AIRPORTS COMMITTEE   9. d.          
Meeting Date: 03/09/2022  
Subject: Discuss16-acres non-aeronautical use development, Buchanan Field
Department: Airports
Referral No.:  
Referral Name:
Presenter: Contact:

Referral History:
FAA forecasts are used to determine long-term demand for aviation facilities and the amount of land needed for those facilities. The land denoted for aviation use on an airport layout plan (ALP) correlates to the long-term aviation facility needs.

The existing ALP shows the approximate 16-acres of vacant land on the northeast of Marsh Drive and Sally Ride Drive (generally across from the Airports Division office) for aviation use. In order for that land to be used for aviation facilities, a taxilane would need to be extended from the airfield. Further, that taxilane would cross Sally Ride Drive causing it to be severed. Thus, a new second connection to Marsh Drive would be required on the north end so that tenants can continue to access their hangars/buildings once the taxilane is installed. These combined improvements would be very expensive which would likely cause the land to remain vacant and unproductive.

The current forecasts for the ALP update indicate there is substantially more land currently reserved for aviation uses than needed to meet future demand. This, combined with the high cost to connect this property to the airfield, make the 16-acres economically infeasible for aviation use. As such, it was determined that this land should be released for non-aviation use.

County staff discussed the findings the FAA Airport District Office staff and they conceptually agreed with the approach and suggested that a land release request package be prepared in order for them to make a determination. The cost to prepare a documented categorical exclusion (CATEX) is approximately $122,000. It is possible that an Environmental Assessment may be required if there are identified critical items during the preparation of the CATEX or if the FAA determines that a higher level NEPA evaluation is necessary.

Subsequently, the Airports Division received a letter of interest to develop this property for non-aviation use. A competitive solicitation process commenced, and the County did not receive any competitive interest. On December 4, 2018, the Board authorized negotiations for a ground lease and development terms with the Montecito Development Company, LLC for the approximate 16-acres. Completion of the FAA release of the 16-acres for non-aeronautical use is required before a lease can be executed.
An Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) between Montecito Development Company and the County was reviewed by the Board at their May 7, 2019 meeting. The ENA is necessary for the development team to identify potential tenant(s) and to feel confident in proceeding with all of the review processes, including Federal NEPA environmental review, necessary to complete the FAA process for the release of the land for non-aviation uses. It will also enable the parties to proceed with the land use entitlement process and the CEQA process, as mandated by State law.
On June 18, 2019, the FAA sent written confirmation of their intent to release the airport property for non-aeronautical use. The final FAA approval of the land release request will be based on successful completion and review of the formal land release package submittal by the County. On September 9, 2019, FAA staff found a copy of a letter that released the land for non-aviation use dated October 18, 1982, and FAA staff confirmed that this past action is still applicable. County staff is in process of negotiating lease and development terms with Montecito Development Company team. The Buchanan Field Flood Report update has been completed and provides the mitigation options for this project as it located along the drainage ditch on the west side of the airport.
The project sponsor is working with staff from the Department of Conservation and Development as they perform the environmental studies and analysis to secure planning entitlements for the property.

Referral Update:
The proposed subtenant for this development has pulled out of the project so the developer is revising the site plan to allow for multiple tenants.

Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
Discuss the 16-acre development, Buchanan Field. This is a general discussion about the status of the proposed project.

Fiscal Impact (if any):
The Airport Enterprise Fund will no longer need to be used to cover the additional land release project expenses.