFCo to hold an election over whether the District should dissolve instead of ordering the dissolution without an election.  The trial court granted the District's petition but, in December 2021, the appellate court overturned the trial court's decision and found in favor of the County and LAFCO .

On April 16, 2021, prior to the appellate court decision, Assemblymember Jim Frazier (D-Fairfield) passed AB 903 through the Assembly Local Government Committee on a unanimous vote of 8-0 to dissolve the Los Medanos Community Healthcare District. AB 903 would have dissolved the Los Medanos Community Healthcare District and required the County to be the successor of all rights and responsibilities of the district. AB 903 would have  also required the county to complete a property tax transfer process to ensure the transfer of the district’s health-related ad valorem property tax revenues to the county in order to operate the Los Medanos Area Health Plan Grant Program.  The December 2021 appellate court decision rendered AB 903 moot.

The District appealed the appellate court decision to the California Supreme Court. On March 9, 2022, the Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal, effectively dissolving the District.
Referral Update:
In anticipation of the dissolution of the District, the County, on January 24, 2022, opened a four-week recruitment to fill the At Large seat on the Advisory Committee.  The County received four applications, however, one applicant was deemed ineligible due to the requirement that members must reside or work in the District.  Applications for the three applicants deemed qualified are attached.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
INTERVIEW applicants for the At Large seat of the Los Medanos Health Advisory Committee for an initial term to commence upon the dissolution of the Los Medanos Community Healthcare District and end on December 31, 2023, and DETERMINE recommendation for Board of Supervisors consideration:

Frank Jones (Concord, but serves District residents)
Patt Young (Pittsburg, former LMCHD Board of Directors member)
Dennisha Marsh (Pittsburg, former LMCHD Board of Directors member)
Fiscal Impact (if any):
No fiscal impact.

BOS Resolution 2018/543 Augmenting Membership of the LMHAC
Media Release_Los Medanos Health Advisory Committee
Application_Frank Jones_Los Medanos Health Advisory Cte
Application_Dennisha Marsh_Los Medanos Health Advisory Cte
Application_Patt Young_Los Medanos Health Advisory Cte