Meeting Date: 03/14/2022  
Subject: Consider Supporting the Shortcut Pipeline Replacement Project Proposed by the Contra Costa Water District
Department: Conservation & Development
Referral No.: 4  
Referral Name: Monitor EBMUD and Contra Costa Water District projects and activities.
Presenter: Ryan Hernandez Contact: (925) 655-2919

Referral History:
Contra Costa Water District's (CCWD) Shortcut Pipeline Phase 3 Improvements Project has not been heard by the Transportation, Water & Infrastructure Committee.
Referral Update:
The existing Shortcut Pipeline is a large diameter, concrete pipeline that was installed in 1972 with an average flow of 13 million gallons per day of untreated water. The five-mile pipeline starts at Contra Costa Canal in Clyde and terminates at the Martinez Reservoir. CCWD is responsible for operating and maintaining the Shortcut Pipeline under contract with the US Bureau of Reclamation and has completed three leak repairs since the pipeline was constructed, including one near Walnut Creek and the Concord Fault after the Loma Prieta Earthquake. The Shortcut Pipeline is the primary source of drinking water for the City of Martinez and provides an uninterrupted supply of process water to large industrial users including the PBF Martinez Refinery.

An inspection in 2018 identified a compromised section of pipeline under the western flood control levee of the Lower Walnut Creek channel, as shown in the attached project vicinity map. Adding risk, the approximate half-mile section of compromised pipeline is also near the Concord Fault. It has been determined this section of the pipeline is no longer reliable.

The Shortcut Pipeline Phase 3 Improvements Project proposes to install two High Density Polyethylene pipelines under the Walnut Creek channel and connect them to the existing pipeline to bypass the damaged section of pipe. Dual pipelines ensure sufficient capacity and provides increased redundancy and seismic reliability. The pipelines will be installed by Horizontal Directional Drilling, which is an innovative and proven trenchless technology that minimizes environmental impacts. Additionally, the pipelines are proposed to be installed deep below the Walnut Creek channel, which provides safety and protects against future settlement.   

The Phase 3 Improvements Project is 60% designed and documents for pubic review, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, are being prepared. CCWD anticipates the project will got to bid February 2023 and planned construction from August 2023 through December 2024 (17months). 

The Shortcut Pipeline Phase 3 Improvements Project is a significant investment ($14 million) that is critically important as it improves reliable delivery of water for public health (drinking water), public safety (fire protection), and economic vitality (industrial users) to Contra Costa County and the region.

CCWD is actively pursuing federal funding through the Senate Energy and Water Development Bill (Fiscal Year 2023) for construction, and they are also seeking outside funding for portions of the project through state and federal implementation, infrastructure, and hazard mitigation grant programs. CCWD requests a letter of support from the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors for the Phase 3 Improvements Project. 

Staff recommends the Committee refer the attached letter of support to the Board of Supervisors for approval.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
CONSIDER recommending the Chair of the Board of Supervisors sign a letter expressing the County's support for the Contra Costa Water District's pursuit of grant funding for the timely replacement and completion of their Shortcut Pipeline Phase 3 Improvements Project.  
Fiscal Impact (if any):
No fiscal impact to the County is associated with supporting the pursuit of grant funding for CCWD's Shortcut Pipeline Phase 3 Improvements Project. 

Project Vicinity Map
Draft - CCC Support Letter for SCPL Funding