Meeting Date: 09/27/2021  
Subject: RECOMMEND Appointment to FACT
Submitted For: Monica Nino,
Department: County Administrator
Referral No.: NA  
Referral Name: Advisory Board Appointment
Presenter: Laura Malone Contact: Laura Malone; 8-4943

Referral History:
On December 6, 2011 the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 2011/497 adopting policy governing appointments to boards, committees, and commissions that are advisory to the Board of Supervisors. Included in this resolution was the requirement that applications for at-large/countywide seats be reviewed by a Board of Supervisors sub-committee. The Family and Children’s Trust Committee (FACT), was established in 1982 by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors to make funding recommendations on the allocation of a variety of funds for prevention and intervention services to reduce child abuse and neglect, provide supportive services to families and children, and promote a more coordinated, seamless system of services for families. Funding for FACT supported projects derived from federal and state program legislation, and donations to the County’s Family and Children’s Trust Fund. Every two years, the members of the FACT establish a series of County priorities for the use of these funds through review of existing data and reports and by holding Public Hearings in various areas of the county. The Committee then develops a competitive bidding process to select non-profit, community-based agencies that can best provide the services determined to be most important. Program recommendations are made to the Board of Supervisors which makes the final funding decisions. The Committee continues to evaluate these funded programs to ensure continued provision of quality service and achievement of stated goals. Programs currently being supported include countywide parenting classes, therapeutic day care for emotionally disturbed children, treatment for families, young children and teens with both substance abuse and child abuse issues, services for homeless families, and projects to support children whose mothers have been victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The FACT has up to fifteen members who are appointed by the Board and include citizens with expertise in children’s issues, education, law, non-profit agency management, public health, and program research/evaluation. In addition, the Director of the Child Abuse Prevention Council sits as ex-officio member of the Committee and participates in all matters except actually voting on funding recommendations. Terms for all Commission seats are two years. At-Large and non-District appointed seat vacancies on the FACT have been assigned for Family and Human Services Committee (F&HS) review since 2003.
Referral Update:
At-Large Seat 1was declared vacant on July 27, 2021 upon transition of a FACT Committee member to the vacant District III Seat. The FACT Committee voted on April 5, 2021 to recommend appointment of Audra Carrion to At-Large Seat 1. Candidates for appointment to the FACT Committee typically serve a two-year term. The At-Large Seat 1 currently has a term expiration of September 30, 2022.
Recommendation(s)/Next Step(s):
RECOMMEND that the Board of Supervisors:
  • APPOINT Audra Carrion to At-Large Seat 1 expiring on September 30, 2022 on the Family and Children's Trust Committee, as recommended by the Employment and Human Services Department.
Fiscal Impact (if any):
No fiscal impact.

Recommendation Memo and Application - Carrion
FACT Roster - September 2021