Meeting Date: 12/09/2021  
Subject: ACEEO Member Resignations
Submitted For: Karen Caoile,
Department: Risk Management
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Antoine Wilson Contact: (925) 335-1455

Referral History:
The Board makes appointments to two distinct types of seats on its advisory bodies. The following process will be followed for appointments to these two types of seats:

Type 1: Supervisorial District Appointments Applications may be delivered to either the Clerk of the Board or to the District Supervisor's office. Applications received by a Supervisor's office are to be sent to the Clerk of the Board, and a copy is to be retained by the Supervisor's office. The Clerk of the Board will ensure that the Supervisor has a copy of all applications originally filed with the Clerk of the Board.

Type 2: At Large/Countywide Appointments Applications are sent to the Clerk of the Board. The Clerk of the Board will distribute the applications to the appropriate interviewer. With the exception of the Planning Commission and the Treasury Oversight Committee, bodies may generally conduct their own interviews of applicants, unless provided direction by a Board Committee. When an advisory body conducts interviews, the body's recommendation will be provided to a Board Committee for further review, along with all applications received for the applicable seat. In all cases, the Board Committee decides which applicants to nominate for full Board action.

Referral Update:
For many years, the IOC served as the reviewing committee for ACEEO nominations/resignations; however, the mission of the ACEEO is more consistent with the Board's Hiring Outreach and Oversight Committee, which is now designated as the reviewing committee for ACEEO nominations/resignations to the following seats:

Community 1, 2, 3, & 4
Labor Involved in Training  
Union Seats 1 &2  
Management Seats 1 & 2
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
ACCEPT the resignations of George Carter (Veterans Seat), Marilynn Schuyler (Business Seat), and Tracey Walker (Union Seat #1) for the Advisory Council on Equal Employment Opportunity (ACEEO) and DECLARE the vacancies on the Council.  DIRECT the Clerk of the Board to post the vacancies as recommended by the ACEEO.

2021 ACEEO Members